"Bastard, bastard, give me a rigorous investigation, let Marine use all his power, must catch that kid to the holy land, the glory of our family is absolutely not to be tarnished."

Holy land Mary Geoise, when all Celestial Dragons saw the newspaper, they were all angry. By doing this, Ji Lingyun humiliated not only Rol'thas, but made Celestial Dragons kneel down, which is insulting the entire Celestial Dragons How could Celestial Dragons not be angry.

As a clan of Celestial Dragons who regard themselves as kings of the world, they are most proud of their blood. They are noble than all races in the world, so Ji Lingyun forced Celestial Dragons to kneel. In Celestial Dragons' view, it is to let They bow their heads, this is absolutely not allowed to happen.

Celestial Dragons was messed up all, and desperately pressured Five Elders. Although Five Elders also complained about Celestial Dragons, this time Ji Lingyun did too much, so they responded to Celestial Dragons' request and let Marine fully arrested Ji Lingyun, and must live, because Celestial Dragons demanded so, they must torture Ji Lingyun well to vent the resentment and anger in their hearts.

It didn't take long for Marine headquarters to receive an order from Holy 11, and Sengoku's head became bigger.

Aokiji, Akainu, Lieutenant General Crane and Zephyr are all in Sengoku’s office. Since not long ago learned that Kizaru had not caught Ji Lingyun, Sengoku had a bad feeling. It didn’t take long before the scene in the newspaper It appeared. Now not only Celestial Dragons has become a joke in the world, but even Marine has become a big joke. With so many Marines, plus Marine Admiral, they didn’t even fight, so Ji Lingyun gave it to Fleeing, this face is ashamed.

Akainu said angrily, "If I were allowed to go, I would definitely not let that kid escape."

Looking at Akainu, Sengoku was a little grateful. Fortunately, he did not send Akainu. He had already learned from Kizaru. If Akainu was sent at that time, there is no doubt that Akainu would not let Ji Lingyun threaten. Celestial Dragons must die. Now that Celestial Dragons is not dead, there is still room for salvation and it will not be difficult to end.

Now Sengoku’s headache is the order handed down from the Holy Land to capture Ji Lingyun alive. He knew very well that compared to killing Ji Lingyun, the chance of capturing Ji Lingyun alive is too small, but this is the above death order, even if he It was Marshal Marine and had to obey.

"Is there no trace of that kid yet?" Sengoku asked, rubbing his head.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Aokiji shook his head and said, "No, Polusali is searching around, but there is no trace. After all, he flew away from the sky and will not leave a trace for us. Unless he appears again, we It's hard to find him."

"It's hard to find it." Sengoku roared angrily.

After the roar, Sengoku also realized his impulse. He sighed and said quietly: "There are so many of us who are actually played around by a kid from the Whitebeard Pirates, even New World's Whitebeard and Kaido. It hasn't made us so ugly, Marine, what exactly does this kid want to do? Does he have to face us to the end?"

The Logue town incident a few years ago caused the loss of Marine's face. This time the Chambord Islands incident caused the loss of Marine's face again. Although the threats posed by these two events are far less than those of the New World Four Emperors, But the public opinion is much larger than that of New World. After all, it was a live broadcast of the world once, and the whole world was paying attention. This time it involved Celestial Dragons, forcing Celestial Dragons to kneel. For hundreds of years, Ji Lingyun has been considered the best Being the first person, how could it not make a sensation in the world.

After taking a few deep breaths, Sengoku said again: "Use all the intelligence personnel to keep an eye on the kid. As soon as he appears, he will notify the headquarters as soon as possible. Akainu, who is based in the Marine headquarters, is on standby.

Akainu nodded and said, "I know, but if the kid is whereabouts, I will be dispatched immediately."

Sengoku thought for a while, and then responded, "Okay, but remember, don't kill him."

Akainu snorted, "I won't kill him, I will leave him one last breath."

When Sengoku heard what Akainu said, he didn’t say much, but looked at Aokiji and said, “The Seven Warlords of the Sea system is about to be officially launched. Aokiji, you are the person in charge of selecting Seven Warlords of the Sea. It’s up to you to choose the right pirate to become Shichibukai. Is there a problem?"

Aokiji said, "No problem."

Sengoku nodded in satisfaction. For the current Marine San Admiral, he is most optimistic about Aokiji. Aokiji is not as paranoid as Akainu, and he does not want Kizaru to be as lazy and responsible, and he is very good at handling things.

The implementation of the Seven Warlords of the Sea system this time is very important to Marine, and he is not at ease when it is handed over to others. If Akainu is allowed to come, it is estimated that no matter how much time is given to him, it is impossible to elect a person to become Shichibukai; Needless to say, Kizaru will find a few pirates to become Shichibukai; only Aokiji will take this matter seriously and choose seriously.

Sengoku said, "In addition, the bounty for Edward Ji Lingyun has to be changed, and it should be set at 500 million Baileys."

"Five hundred million? Isn't it too high?" Garp exclaimed in surprise.

Sengoku glanced at him and said in a deep voice, "It's not high, this is a special event. We have to make a gesture for the people above to see. If we can really use 500 million Baileys, we will catch the kid. If you do, I will give 500 million Baileys without blinking my eyes."

The others did not say anything, although in their opinion, Ji Lingyun has a bounty of 500 million Baileys when he is less than sixteen years old, which is a bit too high, but thinking of that kid’s ability and potential , And what he did, 500 million Baileys is not unacceptable, but I don’t know what kind of shock this bounty will cause if it is announced.


Sengoku said to Lieutenant General Crane: "I'm going to the Holy Land Mary Geoise, the start of Seven Warlords of the Sea, and the thing about that kid. I must tell the above. After I leave, Marine's full strength will be given to you for the time being. ."

Lieutenant General Crane nodded. Like Garp, she did not use military rank to reflect their importance and ability.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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