The white light dissipated, and the people who looked at this place had their eyes widened, their faces full of disbelief.

I saw Ji Lingyun holding Senbonzakura, standing there calmly, and in front of him, Irwin Simpson half-kneeled in front of him, a stab wound from the ribs on the shoulder, across his body, blood like It sprayed out like money.

"No matter how strong the resilience is, it can't save your life!"

Ji Lingyun looked at the staring Irwin Simpson, the light in Irwin Simpson's eyes slowly disappeared, and finally his body fell forward with a bang.


The people who saw this scene widened their eyes in disbelief.'Angry Roar' Ervin Simpson was the captain of the pirate who offered a reward of 150 million Pele. He was so famous that he died in Ji Lingyun Hands.

Ji Lingyun's expression is calm. Although Irwin Simpson is Zoan Devil Fruit, he has strong resilience and anti-fighting ability, but just now his Baidi sword directly smashed his body, no matter how strong the defense is, it can't be prevented. One sword.

After killing Irwin Simpson, Ji Lingyun turned his eyes to the ‘thug’ Jeffrey White, his eyes flickering with cold.

Jeffrey White saw Ji Lingyun looking at him with murderous intent, and his heart jumped. Although he is in good condition now, and Ji Lingyun seems to consume a lot, but for some reason, looking at Ji Lingyun’s cold eyes, he He couldn't even rise to the slightest thought of fighting, he was really frightened by the death of Irwin Simpson in Ji Lingyun's hands.

Jeffrey White looked around. He found that their Pirate Alliance had been completely suppressed. The situation was very unfavorable. In addition, he was indeed a little confused, so he gritted his teeth and shouted violently: "Withdraw, stop fighting." ,withdraw!"

With a loud shout from Jeffrey White, many of the pirates under his pirate group quickly gave up their opponents, moved towards Jeffrey White, and then in Jeffrey White Led by him, he quickly withdrew from the battlefield, ignoring the other pirates who were still fighting.

Jeffrey White’s withdrawal directly destroyed the morale of the Pirate Alliance. All the pirates lost the motivation to fight. Even the strongest "thug" Jeffrey White has retreated, and they still stayed. Are you looking for death?(Read more @


There were loud shouts one after another, and the pirates of the Pirate Alliance were almost defeated in an instant. Everyone was thinking about how to escape. The pirates who had been stunned by Ji Lingyun also slowly regained consciousness. Seeing that everyone had already escaped, they also immediately joined the fleeing army.

I saw that the entire battlefield fell into a very strange scene. A large group of murloc warriors chased and killed the human pirates, and the human pirates did not dare to fight. They only knew that they flee forward, only in a short time. The pirates who were still alive had all retreated, leaving only the corpses all over the floor. As for the huge number of murlocs and mermaids they had previously captured, they were all left behind.

"I won, I won."

The fish men on The fish men island who saw this scene shouted in excitement. They finally drove the pirates of Damn it away, but their eyes were all looking at Ji Lingyun and other members of the Whitebeard pirate group. In their bodies, they all knew that they were able to drive away the pirates this time because of the Whitebeard pirate group.

Those who watched the game around also sighed and shook their heads. Many people said: "The Whitebeard Pirate Group is indeed the Whitebeard Pirate Group. The strongest Pirate Group in New World was not born, although it was just coming. With such a small number of people, it is really not easy to be able to repel more than a dozen Pirate League alliances."

"This boy named Edward Ji Lingyun is the key person. The Whitebeard Pirates actually has such a powerful character, and he is still so young. No wonder Marine would offer a reward of 100 million shells when he was only ten years old. Lee, many people thought Marine was crazy at the time, but now it seems that Marine's vision is still very keen, let alone a boy with 100 million Baileys, even if it is 200 million Baileys, he doesn't think much."

"The fish men island is under the control of the Whitebeard Pirates. This is also a big event. The fish men island is lucky this time."


"Go, let's meet our hero."

Neptune said excitedly to Princess Otohime that Neptune, who had been beaten by the Pirates Alliance before, was very embarrassed. After seeing Ji Lingyun drive away the Pirates Alliance, the whole person became energetic, and at the same time Whitebeard The people of the Pirates are very grateful, this time the Whitebeard Pirates saved them The fish men island.

Princess Otohime nodded happily. She was also very pleased. She knew that the fish men island under the protection of the Whitebeard Pirate Group would definitely be much better than it is now, and it would be much more peaceful.

"Lingyun, how is the injury?"

Joz and Saqi walked to Ji Lingyun's side and asked worriedly. They were scared to death just now.

…… …… ……

Ji Lingyun shook his head and said, "It's okay, it's just a little injury. I'll treat it myself later."

In fact, he didn't suffer multiple injuries. He was hit a little by Irwin Simpson, but fortunately, Armament Haki blocked most of the impact, so he just suffered serious injuries.

"There are no casualties, right?" Ji Lingyun asked naturally from the Whitebeard Pirates.

Joz smiled and said, "It's just a bunch of chores. It's just that some people got hurt, no one died."

"That's good." Ji Lingyun breathed a sigh of relief. They brought all the elites of the Whitebeard Pirates. You know, the members of the Whitebeard Pirates are just over a hundred people, and each of them is an elite. Loss is a major event.

When Ji Lingyun and the others were talking, Jinbei walked over quickly. He had a lot of wounds on his body, but he didn't care at all. He gratefully said to Ji Lingyun and the others: "Captain Joz, Captain Saatchi, this little Brothers, and all the brothers of the Whitebeard Pirates, thank you so much this time, it was you who saved us The fish men island."

Joz smiled and said, "It's okay, this is the order of the old man, but Jinbei brother, you are very strong, how about it? Are you interested in joining our Whitebeard Pirates?"

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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