Ji Lingyun got the boat from Xia Qi smoothly, and it was coated, and then sailed with Fisher Tiger from the Chambord Islands to the bottom of the sea.

Fisher Tiger is much more familiar with The fish men island than Ji Lingyun, so Ji Lingyun handed over the task of navigating the boat to Tiger, and he was on the side to assist, and the two sneaked in at a very fast speed. The bottom of the sea, and then entered the range of The fish men island.

After entering The fish men island, Ji Lingyun discovered how famous Fisher Tiger was in The fish men island. After they got off the boat, someone immediately parked the boat for them, and there was a large group of murlocs. They surrounded him and said this to Tiger in a twittering, all of them were excited, as if they had seen an idol.

Tiger was also very patient and greeted everyone with a smile all the way. It took a long time for Tiger to get out of the surrounding situation.

"Tiger, you can see that you are very popular."

On the way to Dragon Palace City, Ji Lingyun smiled and joked with Tiger. After seeing One Piece, he thought that Tiger became the idol of all the murlocs after he had done that earth-shattering event. The situation seems to be obviously not. Tiger has already had a great reputation in The fish men island and is the idol of many fish men.

Tiger smiled and said, "Everyone just wants to read the article about travel that I wrote. The fish men island is 10,000 meters under the sea, and the fish men are discriminated against as soon as they go ashore, so although everyone wants to go ashore. Look, but I didn’t dare. I was the first murloc who dared to travel around the world. That’s why everyone was so enthusiastic about me."

Although Tiger said so, Ji Lingyun obviously did not believe it. He knew that Tiger also came out of the slums of The fish men island, so he has a high reputation among the murlocs at the bottom, even compared to King Neptune. It's not much difference.

The two went directly to Dragon Palace City. Tiger came back and made such a big movement. Naturally, it was impossible for Neptune and Princess Otohime to not know, so when Ji Lingyun and the others came to Dragon Palace City, they were not blocked Just walked in.

However, when entering the main hall, Ji Lingyun was blocked by the guards, but at this moment, the palace guard chief Jinbei rushed over.

"Big Brother Tiger."

When Tiger heard this loud cry, his whole body was shocked. Seeing Jinbei rushing over, the two hugged fiercely.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Both of them patted each other's back hard, and after a long time they let go. Tiger smiled and said to Jinbei: "I haven't seen you in a few years, Jinbei, you have become much stronger, but I didn't expect you to become a palace Guard."

Jinbei chuckled and said, "It's all the blessing of Big Brother Totage. I think I have to do something for The fish men island, so I became a palace guard. Speaking of it, it has been several years. Brother Ge, your news has made all of our brothers anxious, and Xianza saw that you were all right, so I was relieved."

After seeing Fisher Tiger, Jinbei changed from his usual taciturn appearance and kept chatting.

Tiger patted Jinbei on the shoulder and said, "We will talk about our affairs later. I'm going to see His Majesty the King first. By the way, this is Lingyun. You are already familiar with it."

Jinbei looked at Ji Lingyun at this time, and he was overjoyed and said, "Lingyun, why are you?"

Ji Lingyun sighed, "Well, I've been standing for a long time, and someone just didn't see it. It seems that I really don't have a sense of existence."

Jinbei laughed awkwardly, and said embarrassedly, "I'm sorry, Lingyun, I was so excited just now, so I didn't care too much."

Tiger asked Ji Lingyun: "Lingyun, I am going to tell His Majesty the King what happened to me. Do you want to come with me?"

If it weren’t for Ji Lingyun to have known that he used to be a slave, he would certainly not give such an invitation, but now Ji Lingyun already knows, and Ji Lingyun is still a member of the Whitebeard Pirates, so it’s no big deal to take him there. Yes, I believe even Neptune and Princess Otohime would not say anything.

However, Ji Lingyun has no interest in this. He has guessed what Tiger wants to say to Neptun and Princess Otohime. It cannot be said that the slaves of his companions have suffered, and he wants to save them and also wants to get Nip They gave up their support, but Ji Lingyun knew very well that Tiger could not be supported, because in the original book he climbed alone on the red soil continent, and there was no reinforcement.

"No, Tiger, you go, I'm here to reminisce about the past with Jinbei." Ji Lingyun said.

Tiger didn't force it either. He just nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll go ahead, Jinbei, take care of Lingyun. He has saved my life and is my benefactor."

After saying this, Tiger left, leaving Jinbei making a fuss and exclaimed: "What? Brother Tiger has been in danger? Lingyun, what's the matter?"


Ji Lingyun casually said: "What else could be going on, you don't know the murloc's situation. I just happened to meet Tiger, so I helped him. It's no big deal."

"Oh, that's the case, I thought Big Brother Tiger had some big trouble."

Jinbei breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked again: "Lingyun, where have you been in the past two years and haven't heard from you. I thought what happened to you?"

Ji Lingyun said: "I just found a place to practice, and I have never come out, so naturally you don't have any news about me. Where can I eat? After such a long journey, I am a little hungry. Take me to get something. food."

Jinbei immediately led the way: "Come with me, I'll take you to make delicious food."

While Ji Lingyun and Jinbei were eating and drinking, Tiger also talked to the king of The fish men island Neptune and Princess Otohime about his experience, including his arrest and slavery. Princess Ji was already in tears, and Neptune was also silent. They all knew the condition of the murloc, but unfortunately they couldn't change anything.

"If it weren't for the last encounter with Lingyun, I'm afraid I won't be able to come back at all, and it's impossible to see His Majesty the King and His Royal Highness." Finally, Tiger said with emotion on his face, his tone full of gratitude.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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