Grand Line!

After a month of training, Hawkeye's injury finally recovered, and he also digested the insights gained from the battle with Ji Lingyun.

"It's time to fulfill the agreement."

Hawkeye's eyes gleamed, and he drove his boat towards Marine Headquarters in the direction of Marine Vando.

"Marshal Sengoku, Marshal Sengoku."

Sengoku was dealing with Marine's affairs in his office, and suddenly his soldiers rushed in.

Sengoku frowned, and said dissatisfied: "What happened in a panic?"

The soldier replied: "Marshal, Hawkeye, Hawkeye, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, came to Marine headquarters and said that he wanted to see you."

"What? Hawkeye is here."

Sengoku's expression changed. Without Marine's call, Seven Warlords of the Sea would generally not come to Marine headquarters in person. After all, they were all pirates. When they came to Shichibukai at Marine headquarters, Hawkeye was still the first.

"Is it really for that kid?"

Sengoku knows very well that it is impossible for Hawkeye to come to Marine headquarters for no reason, because although he is Seven Warlords of the Sea, he does not have much overlap with Marine. It is possible that Hawkeye can come to Marine headquarters 693 on his own initiative Ji Lingyun's matter; but since Hawkeye has arrived, he can't avoid it. After all, he has to rely on Shichibukai's power to counterbalance the Four Emperors of the pirates.

"Let's go and meet him."

Sengoku quickly met with Eagle Eye, and when he saw Eagle Eye, Sengoku immediately asked: "Haw Eye, why did you come to my Marine headquarters?"

Hawkeye said straightforwardly: "I promised someone to make sure that he is still alive, so, Marshal Sengoku, let me see Shinigami."

Sengoku said, "We didn't kill him, he has been impel down by me, so you still don't want to see him."

Hawkeye said: "Marshal Sengoku, I believe you don't want unpleasant things to happen either. I promised someone else's thing and will definitely do it, no matter what method is adopted."

"Are you threatening me?" Sengoku said with a cold face.(Read more @

Hawkeye said: "I'm just telling the truth."

Sengoku's face kept changing, and after a while, he said, "Okay, I promise you, but remember, you can only see him, but you can't do other things."

"Good." Hawkeye replied cleanly.

"Take him to Impel down."

Sengoku ordered his subordinates to bring Hawkeye to Impel down. In fact, he couldn’t help it. He knew that if Hawkeye was not allowed to see Ji Lingyun, something he didn’t want to happen would happen next, so it’s better to complete Hawkeye. .

Hawkeye was sitting on Marine's warship and soon arrived Impel down. Because of Sengoku's order, Magellan didn't embarrass him, and directly brought Hawkeye to the Eternal Hell.

When Hawkeye entered Eternal Hell, it shocked the prisoners of Eternal Hell.

"The world's largest swordsman, Hawkeye? Why did he come here."

Seeing Hawkeye walked into Eternal Hell, the prisoners were very surprised, because Hawkeye came in with weapons and was not restrained. At first glance, they knew that they were not caught, but this made them even more so. curious.

Hawkeye ignored the discussion around him, and soon came to Ji Lingyun's cell door.

"You came."

Although he hasn't recovered now, Ji Lingyun still knew that it was Hawkeye from the surrounding discussion. When he saw Hawkeye standing in front of his cell, he spoke first.

Seeing Ji Lingyun's whole body tied up, and several iron chains stuck in his body, Hawkeye suddenly frowned. Ji Lingyun's breath was very sluggish, and he looked like he was abolished, and he was completely gone to fight him. The slightest momentum at the time.

"You look bad."

Ji Lingyun grinned and said, "I am a criminal now and I am locked in a cell. Do you think I will be fine?"

Hawkeye said: "Will there be a chance in the battle between you and me?"

Ji Lingyun looked at Eagle Eye's sharp eyes, his expression became serious, and he replied affirmatively, "Of course."

Hawkeye stared at Ji Lingyun closely. After a long time, he nodded and said, "I believe you, what else do you want me to help you with."

Ji Lingyun said: "If you can come, I'm already very at ease. As it is, my father and they will definitely find you. I hope you don't reveal the fact that I am locked here. As for what reason, I believe you can do it well."

"Understood, I'm leaving."

Hawkeye comes and goes fast, this is his style of doing things.

Watching Hawkeye leave, Ji Lingyun is still very grateful, because with a proud personality like Hawkeye, being able to listen to his orders and help him with things is already a very difficult task in itself.

As soon as Hawkeye left Impel down, Sengoku had already received the news. He directly dialed Magellan’s phone and asked Magellan about the conversation between Hawkeye and Ji Lingyun, and learned that there was nothing excessive between the two of them. , He also felt relieved.

After meeting with Ji Lingyun, Eagle Eye resumed his previous life and wandered on the sea alone.

New World, Whitebeard Pirates!

More than a dozen captains from the Mobile, Whitebeard, and the Whitebeard Pirate Group gathered together. Everyone looked very ugly. Whitebeard asked Marko with a serious face: "Marco, the information you got is true. of?"

Marco's face was not good, he said in a deep voice, "It's true, Lingyun had fought Marine several times on the Pirates of the Nine Snakes, but later I heard that it was on a small island in the first half of the Grand Line. There was a earth-shattering battle. According to the people on the surrounding islands, the sword light on that small island that day, even the sky seemed to be split, the sky broke and the earth broke, and the momentum was extremely shocking. Even after the war, the entire island Most of them have been destroyed. It is said that sword energy still remains on that island so far, and no one dares to approach that island."

"According to our intelligence, there are two great swordsmen fighting on that island, one is Hawkeye and the other is Lingyun."

Whitebeard said, "In other words, Lingyun and Hawkeye were the two duel on that island, didn't they?"

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