
Shanks snorted, but this time he was the first to attack. The Western sword in his hand stabs Akainu. While stabling out, Armament Haki has covered the sword.

Akainu's complexion changed. Although he is a Logia capable person, he still knows how to face Armament Haki, but he didn't shrink back, and also attacked Shanks' Western sword.


The magma and the Western sword made a dull sound, but Shanks did not pierce Akainu's body, but was blocked by his fist, because Akainu also used Armament Haki. His use of Armament Haki was absolutely Not under Shanks.

When Shanks and Akainu were fighting, Kizaru just glanced, and then immediately placed the target on Ji Lingyun's body. He jumped from the warship, jumped onto the Reid, and charged directly. To Ji Lingyun.

Seeing Kizaru coming towards him, Ji Lingyun didn't do anything, because there was already a person in between them, it was Benn Beckman, Red Hair Pirates' deputy captain.

"Kizaru, your opponent is me!"

With that, Beckman pulled out a rifle from his waist and aimed it at Kizaru as a shot. Before Kizaru had time to react, the bullet had hit him, even if Kizaru had turned into a flash. Still being hit hard by the huge force of the bullet, the light flashed and hit the Reid.

"What a strong force."(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Ji Lingyun watched this scene in surprise. Kizaru’s strength is beyond doubt, but Beckman was able to knock Kizaru into the air in a sneak attack. This is not easy. No wonder he can become the deputy captain of Red Hair Pirates. It seems that Beckman is more than just Outstanding resourcefulness, strength is definitely extraordinary.

Next, Ji Lingyun saw the power of Red Hair Pirates. After Akainu and Kizaru were dragged by Shanks and Beckman, the rest of the Red Hair Pirates rushed onto the warship like wolves into the flock, although the rest Marines are all elite officers, but the people of Red Hair Pirates are obviously stronger, almost fighting like a crushing battle, which makes Marine embarrassed.

Jeffrey White was standing next to Ji Lingyun, watching this scene in disbelief. He couldn't help but ask Ji Lingyun, "Lingyun, who are these people? How could they be so strong?"

You know, this is the Marine army led by two Marine Admiral. It was crushed by an unknown pirate map. Even the two Marine Admiral were entangled tightly, let alone rescue other people Now, whether they can beat Shanks themselves is still a question.

Jeffrey White can be regarded as a big pirate who has seen the market, but the strength of Red Hair Pirates still makes him speechless. These are two Marine Admirals, Marine’s highest combat power, but Red Hair Pirates’s. The two blocked them, and judging from the situation of the battle, they did not lose the wind. Let alone the first half of the Grand Line, even in the New World, there are probably not many pirate groups that have such a strength. power.

Ji Lingyun's eyes are also staring at the battle between Shanks and Akainu. In the past few years, his strength has improved by leaps and bounds. Although he doesn't say anything, he still has some pride in his heart, but now he sees the power of Shanks. After that, he had a feeling of underestimating the world.

When he broke up with Shanks, Shanks was not strong, but a few years later, he was able to fight against Marine Admiral like Akainu, and he didn't lose the wind at all. It is not an exaggeration to say that it was an earth-shaking change.

More importantly, Ji Lingyun knows that this is not the limit of Shanks, because Shanks has not yet entered the New World. After Shanks enters the New World, he will experience more brutal battles, and his strength will become stronger and stronger. , Marine Admiral will definitely not be his opponent.

Ji Lingyun does not know how strong the remaining Four Emperors are, but he knows how strong Whitebeard is. Now Whitebeard is still in its heyday and can completely abuse any Marine Admiral, even two can win. , The three Marine Admiral, the result should be both losers...

Throughout the whole piece of One Piece, the person who can abuse Marine Admiral head-on, seems to be Whitebeard alone so far, and by the time of the war, Whitebeard's strength has long been less than heyday, and it is good to have a six or seven achievement, but even That way, he still played Akainu like something.

The strength of the remaining Four Emperors may not be as good as Whitebeard in the heyday, but it is definitely not much different. It should be possible to deal with two Marine Admiral, especially Shanks was later called the most Haki man on the sea, although There should be an Admiral level now, but once you enter the New World, experience the battle of the New World, and become the Four Emperors, it is hard to say.


Akainu naturally found his own weakness, his face became very ugly, Shanks in front of him was unexpectedly strong, he tried his best but he was unable to take it, Kizaru was also dragged by Beckman, and then he looked at the rest The pirates of the Red Hair Pirates, Akainu understood very well that if this continues, Marine will inevitably be killed and injured, and he and Kizaru may be in danger, so he decisively gave the order.

Shanks violently retreated, Chi 0.6 Dog turned and jumped on his warship, greeted those Marines who were not dizzy and immediately set off, as did Kizaru on the other side.

"Boss, don't you go after it? If you can kill a Marine Admiral, we can get the name of the pirate group."

When the people of Red Hair Pirates saw Akainu and they fled in embarrassment, they all yelled in excitement. Even the two Marine Admirals were defeated by them. This was a great victory.

Shanks said: "There is no need to chase. Even if we chase, we can't kill Akainu and Kizaru. If Marine Admiral is so easy to die, it won't be Marine Admiral. Catching up will only hurt us both. It is unnecessary. Ours The goal is New World, and it’s not a good deal to lose the troops here."

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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