Ji Lingyun stayed on the sky island for half a year, but this half a year has made him a little impatient. Although it is very difficult to find a person or a Devil Fruit, but in the past half year, there is not even a little Urji News, this can't help but make him wonder whether it was Gan Fauer deliberately doing it.

You must know that Gan Fuer is the god of the sky island. Although it is not easy to find someone, it is absolutely impossible that there will be no movement for half a year. The only explanation is that Gan Fuer has no intentions at all.

But what Ji Lingyun didn't expect was that Gan Fuer was ready to do it before him.

On this day, Ji Lingyun sat alone in the palace. He has lived here for half a year. Gan Fuer sends people to bring food every day. The cost of eating and drinking is all served well. This is also Ji Lingyun's willingness to give The reason for his time.

When Ji Lingyun closed his eyes and rested, suddenly there was a sound of footsteps in his ears. It seemed that there should be a lot of people. This made Ji Lingyun frowned. Although some people entered here before, they were basically the same. Two people, but now you can hear it just from the sound, and there are many people here.

"It seems that the visitor is unkind!"

Ji Lingyun opened his eyes, but there was no surprise on his face. This situation was already in his expectation, just as he was dissatisfied with Gan Fuer’s efficiency, he could also see Gan Fore's dissatisfaction with him has become more and more obvious recently, so he has been mentally-prepared for a long time.

"I just don't know what makes you confident and dare to do something to me."

Perhaps Gan Fuer has already sensed Ji Lingyun's impatience with him, so he chose to act first.

Ji Lingyun sat in the center of the hall with a calm expression, staring at the entrance of the hall, and soon a group of people approached, and then under the leadership of the leader Gan Fuer, dozens of people quickly rushed into the hall.

"You are finally here, I thought you would have to wait a while before you dare to do it."

Seeing Gan Fuer and others, Ji Lingyun took the lead and said to Gan Fuer: "You can endure it for half a year. You can see that you are still very good at forbearance, but this is already your limit. I'm curious. What is it that gives you the confidence to defy me openly?"(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Gan Fuer said to Ji Lingyun with a gloomy face: "Edward Ji Lingyun, you used your strength to force me to do things for you, and today you are going to return all of this. Don’t you call yourself'Shinigami'? Make you the real Shinigami."

Hearing Gan Foer’s words, Ji Lingyun couldn’t help but laugh. He shook his head and said, “Sure enough, you’ve been in a high position for a long time. I can’t tolerate others standing on your head at all. Apart from finding someone, I don’t seem to ask you to do anything, right? Forget it, now that these are no longer necessary, let me see what hole cards you have."

As he said, Ji Lingyun stood up slowly, placing his right hand on the hilt of the Shinigami Blade, and the group of people who looked behind Gan Fauer swept over, all of them were from the island. There are white wings on the back.

But Ji Lingyun sneered disdainfully, "Do you want to rely on these trash fish to deal with me? Overwhelmed."

With that said, the aura of horror erupted from Ji Lingyun's body. This place is full of enemies, so his Conqueror's Haki can explode indefinitely. The people on the sky island headed by Gan Fuer are shrouded by Conqueror's Haki, and everyone's faces are full of expressions. It changed, and several of them couldn't bear the pressure and were directly stunned.

Seeing that Ji Lingyun hadn’t done anything yet, someone on his side fainted, and Gan Fu's face became even more ugly. He had known that Ji Lingyun had a terrifying aura and was able to frighten people, so he was looking for elites. The elite, and prepared for it for so long, but I didn't expect this to happen.

However, despite the shock in his heart, Gan Fuer was not discouraged. This time he was ready to take someone to deal with Ji Lingyun, so Gan Fuer immediately took the opportunity and shouted: "Hands."

After Gan Fu'er yelled loudly, the people behind him suddenly rushed over to surround Ji Lingyun, and then started at the same time. Everyone used all their strength to attack Ji Lingyun, swords and guns Halberd, cold light shines.


With a cold snort, Ji Lingyun yanked out Shinigami's blade, shocked and chilled instantly.

"Sit in the frosty sky!"

Hyōrinmaru instantly Shikai, then Ji Lingyun waved Hyōrinmaru and shouted in a low voice: "Vacuum ice blade!"

The blade swung, countless ice blades formed, and then quickly attacked the surrounding enemies. They formed out of thin air, and the speed was extremely fast. They forced all the enemies that rushed back, and some people were not pushed back in time. The blade pierced the body and made a scream of screams.

0 …… ……

"Ice Dragon Swing Tail!"

Ji Lingyun was facing the front with a freezing slash. In an instant, the direction of the sword tip formed a frozen area, like an ice dragon, rotating and attacking all the enemies, but these people found by Gan Fuer They are all elites. Except for the two people who were stabbed by the ice blade before entering the body because of the cold, they did not keep up with the speed and were frozen. All the others escaped the frozen area from this trick.

"Absolutely empty!"

But this move was just the beginning. Ji Lingyun's blade suddenly changed its direction, and the cold air attacked the direction where the blade was pointing. Another person was frozen by him, and Ji Lingyun rushed into the crowd.

Gan Fore brought a total of more than forty people, all of whom he had chosen by thousands of elites. He had prepared for this day for a long time, but the battle had only just begun for a few minutes, except for the few who had just failed to bear Conqueror's Haki. In addition to individuals, several people lost their combat effectiveness in the blink of an eye. Six of them were frozen, two were beheaded, and a quarter of their combat effectiveness disappeared.

The battle continued. Ji Lingyun found that Hyōrinmaru’s ability was really easy to use. The freezing ability was really strong. No wonder Aokiji was able to become Marine 3 Admiral with Frozen Fruit. This ability faced opponents weaker than him. There is simply no solution. If it can't be unlocked instantly after being frozen in ice, then it will have to wait to lose.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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