Under Magellan's angry roar, Ji Lingyun was taken to Impel down prison by them.

Because it was Sengoku's personal order, this time Magellan personally acted and brought Ji Lingyun to the sixth layer of Impel down, Eternal Hell.

Although Impel down is a world-famous big prison, the prisoners are all criminals with heinous crimes, but in fact only Eternal Hell is the most terrifying place in Impel down. Most of the prisoners here are the world-famous big criminals. , The bounty is at least hundreds of millions of Baileys.

Eternal Hell hasn’t been here for a long time. Because there are big pirates and there are very few people here, it’s usually very quiet. Apart from a normal meal a day, basically no one wants to come. Here, because it is too depressing and the atmosphere is too frightening.

When Magellan took Ji Lingyun and a group of jailers into the Eternal Hell, the tranquility of the entire 17-limit hell was instantly broken. Those criminals who were usually quiet all woke up.

"Magnellan, is this guy here?"

"Magnellan, let Laozi go and let Laozi fight you for three hundred rounds."

"Hey, Magellan came here personally. It's interesting. Who is this kid?"


When the prisoners of Eternal Hell on the sixth floor saw Ji Lingyun's hands and feet are seastone shackled, they all realized what was going on. Many people walked to the cell door and looked at Ji through the iron rail Lingyun them.

"It's a little strange that a kid wants Magellan to escort him personally."

"Boy, who are you, why haven't I seen you before?"

"Being escorted by Magellan personally, it shouldn't be an ordinary person, boy, where are you from? How much is the reward?

"..."(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Eternal Hell screamed, many people looked at Ji Lingyun, very curious, because Ji Lingyun seemed to be in his early twenties at most. Such young people usually just debuted, but now they are being taken to Eternal Hell. , This is too rare.

"Shut up all to me."

Listening to the chattering yelling around, Magellan roared angrily, "Do you still want to taste Laozi's poison?"

Magellan’s loud shout suddenly calmed the noisy Eternal Hell. For Magellan, although they dared to scold and scream, they were actually very afraid of Magellan because most of them had been treated by Magellan. , I have seen the poisonous fruit of Magellan, so no one wants to suffer that sin.

Seeing that no one dared to speak, Magellan suddenly snorted in disdain: "Look at all of you who are useless. Tell you, this kid is not something you can afford. Do you think he is younger than you? He is a big pirate with a bounty of nearly one billion Baileys, and the number two figure in the Whitebeard pirate group."

After Magellan's words were spoken, Eternal Hell suddenly fell into silence, but in the next second, the entire Eternal Hell became more noisy and noisier than before.

"What? One billion Baileys? This kid is offering a billion Baileys as a bounty? Really?"

"It's a lie, just such a kid can offer a billion Baileys as a bounty. Is the current Marine too useless?"

"Wait, the number two character of the Whitebeard Pirates. Isn't the number two of the Whitebeard Pirates Marko the "phoenix"? Where did this kid come from?

Most of the pirates here are big pirates who have been imprisoned for more than ten years. Although Ji Lingyun is famous, it has only really made a sensation in the world in recent years. Although the Logue town incident was a sensation at the time, he was just a child. , Few people will know him, so naturally no one will remember him.

But it doesn't mean that no one knows Ji Lingyun. Amid the noise, someone screamed soon.

"Nearly one billion Bailey’s bounty, the members of the Whitebeard Pirates, I remember, Shinigami, he is Edward Ji Lingyun, the godson Whitebeard recognizes, the kid who made trouble in Logue town back then When he debuted in 1999, even Marine Admiral couldn't catch him. It was the'Shinigami' who attacked Mary Geoise, the holy site of the World government, and released countless slaves."

Soon someone revealed the identity of Ji Lingyun. This person was the pirate who was imprisoned in Impel down two years ago. When he was imprisoned, it was when Ji Lingyun became famous, so he thought about it for a while. , I immediately remembered.


"Is this kid really the number two in the Whitebeard Pirates? And he attacked Mary Geoise?"

"Even Marine Admiral can't catch him, really?"

"Impossible, how can such a kid be so powerful?"

The prisoners of Eternal Hell are all surprised by Ji Lingyun's kamikaze, but more people don't believe it, because Ji Lingyun is too young, and where is Mary Geoise? Who is Marine Admiral? Even if you add up all of them here, I am afraid that 587 may not be able to enter Mary Geoise. None of them is an opponent of Marine Admiral, making them believe that Ji Lingyun in front of them is so powerful. Unacceptable.

"This is true. I heard about him before I was imprisoned, but at that time his bounty was only 800 million. I didn't expect it to be 1 billion in such a short time, and this kid was too courageous. Not only did he attack Mary Geoise, but he also destroyed a lot of Marine's base, and he was called by Marine the most sinful pirate in the past ten years."

Hearing someone shockingly disbelieving his own words, the annoying person who just spoke immediately defended himself.

"Shut up all to me."

Magellan didn't expect that a word of his could cause such a big reaction. When he was angry, poisonous gas was already emerging around him. When the jailers around saw this scene, they were so scared that they backed away, even those annoying. With a scream, he stepped back, for fear of being infected by Magellan's gas.

However, Magellan quickly put away the poison gas. The prisoners here are all big criminals. He has no right to execute the people here, so he just frightened and frightened him. Now that it works, he naturally won't do it again.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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