
Ji Lingyun held the sword and stood not far from the eagle's eye, coughing slightly, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and the right hand holding the sword cracked, and the blood stained the hilt.

He was injured by the last move just now, and the eagle eyes that crossed him, his wine-red clothes also spilled blood, and saw a wound on his left arm.

"I haven't been injured for many years, especially in the duel with the swordsman. Except for the battle with the red hair, I have not been injured. You are the other person who can hurt me."

Ji Lingyun slowly retracted Senbonzakura's sheath, and said, "Is that so, then I'm really proud of it."

Hawkeye said: "But if there is only this, it is far from enough."

"As I said, this is just the beginning." Ji Lingyun said.

"Sit in the frosty sky, Hyōrinmaru!"

Facing the powerful eagle eye, Ji Lingyun fired up all his Zanpakutō, but the eagle eye is definitely strong and terrifying. No matter how he changes, the powerful eagle eye can resolve them one by one.

"Whirring whirring!"

Ji Lingyun panted violently. The battle between him and Hawkeye had lasted for more than an hour. Both of them were injured to varying degrees. His Zanpakutō basically used most of it, but no matter how he changed , Hawkeye’s black sword is very tightly guarded, so Ji Lingyun has no chance to take advantage of it. Although both of them were injured, it is clear that Ji Lingyun suffered more injuries and consumption than Hawkeye. Much more eyes.

There were also many wounds on Hawkeye's body, but his expression did not change in any way. The black sword was still held tightly, and the blade pointed straight towards Ji Lingyun.

"Except for the red hair, this is the first time I have fought with someone for so long."

Ji Lingyun took Zanpakutō back into the scabbard again. He has done such actions several times. He has used Hyōrinmaru, Senbonzakura, Sōgyo no Kotowari, and even Ryūjin Jakka, but these Zanpakutō’s abilities are powerful, But in the face of Hawkeye's one person with a single sword, it cannot gain an advantage. This is not because Zanpakutō's ability is not enough, but because these attacks cannot break the Hawkeye's defense. After Hawkeye uses Armament Haki, it cannot break the defense .(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

One more point, Ji Lingyun knows that Zanpakutō’s power that bursts out in this pirate world has limits, and as one of the most powerful people in the world, Hawkeye’s strength is definitely not worse than Marine Admiral , Even stronger.

"Ice, fire, and other abilities, Shinigami, your abilities are really strong, but it’s not enough to defeat me by relying on them. I haven’t seen your kendo, your kendo so far. What is it? Is it these abilities?"

Hawkeye didn't rush to shoot, but talked to Ji Lingyun. He wanted to fight the strongest Ji Lingyun, so he wanted to make Ji Lingyun the strongest.

Ji Lingyun said solemnly, "I don't need you to deny my kendo yet."

Ji Lingyun has always been more aware of his strengths and weaknesses. Unlike traditional swordsmen, he does not learn kendo step by step. He has a very high starting point and has all kinds of Zanpakutō, so he doesn’t think he is. He needs to follow a path. What he needs is a thousand flowers bloom, and what he needs is to control these Zanpakutō, because these Zanpakutō are originally part of his life and are inseparable.

"All I need is a strong heart, a strong heart that can control Shinigami's blade."

Unlike the traditional swordsman who needs to achieve human sword integration, he was originally integrated with Shinigami Blade.

"Look up, Wabisuke!"

Suddenly, Ji Lingyun pulled out Zanpakutō again, but this time he only used the relatively ordinary Zanpakutō, Wabisuke. He used the powerful Zanpakutō such as Hyōrinmaru and Ryūjin Jakka, but he still couldn’t defeat Hawkeye. He knew that he needed to change, and Wabisuke was a special kind of Zanpakutō, he had only one ability.

After Shikai, the Wabisuke has a hook-like front end, which is a very peculiar Zanpakutō.

Hawkeye saw Ji Lingyun use a different form of Zanpakutō again, and whispered: "Is it a new ability again?"

He has long been accustomed to Ji Lingyun's strange abilities, but he needs to adapt and use his strength to defeat it. For him, it doesn't make much difference.


Wabisuke collided with Black Saber Ye for the first time, but after the collision, Hawkeye's hands sank suddenly, his face changed even more, then he withdrew the sword and quickly retreated.

But how could Ji Lingyun give him a chance to retreat? While Hawkeye retreated, he chased him at a faster speed. Wabisuke in his hand cut to Hawkeye again. In desperation, Hawkeye could only use black The sword resisted, but after resisting this time, he found that the black sword in his hand had become heavier, and he almost got out of his hand without defense.


Hawkeye did not hesitate to use the strongest slash, the blue blade of the sword spurted from the blade of the black sword, pushing Ji Lingyun back, and he took advantage of the situation to retreat.


After swiping the black sword several times in a row, Ji Lingyun was forced back a long distance by slashing the sword light.

Ji Lingyun stood still. He knew that it would not be so easy to get close to Hawkeye, so he gave up at 5.4 and stood still.

"Why does my sword become heavy, and what is the power of your sword?"

As a swordsman, he was naturally familiar with his weapons, and he would immediately feel the slightest change, not to mention that the black sword suddenly became several times heavier.

Ji Lingyun said: "The name of the sword, Wabisuke, will continue to double the weight of the thing it hits, and double the weight once it hits. Your black sword has just been hit by it twice. Its weight is four times its own weight."

"No wonder."

A look of relief flashed in the eagle's eyes. It was the first time that he put the black blade on the ground when facing an enemy. This was not to say that he could not bear such a weight, but because he did not want to consume his physical strength. .

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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