Ji Lingyun soon came to the auction house. The auction house he was about to enter was very famous in the Chambord Islands and had a large area. After handing in the invitation letter, Ji Lingyun followed the crowd and entered the auction house.

The outside of the auction house looks very big, and the inside is also very spectacular, but there are not as many seats as you imagined. It is less than a thousand seats if it is full, but the seats are not closely connected, but a short distance apart In addition to these seats, there are many boxes on the second floor around the empty hall.

"It seems that this is a high-end route."

Seeing the situation inside the auction house, Ji Lingyun immediately knew that the auction house should follow a high-end route. Unlike other auction houses, it is very empty and the environment is first-class.

Ji Lingyun's seat number is 369, because it is relatively empty, so he quickly found his place, and then sat down, his eyes turned in the auction house.


The auction table is an empty table with hundreds of square meters. There is nothing but a very exquisite upright table with a small hammer used for auction.

Ji Lingyun came from an earlier one. Over the next period of time, people continued to enter the auction house, but it was not noisy. Everyone walked in silently and sat on their seats. Judging from their actions, we know that most people are regular visitors here.

The people who enter the auction house are different. There are Marine wearing Marine clothes, aristocrats with slaves, and gangs of pirates. At the last moment, they even walked into two transparent bubbles on their heads. Celestial Dragons, these two Celestial Dragons walked into the auction house very arrogantly, walking like crabs, almost walking horizontally. Under the respectful leadership of the people of the auction house, they did not enter the closed box, but went to the front row. They sat down, and the people around them quickly moved away.

"Celestial Dragons, it's really interesting." Ji Lingyun looked at the Celestial Dragons with a smile, but an inexplicable light flashed in his eyes.

After Celestial Dragons came in, the door of the auction house was finally closed, and the lights of the entire auction house were dimmed for an instant, leaving only the auction desks with brilliant lights. Except for the front row, only people could be seen in other places .

"Welcome to participate in this auction house's auction!"

A very handsome man, wearing a tuxedo, slowly walked onto the auction stage, with a soft smile on his face, which makes it easy for people to feel good at first glance.

"I, Jeter, is the auctioneer at this auction. I hope everyone can buy the items they want."(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Jeter came to the auction table, patted the table lightly, and said with a smile: "I believe people who come to this auction house often should also know me. Okay, let's not talk too much nonsense. Let's just start the auction. Everyone who came this time was very lucky, because this auction has a lot of precious items, I believe you will not be disappointed."

"The auction has started. There are seven items in this auction. The first one is, please take a look!"

I saw a staff member brought up a tray wrapped in cloth, and as Jeter moved, the items on the tray were exposed.

"this is?"

After the items were revealed, there was a burst of exclamation from the entire auction scene, and Ji Lingyun also looked terrified at the same time.

"Zoan Devil Fruit, canine fruit, white wolf form!" Jeter exclaimed with excitement: "Yes, the first item we auctioned this time is it. This is a rare Devil Fruit, Devil. I don’t need to introduce more about what Fruit is. Once you get it, you can instantly gain powerful power."

"The starting price is 100 million Baileys, and each bid must be no less than one million Baileys. Why are you still hesitating? Let's start bidding!"

"One hundred and ten million Bailey!"

As soon as Jett's voice fell, someone screamed, and this was just the beginning.

"One hundred and fifteen million!"

"One hundred and twenty million!"


This is only the first auction item, but the atmosphere in the entire auction hall has become completely enthusiastic.

Looking at the crazy shouts, Ji Lingyun was very emotional. I don’t know that this auction house is really rich and rich. The first auction item is the rare Devil Fruit. Although Zoan Devil Fruit is three It is the most common in Devil Fruit, but it is also the easiest to get power directly, which is of great value.

"We Beasts Pirates want this Devil Fruit, 200 million Baileys!"

Suddenly an arrogant and domineering roar sounded, and a tall man stood up in the front rows.

"Beasts Pirates, they turned out to be Beasts Pirates. They actually entered the Chambordian Islands so openly, aren't they afraid of Marine's round up?"

Hearing that this person was actually from Beasts Pirates, the auction house suddenly exclaimed and talked a lot, but the person who raised the price was no more than 247. Beasts Pirates is notorious for being unreasonable, so it is better not to provoke it.

When Jeter saw that someone was disrupting the situation, a flash of dissatisfaction flashed in his eyes. He shouted: "This is a rare Devil Fruit. Its value is definitely more than so much. If you get it, you can get strength. Everyone is serious. Think about it."

It was just taken from the power of Beasts Pirates, but no one asked to increase the price. After all, not everyone wanted to cause trouble.

Jeter shouted several times, no one increased the price. In the end, he had no choice but to announce that Devil Fruit belonged to the man from Beasts Pirates. In fact, if it weren't for the people from Beasts Pirates, the auction would be tens of millions more.

The two Celestial Dragons in the front row made a disdainful voice: "A group of disgusting pirates paired with a beast fruit is also a perfect match."

"Haha, Saint Rolthas, you are right, listen to the name, Beasts, isn't it just a group of beasts?" The other Celestial Dragons also laughed loudly.

The people of Beasts Pirates heard the conversation between the two Celestial Dragons, their eyes flashed, but thinking of the identity of the other party, they had to gritted their teeth and sat down. Celestial Dragons could not be offended.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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