Rayleigh said in surprise: "Oh, are you ready to enter the New World? I didn't expect you little guys to grow up so fast, we old guys can't keep up with the times."

Shanks said, "Deputy Captain, you are an upright man."

Rayleigh smiled and shook his head: "I am old, I am old."

While Shanks and Rayleigh were chatting there, Ji Lingyun ran to Xia Qi's side and asked in a low voice: "Aunt Xia, are the Devil Fruits I asked you to find, have they fallen?"

Xia Qi said: "I really don't know why your kid wants to look for those Devil Fruits, and if you find them, you have to give them away."

She still can’t figure out why Ji Lingyun is looking for those Devil Fruits, because Ji Lingyun doesn’t need them at all. It’s like the Snow-snow Fruit last time. people.

But even if she didn't understand, she still sent someone to inquire about the news and got the news.

"There is news about the kilogram fruit you want. The kilogram fruit is in the first half of the Grand Line. I have sent someone to pick it up. This Devil Fruit is not very capable, so it should be easier to get, but the corresponding remuneration is also not available. Less."

While excited, Ji Lingyun smiled bitterly and said, "Auntie Xia, should we be so clear between the two?"

But seeing Xia Qi’s expression, Ji Lingyun could only surrender: "Okay, okay, you can write down how much it is, and I will return it to you later, and I just want the kilogram of fruit to be useful, and I will pay it back after I use it It will be returned to you."

When Ji Lingyun said that, Xia Qi became even more curious. She asked again: "Lingyun, what do you want those Devil Fruits for? How do you stop them after you use them up? How do you use them?"

Ji Lingyun smiled and said, "This is my secret. Everyone should have their own secret, right?"(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"Just do it with you, but don't be too happy, kid, one day, I will guess your purpose." Xia Qi said.

Ji Lingyun also just smiled. Of course he knew that Xia Qi would soon be able to guess his secret, because as his Zanpakutō liberated more and more and various abilities were revealed, it was inevitable that people would guess that he wanted The purpose of Devil Fruit.

Shanks did not stay in the Chambord Islands for long, because now Marine has issued a wanted warrant, and Red Hair Pirates has officially entered the eyes of all forces for the first time, especially the red-haired Shanks, who is even more famous, One Piece The crew of the Roger Pirate Ship is already very impressive based on this alone, not to mention that Shanks is so powerful now.

Knowing that Shanks and the others have not yet entered the New World, the Marine headquarters frantically searched for the whereabouts of Red Hair Pirates in the first half of the Grand Line. Shanks worried that staying here would bring danger to Rayleigh and the others, so he immediately coated the film and went there. Under the sea, preparing to enter the New World from The fish men island.

After more than ten days, Xia Qi finally found the kilogram fruit and handed it to Ji Lingyun's hands. Ji Lingyun directly used it to turn on Wabisuke's Shikai, so he had another handful of Shikai's Zanpakutō in his hand.

Wabisuke is the Zanpakutō of Kira Iziru in the Shinigami world, and Kira Iziru is the deputy captain of Ichimaru Gin. His strength is also very good. Although Wabisuke is not as powerful as other Zanpakutō, its ability is very good. Continue to double, as long as he hits a few times, the opponent will definitely not be able to withstand such a heavy force.

With the kilogram of fruit, Ji Lingyun, the remaining ton of fruit that opened Bankai, already knows whereabouts. He vaguely remembers that the person who is capable of ton of fruit is a cadre of Doflamingo's. In this way, Ji Lingyun knows that he and Doflamingo must return There are several intersections, after all, the Op-Op Fruit he wants is also to be found by Doflamingo.

After using up the kilograms of fruit, Ji Lingyun returned the kilograms of fruit to Xia Qi. This fruit was of average capacity and really didn't work for him.

After doing all this, Ji Lingyun is ready to start on the road again. It has been a few months since he came out of New World. Although he has been chased by Marine many times, Ji Lingyun can feel his strength under this pressure. The rapid progress made him convinced that his choice was not wrong, so he was ready to continue his sailing adventure...

Ji Lingyun and Jeffrey White and his son, after borrowing a boat from Xia Qi, left from the Chambord Islands, but this time they used a normal boat instead of a pirate boat, so they went In the end, it is also fair and honest.

After sailing on the sea for a few days, Ji Lingyun not only practiced on his own, but also instructed the kid Jeffrey Rambo to train. Although Rambo is still young, he has practiced well under the guidance of Ji Lingyun. kind.

On this day, Ji Lingyun and Rambo continued to exercise on the boat, while Jeffrey White was controlling the boat in the control room. Suddenly Jeffrey White whispered: "Lingyun, come on, it seems to be in front of you. A warship."


Ji Lingyun stopped the movement in his hand and looked forward curiously. Although his eyesight was good, he could only see a small spot. He walked to the control room and took it from Jeffrey White’s hand. Looking through the binoculars and looking carefully, it is indeed a relatively large warship coming in their direction.

"Go around?" Jeffrey White asked Ji Lingyun.

Ji Lingyun thought for a while, and then smiled: "Why are we going around, we haven't done 0.7 for a long time, don't forget that we are pirates, and now Marine has delivered it by himself. If we don't accept it, wouldn't it be too wasteful? God’s kindness?"

During this period of time, Ji Lingyun and the others have been relatively boring. It is rare to see a warship. Ji Lingyun is naturally interested. He is a person who even dares to attack the Marine branch. How can he be afraid of a Marine warship?

"Go ahead!" Ji Lingyun told Geoffrey White.

Geoffrey White smiled bitterly, but now he is Ji Lingyun's subordinate, so he can only choose to obey, not to mention just a Marine warship. He feels that their strength does not need to worry at all, so he obeyed Ji Lingyun's words and moved towards The warship moved past.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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