
Ji Lingyun's eyes lit up and asked, "Father, what are you talking about?"

Whitebeard snorted, "Didn't you just say that you don't want to go out? Why are you asking what's the matter now?"

Ji Lingyun laughed twice. Whitebeard didn’t embarrass him, and continued: “A friend of mine asked me for help. I hope I can help him. I was going to go in person. I panicked, so I thought about letting you go, how about it, are you interested?"

"I am interested, of course I am interested." Ji Lingyun nodded repeatedly and asked, "Father, what is it?"

Whitebeard said: "It's The fish men island. Neptune, the king of The fish men island, is my old friend. It's unspeakable, so Neptune asked me to help suppress it."

Ji Lingyun understood it as soon as he heard it. He asked, "Father, what do you mean is to take The fish men island under your command and use your name to protect The fish men island?"

Whitebeard nodded and said, "That's how Neptune asked me. He is my friend, so I want to help him."

Ji Lingyun said: "Father, what kind of help you are talking about? Although your name is very famous, it is not that simple to deter everyone. At least those Marines are hard to hear us And The fish men island is the only way for the pirates to get to the New World. It’s really difficult to keep The fish men island from being disturbed by the pirates.”

Whitebeard snorted: "Of course I know it's difficult, so I leave it to you. I don't need you to be perfect, but the fish men island must be restored to a certain level. Don't let the pirates on the fish men island Recklessly."

Ji Lingyun mused: "In this case, I know what to do."

Whitebeard said: "This matter is left to you. If it is not handled well, I will stay on the Mobile for the rest of the time. I am not allowed to go anywhere, understand?"

Let Ji Lingyun go to The fish men island, firstly to exercise his abilities, and secondly to let him relax, but if Ji Lingyun is really not enough to deter The fish men island, then Whitebeard will give more attention to Ji Lingyun After all, Ji Lingyun, who is regarded as his successor, not only needs to have strength, but also has a hand, knowing how to win people’s hearts is the key.

Whitebeard said, "I will let Joz and Saatchi follow you."(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"Okay." Ji Lingyun knew that Whitebeard was worried about him, and Neptune of The fish men island was a friend of Whitebeard. If he couldn't handle it well, he could only ask Joz and Saatchi to help.

"I have already told Joz and Saatchi, and they should be ready. When the meeting goes out, you can go directly to them." Whitebeard said to Ji Lingyun.

Ji Lingyun immediately showed excitement when he heard this. He happily said to Whitebeard: "Daddy, you are so kind."

Where he still doesn't understand Whitebeard's intentions, I'm afraid Whitebeard was prepared to let him go from the beginning.

Whitebeard waved his hand and said, "Okay, don't flatter me. This is your first time to act on behalf of our Pirates. I hope you don't let me down."

Ji Lingyun promised: "Don't worry, daddy, I will do it beautifully."

"I just hope you don't cause serious trouble." Whitebeard shook his head and sighed. He knows Ji Lingyun's ability to cause trouble. He still remembers the last Logue town incident.

Ji Lingyun smiled without saying a word, and then said goodbye to Whitebeard. When he walked onto the deck, he happened to see Joz and Saatchi looking at him with a smile.

Saqi smiled and said, "Lingyun, dad let us follow you this time, you are the main force."

Ji Lingyun said, "No problem, is the ship ready?"

Joz said, "I'm ready, Lingyun, do you want to go now?"

Ji Lingyun smiled and said, "Of course, I can finally go out alone, hurry up."

Both Joz and Saatchi knew that Ji Lingyun was in a hurry, so they all smiled, and then they pointed to a pirate ship next to the Moby Dick and said, "The ship is ready, and dozens of them have been selected. An elite should be enough."

Ji Lingyun looked at the Pirate Ship, then got on the ship with Joz and the others, and said as he walked, "I also picked dozens of elites. It seems that the old man is still a little worried about us."

Joz shook his head and said: "This is not, Lingyun, you haven't been to The fish men island for a long time, so you don't know the situation there. In short, it is very chaotic. Pirates who come and go must pass through that place, The fish men of The fish men island are not the opponents of the pirates at all, so the order there is already very chaotic, so take more people to be safe."

Ji Lingyun nodded. From Qiaozi’s tone, he also felt the troubles of The fish men island. In any case, even if the fish men island is not comparable to humans, there should be a lot of masters and troops in it, but even so. I couldn't hold down The fish men island, and I had to ask Whitebeard for help. I can imagine the chaos there, so that a king had to lower his head to ask for help.

…… …… ……

"set sail!"

After Ji Lingyun and the others got on the ship, the helmsmen immediately drove the Pirate Ship to sail, and quickly left the Mobile, headed in another direction, and raised the Pirate Flag of the Whitebeard Pirate Group. Hang up high.

In New World, the Pirate Flag of the Whitebeard Pirate Group is a signboard. With this Pirate Flag, it can at least deter more than 80% of the pirate forces and pirates.

"The fish men island should have been in this situation for a long time? Why can't I stand it until now and ask the old man for help? Why didn't it before?" Ji Lingyun asked curiously.

Saqi sneered: "It's not that the self-esteem of those murlocs is at fault. They are not in harmony with humans, and they have always been independent and weird, so naturally it is impossible to ask humans for help, if it weren't for the pirates who caught the fishermen in the past six months. It’s too much, causing the murlocs to be rushed like never before. Otherwise, do you think Neptune will ask the old man for help? After all, if you want our asylum, you must pay a certain amount of protection. The fish men island geography The location is so good, the cost will naturally not be low."

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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