Hearing what Jeffrey White said, Ji Lingyun couldn't help but smile and said, "It's still daddy."

But then he became depressed. Aokiji ran to the New World. It must be impossible to return to the Grand Line in a short time. This means that he wants to get the ability of Aokiji Frozen Fruit. Unless he goes to the New World, he will be completely Can't get it.

Aokiji didn’t show up, Ji Lingyun’s plan was completely disrupted. He didn’t even know how to go next. He needed time to plan again. After all, he came out of the Whitebeard Pirates to bring Shinigami into Blade evolution, now those Devil Fruit that are needed, he still has no news yet.

However, Ji Lingyun and the others still underestimated the power of Marine. After they hid for more than ten days, they were still traced by Marine and found them.

"Lingyun, it's not good, Marine has caught up, let's go."

Ji Lingyun was teaching Geoffrey White’s son Rambo when he was bored. Rambo is only a child after all. He is naturally very eager for the pursuit of power. Ji Lingyun is not a few years older than him, but he is already very powerful. He will pester Ji Lingyun to teach him, and Ji Lingyun has no secrets, and teaches him wholeheartedly.

Although Ji Lingyun has not really experienced many battles, there are many masters in the Whitebeard Pirates. His vision is naturally not low, knowing that a child will naturally have no problems; and Jeffrey White is also very happy to see In this scene, although he is also a big pirate, his family knows his own affairs. His strength depends on life and death. He can't guide his son at all. Now with the help of a famous master like Ji Lingyun, Naturally very happy.

But now Jeffrey White is very anxious, their whereabouts are exposed, and now Marine is quickly encircling them.

Ji Lingyun's expression also tightened when he heard the words, and asked, "How many people came from Marine?"

Jeffrey White replied: "I don't know, but there are more than a dozen warships. There should be a large number of them. Go quickly. It will be too late if you don't leave."

Ji Lingyun said immediately: "Okay, leave now."

The three immediately got on the pirate ship and drove up at the fastest speed, but Marine was surrounded by more than a dozen warships, chasing Ji Lingyun and the others continuously, without stopping the artillery fire.

Not only that, but even more terrifying is that there were still several yellow rays of light blasting over, and there was also a huge explosion. Seeing this yellow light, Ji Lingyun didn't know who it was.

"No, it's Marine Admiral Kizaru, quick, quicker, we'll be done if we get hit once."(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Kizaru's Sparkling fruit ability is very powerful. Even if Ji Lingyun and their pirate ship are good, they can't stand Kizaru's attack, so they can only avoid it, but this hiding naturally slows down the speed.

Jeffrey White didn't say a word, and drove the Pirate Ship with all his strength, while Ji Lingyun said to Rambo, "Lambo, go to the fort and use cannonballs against those guys."

Although the artillery on the pirate ship is not as fierce as the Marine's artillery, it also poses some threats to the Marine. In particular, the Marine's warships are relatively large, and the number of them is large. The target is naturally large, and it is easier to fight.

Therefore, Ji Lingyun and Marine started the fiercest chase in the sea. Ji Lingyun and the others escaped for a whole day and night without leaving Marine. On the contrary, the three of them were tired enough. When they changed a few times, Because of the speed, Marine was almost caught up.

What makes Ji Lingyun more nervous is that from the beginning, the Marine unit led by Kizaru, now even Akainu chased them up. Under the hunt of two Marine Admiral, they became very embarrassed.

When they were chasing and escaping, they met many people on the way, but when those people saw Marine's formation, they avoided it from a distance, and didn't dare to be nosy at all, so even if Ji Lingyun is in trouble. There is no way to realize the idea.


"not good."

Suddenly there was a loud noise, and Ji Lingyun's face changed drastically. He shouted: "The hull was hit by Kizaru, and it was seriously leaking. If this continues, it won't last long..."

The blow of Kizaru just now hit the hull of the pirate ship, causing the pirate ship to appear a huge hole, and the sea was constantly overflowing in. Seeing this, the three of Ji Lingyun knew that the pirate ship could not hold on. how long it has been.

"What shall we do then?" Jeffrey White said loudly, "If there are boats, we may have a chance to get rid of them, but once there are no boats, we are dead."

Ji Lingyun said in a deep voice, "This ship is useless. We can't stay here and wait to be caught. So, listen to me. We fly from the sky. Although the speed is not fast, at least there is still a thread. hope."

Jeffrey White asked in astonishment: "How to fly?"

Ji Lingyun did not speak either, but directly drew out the sword, and then used Minazuki Shikai, and suddenly a huge monster in the shape of a devil fish appeared.

"what is this?"

Both Jeffrey White and his son watched this scene in astonishment. They clearly saw that this monster was turned into by the sword in Ji Lingyun's hand, but how could the sword become a monster? Both of them have incredible faces.

Ji Lingyun didn't have time to explain to the two of them, but shouted, "Quickly go up."

"How is this going to fly?" Jeffrey 0.1 White asked suspiciously.

Ji Lingyun said, "Trust me, come on, the ship won't last long."

The pirate ship not only leaked, but also dropped rapidly. In just a short time, the distance between Marine and them was shortened a lot, and it was about to catch up.

At this point, Jeffrey White didn't have time to think of him. He picked up his son Rambo and jumped on top of Minazuki, and Ji Lingyun gave a soft voice, "Go!"

Minazuki screamed, and then quickly flew towards the sky. Although the ascent speed is not very fast, because it is flying, there is no need to control the direction like a pirate ship, and there is no need to worry about the obstruction of the ocean current, so it becomes A lot lighter.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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