As the only female in Seven Warlords of the Sea in One Piece, Boa Hancock is definitely one of the most popular female characters in One Piece, but this one who owns Conqueror's Haki has not so good experience in her childhood. She was caught and sold to Celestial Dragons when she was young, and she became a slave, so that the later period of slavery became the most painful and desperate memory in her life, which has been unforgettable.

Before, I only wanted to liberate the slaves with Tiger, but forgot that there are such big people among these slaves, so that now Ji Lingyun looks very shocked after seeing the three sisters Boa Hancock.

If Ji Lingyun is shocked, then the three sisters Boa Hancock are disturbed. They know that this young man in front of them rescued them from Mary Geoise, that is, their great benefactor. Before Tiger let the other slaves go back Home, they also wanted to go back, but they were too young when they left Nine Snake Island, so they didn't know how to go back, so they didn't leave.

As the few remaining human slaves, Ji Lingyun immediately called them over after hearing their names. Boa Hancock escaped from the slave camp and was afraid of everything, even if Ji Lingyun was them Great benefactor.

"Well, my lord, my name is Boa Hancock!"

"Boya Sandsonia!" "Boya Mariglud!"

The three sisters all said their names carefully, and then looked at Ji Lingyun timidly. Their eyes were so pitiful that they made Ji Lingyun feel like a bad person, but he was also very surprised in his heart. Who could think of it? , This timid girl in front of her will become a famous figure in the future.

Although the future Boa Hancock is cold and arrogant, Ji Lingyun knows that it's just her concealing her own fragility, so he doesn't have any bad senses for Hancock, but has some appreciation. After all, who doesn't appreciate beautiful women.

"You said you can't find a home?" Ji Lingyun asked them.

Hancock whispered: "Well, our family lives in Nine Snake Island, but we can't find it now."

"Nine Snake Island."

Ji Lingyun nodded and said, "Although I don't know where the Nine Snake Island is, I know someone knows where the Nine Snake Island is. I will let him take you home, okay?(Read more @

"Really?" The three Hancock sisters looked at Ji Lingyun excitedly, with longing in their eyes.

Ji Lingyun smiled and said, "Of course, well, starting from today, you will no longer be slaves, and you will never be again. So you just forget that unbearable memory. Remember, you are reborn, and you will be in the future. Don’t call me an adult. If you don’t dislike me, just call me Lingyun brother. I am not a few years older than you."

The three Hancock sisters looked at each other, but the other two dared not speak, only Hancock screamed in a low voice.

"Brother Lingyun."

"Haha, that's right."

Ji Lingyun laughed happily. To tell you the truth, he was called his elder brother for the first time in his two lives. Before Rambo, he wanted Rambo to be his brother, but it was a pity that Rambo was reluctant to call him. grown ups.

"I'll tell Tiger later, I'll take you home first."

"Thank you." The three Hancock sisters were very happy. For Ji Lingyun, a lifesaver, they could not help but choose to believe.

"You stay in this room first, and I will go out to discuss with Tiger."

Ji Lingyun said to the three Hancock sisters, and then walked out of the room and walked outside.

Outside Tiger and Jinbei are driving a boat with a group of murloc slaves, and at the same time, Tiger is also trying to solve a large group of murloc slaves. He liberating these slaves is not just to vent his anger, but to make the murloc slaves. Live a normal life again and live freely and unconstrained.

Because of the existence of Tiger, although these murloc slaves are still nervous and afraid, they are no longer confused. Instead, they are excited by Tiger's expression, screaming and swearing to follow Tiger and so on...

Seeing Ji Lingyun, Tiger stopped talking and asked Jinbei to continue communicating with the murloc slaves. He walked up to Ji Lingyun and asked, "How is it? Lingyun, have you clarified the origins of the three little girls? ?"

Ji Lingyun said: "If you ask, they live on Nine Snake Island. I will find a way to send them back."

Tiger breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's good, they are not easy either. They were arrested as slaves at such a young age, and being able to go home is the greatest wish for all slaves. Now everyone can finally get what they want. I am really happy in my heart."

"What about you, what are your plans next? The two of us have caused such a big incident. Neither World government nor Marine will let us go. I don't care. Anyway, I'm used to being wanted. How about you?" Ji Lingyun was right. Tiger asked.

Tiger said: "I have already thought about it. I will return to The fish men island first, and then form a murloc pirate group. Those who are willing to follow me will join the pirate group, and those who don’t want to follow me will let them go home. After all, slaves will be discriminated against everywhere, so I don’t want them to live a life of being looked at by other people. I hope they can live freely. After all, they have suffered too much and they don’t have a home. Then I will Form a pirate group and become their home."


Looking at Fisher Tiger, Ji Lingyun couldn’t help but feel admiration in her heart. If nothing else, Tiger’s approach is indeed very moving. It’s no wonder that after so many years of death, the Sun Sea The thieves have always remembered his kindness.

Ji Lingyun said: "Okay, do whatever you want, but you have to pay attention. You have become Marine's wanted target. Once you form a pirate group, you will definitely be severely attacked by Marine. If you encounter it in the future For any trouble, you can go to our Whitebeard Pirate Group for help. Based on your relationship with me, they will definitely help you."

Ji Lingyun knew that after Taige formed the Pirates of the Sun, he had been chased by Marine, and later he was caught in a trap by Marine and died tragically by Marine.

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