Ji Lingyun was very surprised when he heard this. It was only a few days after the The fish men island incident. Xia Qi had already learned about it, and he also knew his name. The speed was indeed very fast.

Xia Qi continued: "Edward Ji Lingyun, at the scene of Roger's execution of the'One Piece' more than five years ago, he successfully robbed Roger's body and was offered a reward for the first time. The reward was as high as 80 million Baileys. Marine Admiral Akainu and Aokiji teamed up to chase and escape, and the bounty was raised to 100 million Baileys, making him the youngest pirate in the world with a bounty of more than 100 million Baileys."

"In the following years, you followed the Whitebeard Pirates to hide. Later, although the Whitebeard Pirates came out, there was no news of you. It should have been protected by Whitebeard. Until a few days ago, you led the Whitebeard Pirates. The crew arrived at The fish men island and helped The fish men island defeat the invading pirate group alliance. They faced the two pirate captains alone, the'thug' and the'angry roar', and slashed the'angry roar' Killed on The fish men island, once again became famous."

Xia Qi looked at Ji Lingyun and said: "I just didn't expect that after the The fish men island incident, you didn't return to the Whitebeard Pirates, but came to the Chambord Islands. What's more interesting is that you found me here. Tell me, how do you know my relationship with Rayleigh? Did that bastard say it?"

Ji Lingyun smiled and did not answer. It was a acquiescence. Fortunately, Xia Qi didn't bother with this question, but frowned and thought.

"How about? Boss, let Uncle Rayleigh as a guarantee, can you give me the information?" Ji Lingyun asked.

Xia Qi cursed: "He is a guarantor? He has the right to be a fart, and he still owes his old mother a debt. He doesn't know where he is hiding, so he will guaranty for you?"


Ji Lingyun didn't expect Xia Qi to be so direct, not to save Rayleigh face at all, and open her mouth to scold him, but this also made him distressed. He originally thought that Xia Qi would give him information by virtue of Rayleigh's relationship, but now it seems, I think too much.

However, Xia Qi suddenly changed the conversation and said: "Rayleigh is not qualified to be a guarantor, but you are different."(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Facing Xia Qi's gaze, Ji Lingyun only felt uncomfortable. He twisted his body and asked, "Why am I different."

Xia Qi smiled and said: "You can be famous in the world at a young age, and you will definitely be a great person in the future. I can provide you with free information, and at any time, as long as you want the information, you can come to me."

Ji Lingyun did not show any joy, but instead asked, "What are the conditions."

Xia Qi smiled and said: "You are very calm, and the conditions are natural. I provide you with information for free, and you naturally have to pay for it. How about collecting and disseminating information for me for free?"

"What do you mean, to be more specific?" Ji Lingyun asked puzzledly.

Xia Qi said: "The simple thing is, I need your contacts. Although my contacts are not weak, your Whitebeard Pirates' contacts are all over New World, so I need your Whitebeard Pirates' contacts."

Ji Lingyun shook his head and said, "Boss, you have a good idea. I want to make use of our connections in the Whitebeard Pirates so easily, but I'm not an old man, and what I said doesn't count."

Xia Qi smiled and said: "I also know Whitebeard, and I know what kind of person he is. I can also guess what your status is in the Whitebeard Pirates. It is indeed impossible for you to mobilize the power of the Whitebeard Pirates. But part of it is still okay. More importantly, Whitebeard will get old sooner or later. With your potential and aptitude, in the future, the Whitebeard Pirates is likely to be in charge of you, so I am also betting.

Ji Lingyun said, "Then your bet is big enough. If I agree, wouldn't we be tied together? Boss, you should have been a pirate before, but now you are hiding here to spend your old age safely. Well, if you’re tied up with me, it’s not a good thing, Marine wants to eat me."

Xia Qi smiled and said, "Marine wants to arrest you because of your potential. As for what you said we are tied together, if you agree, besides you, who knows that we are united?"

Looking at Xia Qi with a smile on her face, Ji Lingyun was amazed in her heart. This woman is really a demon. After a few words, he is now passive. If he agrees, although he can get information now, but in the long run If you look at it, it is obvious that he is at a disadvantage. After all, he needs to use the contacts of the Whitebeard Pirate Group; but if he does not agree, it is estimated that it will be difficult for him to get information from Xia Qi.

Looking at Ji Lingyun in thought, Xia Qi was not in a hurry. Just looking at it with a smile, she was confident that Lingyun would agree to her terms. After all, this is a mutually beneficial practice. In the short term, she will suffer. Ji Lingyun is not dead, she must earn money, so although she is a little gambler, she also has a lot of confidence.

……. ……

"it is good!"

After a long time, Ji Lingyun finally made up his mind, and then said with a smile on his face: "I can promise your terms, but after all, I have no right to speak. Maybe everyone in the Pirates will see my identity and give it to me. Save face, but you should also know that this kind of favor cannot last long. After all, no one except Dad can fully command everyone under his command, not even Marco."

Ji Lingyun’s words are not nonsense. The pirate regiment under the Whitebeard Pirate regiment only obeys Whitebeard alone. Even if Marco is the captain of the first squad on the ship and the second person, there are not many people he can directly command. It is even more impossible for the attached large pirate group to obey him, not even Marko, let alone him, perhaps many of the pirates under the Whitebeard pirate group may not know him now.

Xia Qi didn't feel angry because of Ji Lingyun's words. She smiled and said, "I said, I bet on the future. I will gain as much as you have a great future."

"Are you so confident in me?" Ji Lingyun looked at Xia Qi puzzled.

Xia Qi said: "The old guy Rayleigh can't do anything else, but his vision is okay. He is very optimistic about you."

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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