"Brother Lingyun."

Hancock had already come to the battlefield between the two before, but because Ji Lingyun and Hawkeye were fighting too fiercely, she couldn't get close at all. When she saw Ji Lingyun turned into Shinigami, she was also very surprised. Because it was the first time she saw Ji Lingyun's appearance, full of coldness and killing intent.

"No wonder Lingyun's brother is called Shinigami. It turns out that he still looks like this."

After Hancock was surprised, she was full of worries. She has been standing here for so long. Naturally, she clearly saw the power of Hawkeye. During the fight between Ji Lingyun and Hawkeye, Hawkeye basically occupied most The advantage of the time, and their destructive power is too strong. Within a few kilometers, they are basically dilapidated, and there is no complete ground. The sword energy is vertical and horizontal, and the traces on the ground are large. Most of them are caused by eagle eyes.

But Hancock didn't know that this kind of battle was not the limit of Ji Lingyun and Hawkeye. The real battle between them started after Ji Lingyun used Tensa Zangetsu.

"Hawkeye, this is my last sword. I won't change the sword anymore." Ji Lingyun said to Hawkeye with a cold expression.

A smile appeared at the corner of Hawkeye's mouth, and his face solemnly said: "This is what I expect. Although I recognize your kendo, in my opinion, a swordsman has only one most suitable sword in his life. Only that sword can maximize his power. You have used many sword before, but you don't really understand them, so you can't exert their strongest power.

If it was another swordsman who was so questioned and taught by Hawkeye, he might have refuted it a long time ago, but Ji Lingyun did not refute it, because Hawkeye was not wrong, and he did not have that kind of deep talk with all Zanpakutō Level communication, because that is not his kendo, but he will not refute Hawkeye.

But if he doesn’t refute, it doesn’t mean he doesn’t say anything. Ji Lingyun said, “I’m different from you. Weapons are foreign objects to you, and my sword is a part of my body and a part of my soul. , So I don’t need to understand it like you do, all I need is to use it.”

"Then let me see your swordsmanship." Hawkeye's eyes were brilliant, and an extremely sharp aura suddenly burst out of his body, rushing straight into the sky like a sharp sword, piercing the clouds in the sky. general.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Seeing such an amazing eagle eye, Ji Lingyun was not afraid, but trembled with excitement.

"This is you, Hawkeye, and this is the matchup I am looking forward to. The warm-up is over. Next, let us have a final battle."

Excited Ji Lingyun also unreservedly released his aura. Conqueror's Haki plus the sharpness of the swordsman, like a huge sword domain, filled the entire space. Although he hasn't done it yet, it is powerful. The aura has affected the air, causing the wind in the air to suddenly become fierce, like a sword blade cutting the air.

Within a few kilometers, the aura of Ji Lingyun and Eagle Eye was enveloped. Hancock, who was already far away, was forced to retreat for a long time after the aura of the two erupted. It's not that she can't stand it. The aura of the two cannot release their own aura to resist, because once she does this, she will immediately be backlashed by these two auras, which will not only affect the battle between Ji Lingyun and Hawkeye, but may even be affected by it. The momentum of the two was hurt, so she could only retreat.

"Is this the real Lingyun brother, and the eagle eye of the world's number one swordsman? I am afraid that the aura alone can scare ordinary people into collapse. Even the strongest one is facing such a momentum. , Will also be affected."

As the only Hancock who felt the aura of the two at close range, she was extremely shocked. She had always thought that she was good at strength, but it was only at this time that she really saw the gap with the top power on the sea.

"However, Lingyun's Conqueror's Haki is really powerful, much stronger than my Haki."

Hancock's Conqueror's Haki hasn't been awakened for a long time, while Ji Lingyun's Conqueror's Haki has been awakened for more than ten years. Naturally, Hancock is not comparable to Hancock in terms of application and growth. The two have not only a quantitative gap, but also a quality gap.

When Hawkeye saw that Ji Lingyun's momentum was not weaker than him, on the contrary, it was faintly stronger, and his heart was shocked.

"Unexpectedly, Conqueror's Haki and his own kendo were combined to form a more powerful field. Lingyun, you are the most talented person I have ever seen. Even if you are a redhead, you are not as good as you in this respect."

Hawkeye praised sincerely, the red-haired Shanks is the most powerful opponent that Hawkeye has encountered since he broke through the world. Shanks's kendo training is similar to his, but Shanks is the most powerful Haki. It is used to an extremely terrifying degree.

Hawkeye feels that Ji Lingyun is somewhat similar to Shanks, but it is different, because Ji Lingyun has merged his own Haki and Kendo together, forming a realm formed by Haki and sword intent. In this realm, Even he feels a little limited, this kind of ability is really amazing, there is no second in this world.

Hawkeye’s statement is correct. Ji Lingyun did, as he said, fused his Haki and Jian together. The reason why he was able to do this was entirely because his kendo was part of himself, so he was able to do so. Fusion with Haki.

As for the fusion of Haki and Kendo to form such a domineering sword domain, Ji Lingyun himself did not think of this, but there is no doubt that this sword domain is very powerful. If the cultivation base is weaker than him, enter In this field, he will be suppressed, and it is difficult to exert the strongest strength.

This is the first time Ji Lingyun has used this kind of power. Although he has fought Marine Admiral before, most of the time he belongs to the fleeing side. However, he cannot flinch from the battle with Hawkeye, so he Must go all out.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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