
In the face of Whitebeard, Crocodile used his fruit ability to form a sand storm with his power, controlling the storm to hit Whitebeard’s location, and getting stronger and stronger. By the time Whitebeard was in front of it, it had formed a huge sand storm. Even a giant can easily be blown away by a sand storm.

"There are two things."

Crocodile's attack was indeed very strong, but Whitebeard chuckled, raised his right hand, and hit the void in front of him with a punch. In an instant, several cracks appeared in the air in front of him, and then Crocodile's sand storm It collapsed in an instant, and all fell in the blink of an eye.

"Desert Sword!"

Crocodile was not in a hurry, but continued to make a stronger attack, twisting his hands constantly, his arms turned into sand blades, and then became immensely huge, and the momentum was extremely shocking.

But no matter how sharp Crocodile's attack was, Whitebeard in front of him was still as domineering as before, and he was a punch in the face of any attack.

Crocodile attacked Whitebeard one after another. After a while, his head was covered with cold sweat, but Whitebeard in front of him still didn't move a step, every time he punched lightly, as if he was performing alone. of.

"Ah! Desert Sword! Sandstorm! Desert Diamond Sword!..."

Only Crocodile’s angry roar was heard on the sea. His pirate ship had become fragmented and crumbling due to his attack, but he didn’t care at all. Only Whitebeard was left in his eyes, desperate to defeat Whitebeard. .

As for Whitebeard, because of the relationship between Marco and Ji Lingyun, he has always been passively defensive, not actively attacking, just looking at Crocodile so faintly, there is even a smile on the corner of his mouth, such an understatement.

"That kid is really overwhelming. He still doesn't admit defeat yet?"

The people of the Whitebeard Pirates have been watching the battle between Crocodile and Whitebeard as if they were watching a play. As a rookie, Crocodile has excellent strength and abilities. Even if it is placed in the Whitebeard Pirates, it definitely has a place; However, he chose Whitebeard, the strongest pirate in the world, as his opponent. The two are no longer of the same grade. If Whitebeard is willing, he can easily defeat Crocodile, so this battle is basically just watching the show. .

Marco smiled: "This kid also has a bit of perseverance, and his moves and abilities are also good, but it's a pity that his eyes are a little bad. After playing for so long, haven't you found the gap between him and his father?"(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Joz said: "Isn't that the newcomer. I think that with a little skill, he will be invincible. This Crocodile is definitely a very arrogant person, so even if he finds his weakness, he is not willing to admit failure easily.

Ji Lingyun suddenly said, "Look, Daddy is about to end the battle."

That's right, after playing for so long, Whitebeard also saw Crocodile clearly, knowing that Crocodile had shown all his strength, but now it is getting weaker and weaker, so he has no intention of continuing to fight.

I saw Whitebeard slammed a punch, directly blasting Crocodile into the air, Crocodile vomited blood and fell to the ground embarrassedly, but his eyes were still fixed on Whitebeard, his eyes were still as unruly as ever.


Crocodile's subordinates all exclaimed when they saw Crocodile being knocked down by Whitebeard, but Whitebeard shouted violently, "Get out of the way!"

Conqueror's Haki radiated from him, and a horrible aura swept the entire pirate ship. Except for a few pirates, the rest were stunned by Whitebeard's Haki.

Whitebeard looked at Crocodile and asked, "Boy, do you want to kill Laozi now?"

Crocodile stared at Whitebeard fiercely and shouted, "Whitebeard, even if I lose, you don't need to insult me ​​like this, kill or slash, and give Laozi a happy one."

"Goo la la la..."

Whitebeard laughed and pointed to Crocodile and said, "Boy, this is not the attitude that a prisoner should have. Even if you are not afraid of death, do you want your brothers to die with you?"

Crocodile's face changed. He is now a newcomer, not as cold and ruthless as he was later, so it is naturally impossible to be indifferent to his companions.

Whitebeard continued, "Boy, because you helped Lingyun in Logue Town, Laozi will not kill you."

"Lingyun? Is that the kid from Logue town?"

Hearing Whitebeard's words, Crocodile suddenly remembered the boy who was in Logue town back then, the boy who illuminated the execution ceremony of Logue town like a shooting star. That moment was so unforgettable that Crocodile would naturally not forget.

But then he roared angrily: "Laozi's life doesn't need to be saved by others' pity, Whitebeard, if you have the ability, you will kill me, but you are going to let my subordinates go."

Whitebeard laughed and said, "Laozi will not kill you if he said that he will not kill you. Even if you want to die, it depends on whether Laozi agrees."

"Now Laozi gives you two choices!"

Crocodile looked at Whitebeard, wondering what Whitebeard meant.

Whitebeard said: "First, join Laozi's staff with you; second, get out of here with those who lead you!"

Crocodile's strength is not weak, Logia Devil Fruit is even rarer, and the future is brighter than most people, so Whitebeard will love talent.

It's just that Whitebeard doesn't understand Crocodile, he just yelled: "Whitebeard, don't humiliate me, I won't join your pirate group, if you don't kill me now, I will kill you in the future.

"Goo la la la..."

Whitebeard couldn’t help laughing. He pointed to Crocodile and said, “There are too many people in the world who want to kill Laozi. Fuck the one who took you!"

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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