Ji Lingyun stared at Shanks earnestly. After a long time, he sighed and said, "It seems that the last Four Emperors of New World will be born."

Shanks looked at Ji Lingyun in surprise and asked, "Why are you so sure?"

Ji Lingyun said: "Although there are many powerful pirate groups in New World, the remaining three emperors have already been born. The last one has not appeared for several years. Obviously, they are not qualified yet. But you are different. You have spent a few years preparing everything and now you have entered the New World. Apart from the other three Pirate Kings, who else can stop you? So, unless there is a big accident , Otherwise the position of the last Four Emperors must be yours."

"You really can count on me, even I don't have that much confidence myself." Shanks smiled bitterly. He didn't understand why Ji Lingyun had so much confidence in him. You must know that his goal before was indeed the position of Four Emperors, but More is thinking about how to fight, which is like Ji Lingyun, as if the position of Four Emperors is already in his pocket.

Ji Lingyun asked, "Do you have no confidence that you will come out of the East China Sea?"

Shanks stopped talking now. If he was really not confident, how could he go to New World.

Shanks suddenly said to Ji Lingyun: "Lingyun, if I go to New World, there will be a lot of battles, including the Whitebeard Pirates. Are you not worried at all?"

Ji Lingyun glanced at Shanks and said: "If you want to become a Four Emperor, you must fight against the rest of the people. Only if you are recognized can you be qualified to become the last emperor. Of course I know you will fight against the father and the others, Who are you, I still know better; taking a step back, how do you think your current strength compares to your father? How does your Pirate Group compare to our Pirate Group? I believe you will not be that way. There is no reason, not to mention that you don't want to fight for One Piece. There is no need to fight us to death and death, right.

Shanks smiled bitterly: "You have said everything. To be honest, I haven't really thought about becoming One Piece. Maybe it was my idea a few years ago, but as time changed, I suddenly realized my true idea. , I just want to take adventures with my companions, free and easy adventures. I can abandon my dreams and everything for that position and shoulder the burden of the world. I can't pick it up."

Shanks used to target Roger, but now he really doesn’t have the ambition to take the One Piece. To become One Piece, the process is extremely difficult. Now he is worse than the Four Emperors Pirate Group in New World. Far away.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"Oh, right."

Ji Lingyun suddenly thought of something. He said to Shanks with a heavy face: "Shanks, when you fight with our Whitebeard Pirates in the future, if you encounter a guy named Marshall · D · Teach, you must be careful of him. Even if there is a chance, help me get rid of him."

Speaking of this, Ji Lingyun suddenly burst into a cold glow in his eyes.

Shanks was taken aback by Ji Lingyun's appearance, and then he frowned and asked with a weird look in his eyes: "Lingyun, what do you mean by this? The person you are talking about belongs to your Pirate Group? In that case, as Companion, why do you want to kill him? Don't you, the Whitebeard Pirates, value your companions the most?"

In Shanks's opinion, he and Ji Lingyun are very good friends. At the beginning, they were both people who were able to give their backs to each other, but what Ji Lingyun said just now made him a little unhappy because Ji Lingyun actually wanted to kill Companion, and still borrowing his hand, how can Shanks, a person who values ​​his companions the most, accept it, even if they are very good friends.

Seeing Shanks’ expression, Ji Lingyun knew what he was thinking, so he said, “Shanks, do you think I am the kind of person who stabbed my companion in the back?

Shanks asked, "Then why did you let me do that?"

Ji Lingyun explained: "Because this person is different, he joined our Whitebeard Pirates for another purpose, not a sincere refuge, the D clan, you probably don’t understand their meaning, once that Teach achieves his purpose. , He will betray the Pirate Group without hesitation, and even do even more rebellious things."

Ji Lingyun’s expression became very serious. He looked at Shanks and said, “If it weren’t for me that I didn’t want to make it difficult for my father, I would kill him even if I tried my best, but I couldn’t do that, so I I want to ask you, I know it's a bit too much, but you haven't contacted him. If you have met Marshall · D · Teach, you will know what I said is true."

Shanks' brows kept frowning, and he also felt that Ji Lingyun was not the kind of person who stabbed in the back, but such things made him really difficult to do, and he couldn't give Ji Lingyun the answer.

Ji Lingyun didn't force him, but said, "No matter how much I tell you now, it's useless. You'll know when the time comes."

Throughout the entire One Piece anime, Shanks was the only one who discovered his ambition before Blackbeard was betrayed. He even confronted Whitebeard in order to stop Ace from chasing Blackbeard, so Ji Lingyun was sure that Shanks had seen Blackbeard. Will definitely understand his intentions.

This topic was quickly forgotten by the two of them, and the two began to talk about other things. Ji Lingyun also asked Shanks about the use of Conqueror's Haki. Observation Haki Ji Lingyun was very confident, but Armament Haki and Conqueror's Haki, he knew he compared Shanks is still far away, especially Armament Haki, he can only use it barely now.

Shanks also gave him a lesson, patiently explaining the use of Armament Haki to Ji Lingyun, and so on.

"Boss, Chambord Islands are here."

After a few days, Ji Lingyun and the others finally came to the Chambord Islands. During this time, they walked very peacefully and encountered nothing.

On the other side, Akainu and Kizaru also brought people back to Marine Headquarters, Malin Vando. Except for Red Hair Pirates, they were not in the mood to chase Ji Lingyun, but came back to tell Sengoku about Red Hair Pirates.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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