"But we have too few people." Saatchi said.

At first, they thought that the matter of The fish men island was not difficult to deal with, so they only brought dozens of people, but looking at the scene of The fish men island, these dozens of people did not play any role at all.

Ji Lingyun said: "If there are few people, we should do it. What do you think if the old man comes? So, although we are not as good as the old man, we must not shame him, the name of the Whitebeard Pirate Group. If it is easy to use, if it is not easy to use, then you can only use your strength to speak."

"Moreover, this thing seems to be very interesting." Ji Lingyun showed a smile, challenging only when it is difficult.

Qiaozi and Saqi looked at each other, both of them saw a wry smile in each other’s eyes. They both understood Ji Lingyun’s character, so they could only play around with Ji Lingyun. No matter what Ji Lingyun did, they had to keep Ji Lingyun. , This is the order Whitebeard gave them.

The fighters of The fish men island were fighting with the pirates under their respective commanders. A group of murlocs surrounded there behind the murloc soldiers. At the center was the current king of The fish men island, Neptune and Neptune. His princess Otohime Princess.

At this time, Neptune looked at the battle ahead with a serious face, and his mood was extremely heavy. He did not expect that the courage of human beings was so great that he would arrest them on The fish men island without any scruples , And even dared to go to war after being discovered, what made him even more unexpected was that there were so many pirates, even if their murloc warriors had come out, they still couldn't defeat the opponent.

Princess Otohime next to Neptune is also anxious. She is the person who yearns for peace the most on The fish men island. This sudden outbreak of fighting is the last thing she wants to see. She is now trying her best to make a request to the World government. She asked to join the World Summit, so she really didn't want to fight with humans, but this time she was forced to do so.

"These damn human pirates are so arrogant."

Seeing the human pirates fighting against the murloc warriors, the murloc guards around Neptune were very angry. The strength of these human pirates surpassed their expectations, even if they tried their best. Can't win, all around are people watching the excitement. If they lose the murloc this time, The fish men island will be completely reduced to a human hunting ground. This is where the fish men fear most. After all, there are two. , So this time The fish men island has no retreat.

Seeing the murloc warriors being killed one by one, Princess Otohime was full of tears. She sobbed and asked Neptune, "Nipton, is there really no other way?"

Neptune looked at his beloved wife distressedly, and said solemnly: "We have no retreat. The fish men island cannot be destroyed in my hands, so even if it is the last breath, it must To drive these pirates out."(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"But, but." Princess Otohime couldn't tell that the current situation was very unfavorable for The fish men island.

Neptune said solemnly: "Don't worry, I asked the Whitebeard Pirates for help earlier. Whitebeard is my friend. He will definitely come to help us. As long as we persist until the arrival of the Whitebeard Pirates, they These pirates can definitely be suppressed."

A bright light flashed in the eyes of Princess Otohime. Although the Whitebeard Pirates are also pirates, their reputation is much better than other Pirates, and they are the Four Emperors Pirates, the Pirates here. Although there are many regiments, they will certainly not be the opponent of the Whitebeard Pirates regiment.

"Jinbei is injured."

Suddenly there was an exclamation of the Murloc. Both Neptune and Princess Otohime's expressions tightened. Looking towards the battlefield, they saw a burly whale and shark man facing the three pirates alone. He is The fish The strongest one of the men island guards, Jinbei, alone fights the three captains of the pirate regiment. It is precisely because of his leadership that the fishmen can withstand the attacks of the human pirate regiment.

However, two fists are hard to beat with four hands. The human pirate group also saw his power, so the three pirate captains jointly dealt with him. He persisted for a long time without rest, and was finally caught by the opponent.

You must know that Jinbei is the strongest of the murlocs. Once he is defeated, the fish will be demoralized. However, Jinbei deserves to be an ironclad man. Even though there are many wounds on his body, he still shouts , Continue to fight the human pirates unabated.

Princess Ouhime looked anxious, and she said, "Jinbei is injured. This is terrible."

Neptune's face is also very ugly, even if he grabs the weapon on the side, if it really doesn't work, he can only do it himself, but he also knows very well that his strength is far worse than Jinbei.

A guard next to him suddenly said angrily: "It would be great if Tiger Boss was here. With his reputation, he must be able to gather all the murlocs from The fish men island and drive these human pirates away."


The fish men island Although Neptune is the king, he does not control everything. There are many murlocs in The fish men island who do not obey Neptune’s orders. These are basically low-level murlocs. There was only one person in the eyes of these murlocs, and that was Fisher Tiger, just like Jinbei, he was introduced to Neptune by Fisher Tiger as a guard.

Princess Otohime said, "Tiger hasn't heard from him for a long time, and I don't know where he is, but we have already asked Marine for help. Why hasn't Marine been here yet?"

Neptune said with a gloomy face: "Marine would have come if they wanted to come. They have not appeared until now, I am afraid they will not appear again. We can't pin our hopes on Marine."

Long before the battle broke out, The fish men island made a request just like Marine, but until now, Marine has not been seen, so Neptune has already despaired of Marine.

Seeing that Jinbei was besieged by several pirate captains, the wounds on his body were getting more and more, and the morale of the Murloc side was getting weaker.

"Stop it all!"

At this moment, a loud shout suddenly exploded like thunder on the battlefield, and everyone was shocked by the loud shout.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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