"you are……"

When Ji Lingyun and Tiger broke into the room, they were discovered because Tiger’s movements were too big, but his speed was also extremely fast. Before the other party shouted out, they had already killed each other, and then again. Kill all the other guards in the room who are still sleeping. As for Ji Lingyun, his speed is faster, and all the guards will be solved in a few seconds.

"Tiger, you go and let the slaves here, I will create chaos!" Ji Lingyun said to Tiger.

Tiger hurriedly grabbed Ji Lingyun and said, "No, you are not familiar with Mary Geoise. Let's act together, let the slaves out first, and then create chaos together."

"Well, let's move faster."

After Tiger and Ji Lingyun took the key, they rushed into the slave camp quickly, and then used the key to open the gate of the slave camp.

Tiger was also a slave in the slave camp, so after opening the slave camp, the slaves did not cause chaos, especially the murloc slaves, but excited, because Tiger will take them to escape from Mary Geoise and get rid of slaves. Body, become a free man.

Ji Lingyun and Taige were very fast. After releasing all the slaves, they immediately destroyed the slave camp in a big fire, and then let other slaves set fire everywhere in the town, but within a short time, the outer city of Mary Geoise The flames all lit up, and the flames soared into the sky.

The purpose of setting the fire was just to attract attention. After that, Ji Lingyun and the others followed Tiger with a large group of slaves to retreat from Mary Geoise quickly. With these slaves, no amount of people will be enough to kill.

Perhaps no one had thought that someone would dare to do such an amazing thing in the holy place Mary Geoise, so Ji Lingyun and the others did not encounter any obstacles, and followed the route mentioned by Tiger to escape Mary Geoise.

After knowing that he escaped, Ji Lingyun still couldn't believe it. Isn't it too simple? Is this the center of the world government? With thousands of slaves, she escaped from Mary Geoise in such a short time.

Even though he was incredibly unbelievable, the facts were right in front of him, and he couldn't help but believe what the whole world didn't dare to do, they did it so easily.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

When Tiger and Ji Lingyun came to the place agreed with Jinbei with a large group of slaves, Jinbei greeted them excitedly. Knowing that there were too many slaves, Ji Lingyun and the others had prepared three ships before, and then they separated The arranger was scattered on the three ships.

Among these slaves, most were humans, a few were murlocs. The murlocs followed Tiger to the ship where Ji Lingyun was on. The rest were driven by two other ships. It drove away from the red earth continent at an extremely fast speed.

On the second day when Ji Lingyun and Tiger made a fuss about Mary Geoise, the whole world was shaken by this incident.

"What? Someone attacked the holy place Mary Geoise and released all the slaves? Who is so bold? Even the central holy place of the World government dared to attack?"

"It is said to be a murloc and a human. They went to Mary Geoise, then attacked the slave camp, and attacked Mary Geoise, and escaped with all the slaves."

"How is it possible, that is Mary Geoise, who has the strongest defense of the World government, how could it be broken by two of them?"

"I heard that Mary Geoise seems to be climbing up from the red earth continent with bare hands. All of Mary Geoise's defenses have not worked."

"It's crazy, it's really crazy. Even the center of the World government has been attacked. What can't happen in this world?"

"This world is so crazy, those damn murlocs dare to do such a violent thing!"

"I heard that the guilty man who boarded Mary Geoise with the murlocs was the "Shinigami" Edward Ji Lingyun of the Whitebeard Pirates that Marine had been arresting. That's also an amazing guy!"


After the Mary Geoise incident, it immediately caused a great shock. The whole world was madly discussing this matter, because the impact of this incident was really too great. A murloc and a human attacked, and they also released the slaves. It was extremely bad.

The operation of the world government was so fast that Five Elders was furious, and ordered Marine to capture Fisher Tiger and Ji Lingyun. Ji Lingyun’s bounty was directly increased to 650 million bets because of this incident. Lee, even if this bounty is in New World, it is definitely a big pirate in the top ten.

And Fisher Tiger was also offered a reward by Marine, offering a reward of 230 million Baileys. As for the slaves who were released, the World government did not disclose it, but no one knows what orders were secretly issued.

In the Chambord Islands, Xia Qi and Rayleigh both stared at the newspaper in their hands, and their eyes were shocked.

After a long time, Rayleigh smacked his lips and said in a weird tone: "Is this kid planning to overturn the sky?"

Xia Qi also said: "I knew that this kid is not a peaceful lord, but I never expected that he did not appear for more than two years, and did this kind of thing as soon as he appeared, Mary Geoise, that is Mary Geoise, this The kid didn't know where he was, so he dared to attack Mary Geoise."

Rayleigh said: "What's even more incredible is that they succeeded, but this kid will be kind and save the slaves? This is not like his character, it seems that it should be the reason for the murloc."

"650 million, Marine is really generous, so I want to catch that kid and send it to Marine headquarters." Xia Qi smiled and said, "However, I'm about to send someone to the Whitebeard Pirates to tell The news of that boy Whitebeard, now it seems that I don't need to worry about the energy, this matter will soon spread all over the world, Whitebeard will naturally know that this boy is safe and sound."

Rayleigh smiled and said, "Whitebeard is lucky enough to find such an heir, and there are successors."

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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