At this time, Ji Lingyun’s biggest crisis is not the frozen body, but the cold air that invades his body. This cold air invades his internal organs at a very fast speed. If it is not quickly eliminated, it may not be long. The internal organs and blood in his body will be frozen, and even if he has the great ability, Revolving Heaven will be weak.

At the juncture of life and death, Ji Lingyun gathered all his power on his right hand. The ice cube on his right hand made a sound of "kaka". After a few seconds, the ice cube under his right wrist cracked and quickly With a flick of his wrist, Tensa Zangetsu was also freed from the ice, and then Ji Lingyun used all his strength to throw Tensa Zangetsu out of his hand and stab Aokiji, who was also an ice sculpture.


The blade was pierced into the ice sculpture, and then a wisp of donated blood flowed out of Aokiji's ice sculpture.

At this moment, Ji Lingyun suddenly felt the coldness weaken, so he used all his strength, and there was a sudden shock. The ice sculpture on his body immediately exploded, and then he grabbed Tensa Zangetsu and quickly backed away.

When Ji Lingyun retreated, Aokiji also unlocked his elemental body, and saw a wound on his lower abdomen, which was where 240 Ji Lingyun had been stabbed before. He looked at Ji Lingyun in surprise. Said: "You can use Armament Haki?"

It was able to stab his frozen body and hurt him, without thinking or knowing that it must have used Armament Haki.

After Ji Lingyun stepped back dozens of steps and stood still, he suddenly opened his mouth and spewed out a mouthful of blood. What's more frightening was that after the mouthful of blood was spewed out, it quickly formed ice and turned into a blood-red blood clot.

Ji Lingyun resisted the trembling body and shoved Tensa Zangetsu into the sheath. There was Aokiji's blood on the sword, which was enough.

After getting Aokiji's blood, the goal this time has been completed. The next thing to consider is how to escape. As for his injuries, as long as he can escape, it is not a problem.

"If you want to leave, the biggest problem is Aokiji. We can only leave if we control Aokiji."

Although there are many Marines here, in addition to Aokiji, the strongest is his lieutenant, but only at the level of brigadier general, otherwise so many Marines would have already taken Jeffrey White and his son.

"It might be interesting to make ice from ice."

Thinking of this, Ji Lingyun desperately wanted to use Hyōrinmaru, because his opponent was Aokiji, so he did it as soon as he thought of it. After the mouthful of blood he just vomited, most of the cold in his body had been forced out, so even if it was a strong crush It won't increase much, so he immediately pressed it on the hilt.(Read more @


With a low groan, he pulled out a straight long sword. The blade was crystal clear and white. This is the strongest Zanpakutō and Hyōrinmaru in the ice Zanpakutō.

"Has the shape of the sword changed again? This sword has not been seen before. Is it a new ability?"

Aokiji and Ji Lingyun have fought many times, and have seen Zanpakutō in several forms, so he no longer has the kind of surprise he saw at the beginning, but has begun to guess the ability of this sword.

Ji Lingyun held Hyōrinmaru in his hand, and suddenly smiled at Aokiji, and said: "Aokiji, I would like to thank you for unblocking this Hyōrinmaru for me. Without you, it would not be possible to unblock it completely, even though I was so It’s hurt, but everything is worth it. I hope you won’t be too shocked in the following words."

Listening to Ji Lingyun's words, Aokiji's expression was very dazed and puzzled. He didn't understand what Ji Lingyun's words meant. He could only understand. This sword seemed to be related to him. He can only stare at Ji Lingyun.

Ji Lingyun slowly said, "Sit in the frosty sky! Hyōrinmaru!"

As soon as Ji Lingyun's voice fell, Hyōrinmaru's sword hilt had an extra chain with a half-moon-shaped end.

Seeing this scene, Aokiji whispered: "Has the shape changed? Has it evolved like those sword?"

For some reason, looking at this Hyōrinmaru behind Shikai, Aokiji always felt a familiar feeling.


Ji Lingyun held Hyōrinmaru with the tip of the sword pointed in Aokiji's direction, and said, "Aokiji, this is my first time using this sword. I don't know how powerful it is, so be careful.

After speaking, without waiting for Aokiji's answer, he used the trick: "Flock of birds and icicles!"

Ji Lingyun waved Hyōrinmaru, and immediately sent out countless series of ice bullets, flying towards Aokiji like flocks of birds.

"this is?"

Seeing Ji Lingyun swinging the sword, there were so many ice bullets, and swarming at him, Aokiji's face changed suddenly, because it was exactly the same as his Frozen Fruit ability, and he was able to release ice bullets.

While shocked in his heart, Aokiji did not forget his situation. He saw his body quickly become elemental. All the ice bullets attacked him, forming a vast amount of ice debris, but after the attack, Aokiji's figure Have reappeared.

"Yes, this is the ability of Frozen Fruit."

Aokiji's expression was shocked. He was already eight-pointed sure that Ji Lingyun was using the same ability as Frozen Fruit. After reminiscing what Ji Lingyun said just now, it was obvious that the ability of this sword was probably obtained from him.

When I thought of this possibility, Aokiji's face became very ugly. Did Ji Lingyun always want him to catch it before? It turns out that there is such a truth. Aokiji guessed that Ji Lingyun could turn into a variety of sword. A weapon is very likely a kind of sword that has evolved by taking other people's abilities.

Ji Lingyun didn't care about Aokiji's shock at this time, but saw him attack again: "Ice dragon spin tail!"

Hyōrinmaru slashed in the direction of Aokiji, instantly forming an ice dragon, rushing straight from the tip of Hyōrinmaru's sword, and everything it passed was turned into a frozen area, making the surrounding cold even more cold.

Aokiji couldn't care about the shock. He knows how strong Frozen Fruit is, so although he is still not completely sure, he definitely does not dare to underestimate Ji Lingyun's attack.

"Ice cube·Two thorn spears!"

The ice spear quickly slammed into the ice dragon, forcibly stopping the speed of the ice dragon, but the ice dragon suddenly flicked its tail and attacked again.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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