North Sea!

"According to the intelligence, the place where Marine and Pirates trade Op-Op Fruit is not far from here, but where it is, it is a little troublesome."

Based on his own knowledge of the One Piece world, coupled with Xia Qi's call and operation of Marine's soldiers near the North Sea, he determined an approximate location, but on which island he really did not have it. grasp.

After handing the three Hancock sisters to the people on the island of Nine Snakes, Ji Lingyun spent a few days in the Chambord Islands, and then did not return to New World, but came to the North Sea. His plan was naturally Op-Op Fruit.

Since he couldn't determine the specific location, Ji Lingyun could only search nearby. Naturally, he was looking for Corason and Trafalgar Law. As long as he found these two people, he would be able to find Op-Op Fruit.

But I don’t know if it’s Ji Lingyun's bad luck or he shouldn’t get Op-Op Fruit. He didn’t find his goal after shopping for a long time, until one day, when he was flying in the air, he saw a small island around 107. Suddenly, a large piece of cage-like thing was enveloped, as if it was still formed with white threads.

"This is Birdcage?"

Seeing this phenomenon, Ji Lingyun immediately reacted. This move is probably Doflamingo’s trick, Birdcage. He also remembers that Doflamingo wanted to get Op-Op Fruit, so he used Birdcage to surround an island, but It was still unsuccessful afterwards.

"It's there."

Ji Lingyun was shocked and quickly moved towards the location of the island. He is different from Doflamingo. Doflamingo wants to get Op-Op Fruit and then use that ability to get unlimited life, but he just wants to use it. Op-Op Fruit’s ability to unblock Minazuki’s Bankai, after all, Op-Op Fruit’s infinite life is true or false, no one can tell.

When Ji Lingyun headed in that direction, he found that there were two destroyed warships, and there were traces of battle around, but Ji Lingyun didn't care, but continued to head in that direction.

Soon Ji Lingyun entered the island, but he discovered that there was a Birdcage composed of wired cables above the town on the island, which enveloped the entire town.(Read more @

Not only that, he also discovered that there were many Marine soldiers around Birdcage. When Ji Lingyun fell, these Marine soldiers immediately spotted him and shouted, "Who are you?"

Ji Lingyun glanced at these Marine soldiers and said coldly: "Get out of the way, I don't have time to talk nonsense with you."

After talking, Conqueror's Haki burst out from his body. These people are just soldiers from the North Sea. How could they be able to stop Conqueror's Haki of Ji Lingyun, so these Marine soldiers were quickly stunned by his Haki past.

Walking to the front of Birdcage, Ji Lingyun looked at these physical lines, his right hand became jet black, Armament Haki covered his right hand, and smashed against these lines severely.


Ji Lingyun's attack hit Birdcage, but it shook a few times, and made a sound like a golden and iron crow, but it was not destroyed.

"It's really a troublesome thing, and Doflamingo is indeed a person. It can create such a terrifying move. It seems that it can't be broken in a short time. If it is so, then don't waste energy."

Ji Lingyun doesn’t know if Birdcage is invincible, but he understands that now he wants to break Birdcage, which is definitely very troublesome, so he didn’t do that. Instead, he walked around Birdcage. He knew that Doflamingo wanted Birdcage will be unlocked soon, and there will definitely be his Pirate Ship around.

Ji Lingyun's guess was correct. After searching around Birdcage, he found a large pirate ship. Looking at the pirate flag on the pirate ship, it was the flag of Doflamingo's Donquixote Family.

Doflamingo brought the cadres of the Donquixote Family into the town. Those who stayed on the boat were all ordinary pirates, but Ji Lingyun didn't do it immediately, but waited in the dark instead.

Donquixote Family has his two goals, one is to have the ability to crush fruits, and the other is Trafalgar Law, but he doesn't know if Luo escaped from Doflamingo's hands like the original.

Ji Lingyun didn’t wait long, and the Birdcage that had enveloped the town soon disappeared. Seeing this scene, he knew that Doflamingo would come out soon, so he was shocked and stared at the pirate ship more sharply. The direction.

There are quite a few members of the Donquixote Family, but Xia Qi has used a lot of effort to find out who is the one who owns tons of crushed fruits. His name is Mahabasi. He is a man with long yellow curly hair and is easy to identify. of.

However, Ji Lingyun also knows that there are a large number of Donquixote Family. He is definitely not their combined opponent, so he has to borrow external forces. As far as he knows, the Marine Crane who is responsible for pursuing Doflamingo will soon be there. When it comes, all he has to do now is to drag Doflamingo and them, and then Marine is bound to fight them, and he can fish along the water, make the situation more chaotic, and make things more convenient.

Soon, Ji Lingyun saw Doflamingo bring a group of people to the shore with an angry look. Although he and Doflamingo have not seen him for many years, Ji Lingyun recognized him at a glance because Doflamingo is so easy to recognize. Up.

Doflamingo was instructing a group of his men to move the treasure to the ship, but Ji Lingyun was not found in the dark.

Ji Lingyun didn't do it right away, but stared at the treasure boxes. He knew Trafalgar Law was probably in one of them. His Op-Op Fruit was definitely a must for Minazuki Bankai.

It’s just that as boxes of treasures were loaded onto the ship, I still didn’t see Luo. This made Ji Lingyun very surprised. Could it be that his memory was wrong, or something else happened that caused Luo to run away. Up?

When Ji Lingyun was secretly strange, there was a problem with Doflamingo. He only heard a pirate yelling: "Young Master, Marine is here, it's Lieutenant General Crane from Marine Headquarters!"

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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