After bidding farewell to Jeffrey White, Ji Lingyun went home again alone. This time he is going to return to New World and his own big family. He hasn't returned for a long time. I miss everyone and I guess everyone too. Miss him very much.

Back to New World, Ji Lingyun did not take the Minazuki, but followed the merchant ship. After all, his Minazuki was too eye-catching. Although he disappeared for two years, who knows what Marine's attitude towards him is, he doesn't want to provoke him anymore. Right or wrong, so I want to go back low-key.

But sometimes it's not that he can keep a low profile if he wants to keep a low profile. Sometimes if you don't look for things, things will automatically find you.

On this day, the merchant ship was resupplying on an island on the Grand Line. Ji Lingyun also got off the ship and wandered around the island. After strolling casually for a while, he was ready to return to the merchant ship, but he was about to walk to the beach. At that time, I suddenly heard a burst of 13 gunshots not far away.

Ji Lingyun paused, and then walked again. He didn't want to be nosy, but he hadn't walked a few steps before, and the gunshots got closer and closer, and suddenly a bullet shot from beside him, making him Stopped again.

After Ji Lingyun stopped, a group of people suddenly rushed out. To be precise, one person ran away in front, a large group of people behind were chasing, and some people were chasing and shooting at the same time.

"Huh? Murloc?"

After Ji Lingyun saw the appearance of the person running ahead, his expression became very surprised, because the person who ran away was different from normal humans. He had a red skin and a very tall stature. One could tell at a glance that he was a murloc. But he was covered in blood, and he seemed to have suffered serious injuries.

The murloc was running away from Ji Lingyun. When he saw Ji Lingyun in front of him, he immediately shouted, "Get out of the way and don't get hurt by mistake."

But Ji Lingyun didn’t move. The murloc thought that Ji Lingyun was scared stupid. He was going to give him a hand when he passed by. Who knew that he didn’t pull Ji Lingyun at once, but he was forced to stop. Coming down, this made his face suddenly change.

It was just such a pause. The hunters behind the Murloc chased up. A group of people raised their spears and pointed at the Murloc and Ji Lingyun. One of them shouted: "Tiger, you can't run away anymore, don't hurry up. Catch it with one's hands."

The murloc's name is Taige, his face is ugly, and he glances at Ji Lingyun beside him reluctantly. He had a chance to escape just now, but because he wanted to save Ji Lingyun, he was overtaken, but He did not regret it, but felt a little helpless in his heart.(Read more @

Tiger shouted: "I won't go back with you, even if I die, I don't want to go back to that place again."

Most of the people in the group were in suits and leather shoes, and the leader sneered: "If you want to die, it also depends on whether you have the ability to escape from the adult’s cage and make the adult angry. , You are taking the blame."

Murloc Tiger clenched his fists, but in order to escape from hell, his whole body was wounded. Even if he was able to fight, he would definitely not be the opponent of these people, but he still wouldn't be able to catch it with his hands, even if it was. After he died in battle, he didn't want to go back to that hell again.

The leader of the group of arresters glanced at Ji Lingyun next to Tiger and said, "Take Tiger down, and the human next to him will also be arrested and sent to the slave camp together."

With that, those people were ready to start their hands, Tiger roared, and was also ready to fight desperately.

But at this moment, Ji Lingyun, who had not spoken all the time, suddenly said: "Hey, it doesn't seem to be very authentic for you to do this? I'm just a passerby and I didn't do anything. You are going to attack me?"

"Huh, kid, if you're unlucky, you don't want to be treated anymore. If you have to stay here, you can be a companion with Tiger and be a slave together." The arresters laughed disdainfully, although Ji Lingyun was carrying a sword behind his back, but they really didn't put the boy in their eyes.

Hearing this, Ji Lingyun showed a look of helplessness on his face and said to himself: "Oh, it is indeed a bit unfortunate. I just want to go home low-key. Why do you bother to provoke me?"

While he was talking to himself, those people had already rushed over, and several of them raised their spears, ready to shoot.

Ji Lingyun's pupils suddenly shrank, and an astonishing Haki emanated from his body. The arresters suddenly rolled their eyes and fell down. In the end, only a few people were able to stand.

"This, this? This?"

This scene completely stunned everyone, especially the Murloc Tiger next to him. He looked at Ji Lingyun incredible. He suddenly remembered that he had just been held down by this young and easy man. It turned out that this teenager is not ordinary. People.

The leader of the group of arresters looked at Ji Lingyun in horror, and his body couldn't help shaking. He didn't see any movement of Ji Lingyun, just the astonishing momentum instantly brought down his subordinates, even 160. It was he who also endured the tremendous pressure and didn't fall down.

Just this moment, he knew that the young man in front of him was not something they could afford.

"You, who are you?"

Ji Lingyun walked towards him step by step, without taking a step, he took a step back, and his body trembled more severely.

Ji Lingyun said as he walked, "Who am I? Haha, have you ever heard of the name'Shinigami'?"


This person thought for a while, but just a few seconds later, his eyes widened suddenly, his backward footsteps were messed up, and he fell to the ground with a bang, pointing to Ji Lingyun in amazement and shouted, "Shinigami, Are you the "Shinigami" wanted by Edward Ji Lingyun, Marine Headquarters?"

Ji Lingyun looked at this person in surprise and said, "I didn't expect you to know me? Am I really that famous?"

He stayed on the sky island for two years, and I really don’t know how famous he is now. Marine has never caught him several times in a row, and Marine Admiral shot him, which directly led to his popularity. In addition, among the Grand Line, the name of'Shinigami' is well-known and well-known.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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