"Turn around and attack."

Ji Lingyun and Hancock were both in the driver's cab. After running for a while, Ji Lingyun saw Marine's nine warships dispersed completely, and his eyes became bright and he shouted in a deep voice.

The girl who was driving the pirate ship was startled, but she did not follow Ji Lingyun's orders until Hancock snorted dissatisfiedly: "Follow Lingyun's orders.~"

Hancock was not afraid of these Marines, and had absolute trust in Ji Lingyun, so there was no doubt about Ji Lingyun's words. Ji Lingyun turned around and she naturally gave her full support.

The pilot did not dare to disobey Hancock's orders, and immediately turned his head. The warship of Huoshaoshan was chasing after the pirate ship, and the two warships of his men were behind him. He was chasing him, and suddenly he found the front The Nine Snakes and Pirates suddenly turned their heads, and before he could react, suddenly the shells smashed over.

"Asshole, dare to look back."

Huo Shaoshan really did not expect that the Nine Snakes Pirates would even dare to fight back. Although he was very surprised, he did not panic. Instead, he calmly commanded the Marine soldiers under his command to attack the Nine Snakes Pirates.

However, the speed of the Pirates of the Nine Snakes was too fast. After several shelling attacks on them, the whole ship ran into them. The speed of both ships was extremely fast. If they hit head-on, the consequences would be disastrous. .

Huo Shaoshan never expected the Nine Snakes and Pirates to be so crazy. He ran into them desperately. He didn't want to die with the Nine Snakes and Pirates. On the contrary, he was extremely shocked. He knew that the Nine Snakes and Pirates were one. The pirate group composed of women, how could a woman compare to a man, but only now I discovered that the group of Nine Snake Pirates is even more man than a man, and they even used the same dying style of play.

As a promising Marine Lieutenant General, Huo Shao Shan didn't want to die with the Hydra Pirates, and was picked up by the flying squirrels and Dalmesia behind, so he quickly ordered the helmsman to turn around and avoid.

Because the Huoshaoshan evacuated in time, his warship and the Pirate Ship of the Pirates of the Nine Snakes almost passed by. At this moment, the female soldiers of the Pirates of the Nine Snakes were in groups. Rushed to the Marine warship quickly through the place where the two ships touched.

"Enemy attack!"

A sharp cry suddenly sounded. Marine did not expect the Nine Snakes and Pirates to invade their warships, and their reaction when they waited for the female pirates of the Nine Snakes to pounce like wolves. It's too late.

"Boom!"(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

The Nine Snakes and Pirates not only got on the warship, but also bombarded the warship with shells.

"Damn it!"

Huoshaoshan's pupils tightened. In his eyes, he saw a group of pirates with dozens of women, led by a beautiful young girl, constantly harvesting the lives of Marine soldiers.


They had seen Hancock's photo before coming to Huoshaoshan. Because it was so easy to recognize, he recognized it immediately, and then was shocked. As the captain of the Nine Snakes and Pirates, Hancock dared to take it alone. People invaded his warship. You must know that there are eight warships behind him. Although they are some distance from him, they can catch up in ten minutes. Don't Hancock know?

Originally, Ji Lingyun was planning to attack the warship alone, but Hancock refused because it belonged to the Pirates of the Nine Snakes. As the captain, she had to stand up, so she would do it herself.

According to Ji Lingyun, after Hancock boarded the warship, there was no nonsense, and he immediately started fighting. So even if these Marines are all elite, how could they be Hancock's opponents if they missed the first opportunity.

But after all, it was the soldiers from Marine headquarters. Under Huoshaoshan's order, they quickly gathered again and stood behind Huoshaoshan to confront the female pirates led by Hancock.

Because the ship of the Nine Snakes and Pirates is moved by two giant snakes, it is very convenient to turn around. After staggering with the warship, it quickly turns around again after a circle and attacks again.

"Boa·Hancock, you dare to take the initiative to attack. You will never escape here today." Huo Shaoshan said sharply.


Hancock laughed, his smile was very sweet and moving. Even as an enemy, Huoshaoshan and the Marine soldiers behind him were fascinated by Hancock's beauty. Even some weak-willed guys have begun to drool. The appearance of fainting.

"The concubine is the most beautiful person in the world. It is unforgivable that you, a little Marine, dare to threaten the concubine."

With a smile, Hancock's expression changed suddenly, and he said coldly: "Dare to chase your concubine, you all deserve to die."

Before Huoshaoshan could react, an astonishing aura erupted from Hancock's body, as if the king of the sky descended on the earth, exuding incomparable Haki, as if to wipe out everything in the world.


Under this astonishing Haki, most of the Marine soldiers collapsed with their eyelids turned over. In an instant, more than 70% of the Marine soldiers fainted, leaving only a group of Marine elites with shocked faces.

"Ba, Conqueror's Haki?"

Huo Shao Shan looked at Hancock in disbelief, with deep fear in her eyes. How could it be possible that a woman in Hancock actually owns Conqueror's Haki, the owner of Conqueror's Haki that is difficult to appear in a million people, the ‘king’s qualification’.

"Is this a lie?"

No wonder Huoshaoshan is unbelievable. On the sea, I haven't heard of any woman who owns Conqueror's Haki, and this Boa·Hancock is still so young.

With a happy smile on Hancock's face, he said softly, "Kill them all."

Suddenly, the female pirates behind her did not hesitate to kill the remaining Marine. After Huoshaoshan was shocked, they shouted angrily: "Everyone kills as I do. For the sake of Marine's justice, how can you be killed? A group of women are defeated and killed!"

The Nine Snake Pirates and Marine, headed by Huoshao Mountain, fought fiercely, and the Marine warships that came after it also saw the situation here, and they all rushed to this side.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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