"Go in!"

Brought Ace to a cell, then pushed him in, and chained the chains in the cell to Ace's body. Then Hannyabal said, "Boy, I advise you to stay in this place safely. One month, one month later you left. I don’t want you to make any noise during this month. Do you understand?"

It's a pity that Ace ignored him, he could only snorted uncomfortably, and then he was about to turn around and leave Eternal Hell.

But as soon as Hannyabal turned around, Eternal Hell, who had been calm, suddenly heard a voice.


This voice seemed a bit low and lacking in confidence, but after Hannyabal heard this voice, he couldn't help but tremble all over his body and his face changed; not just him, after this voice sounded, Eternal Hell seemed to blow Like a pot.

"Huh, what's the situation? That bastard actually spoke?"

"It's true, "Shinigami", which is spoken once a year, has made an exception."

"If Hawkeye hadn't come once a year, I would have thought this guy was dead and deaf."

"Interesting, interesting, really interesting, look at this guy, he scares Hannyabal this dog-legged half to death as soon as he opens his mouth, haha."


Ace looked at this scene of Eternal Hell in astonishment. He didn't know what was going on at all. He knew that someone called Hannyabal's name suddenly, and then the peaceful Eternal Hell instantly became lively, because Hannyabal was facing him. So he could see clearly, Hannyabal's face was very ugly, as if he had been frightened.

"what happened?"

After the initial shock, Hannyabal quickly recovered. He looked at the lively Eternal Hell and shouted angrily: "Shut up, if anyone dares to speak again, Eternal Hell will not be allowed to eat for three days. ."(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"Hahaha, have you heard that this dog dared to threaten us and not let us eat, are you scared?"

It's just that Hannyabal's prestige is obviously not enough to deter Eternal Hell's prisoners. After everyone heard his words, they all laughed, and the laughter was full of disdain.

Someone yelled, "Hey, shit, not eating for three days can be considered a threat. I think you don't have to give us food anymore. Let us all die, right."

"Yes, let us starve to death, but if we starve to death, I wonder if the Marine headquarters will let you go? Those Marines are thinking about our treasure."

The pirates in the Eternal Hell are extremely vicious big pirates, but even Marine can’t arbitrarily execute the captured pirates. After all, the existence of a prison is to imprison these prisoners. If a pirate is caught, it will be executed. What does the prison do?

And for this group of pirates, death is not really terrible. After all, after most people set foot on the path of pirates, life and death are no longer so important, so Marine uses prison to trap it. They, restrict their freedom, the pirate without freedom, sometimes it is more painful than death.

There is also a very key reason, that is, these pirates basically have countless wealth, even Marine is very coveted, so they are locked here, one for torture, and the other for their treasure; Of course, there are also many pirates in Impel down who are greedy for life and fear of death, using their treasures to redeem their lives. After all, in their opinion, it is better to live than to die.

All the reasons added up, let alone Hannyabal, even Magellan has no right to execute prisoners at will, let alone the big pirates in Eternal Hell, so these prisoners don't pay attention to Hannyabal.

Hannyabal's face was full of anger, he wanted to get angry, but he didn't know who to face.

"Enough, you all shut up, I'm asking Hannyabal if I have something to ask."

At this moment, the voice just rang again, with a very cold tone. Although it did not quiet Eternal Hell, it was much better than just before, but a few people also snorted very uncomfortably.

"Huh, ‘Shinigami’ boy, what qualifications do you have to order us? Do you think your bounty is higher than ours? Don’t forget, we are all the same now. If you want to order Laozi, you are not qualified."

"Yes, I think you should be the one who should shut up."

"Hahaha, the younger generations now really don't know how to respect the elderly. If Laozi hadn't been locked up here, the bounty would have been more than one billion yuan. Would you still get your kid to be arrogant?"



Eternal Hell’s screams revealed the identity of the speaker. Suddenly, the faces of two of the Eternal Hell prisoners changed. One was Ace who had just been locked up, and the other was locked up a few days before Ace. The former Seven Warlords of the Sea, Crocodile of sand crocodile.

In the cell near the door, Crocodile stood up abruptly, his hands and feet were handcuffed, and he walked to the cell and looked towards the depths of the prison.

"Edward Ji Lingyun, the most outstanding pirate of the Whitebeard Pirates, was imprisoned here."

Crocodile was very shocked. He had contact with Ji Lingyun twice. He was very impressed with Ji Lingyun, but he did not expect that a character like Ji Ling 0.6yun would be locked here, and it seems It was closed for a long time.

Ace was also very shocked. He thought in his heart: "'Shinigami', this is the man Marko is talking about. Is he really locked here?"

"Am I not qualified? If you think so, then you are wrong, and I am different from you."

A faint voice sounded in the Eternal Hell. When the last word was finished, the prisoners of Eternal Hell suddenly felt an astonishing aura erupting, and it swept the entire Eternal Hell in an instant. The prisoners who had just ridiculed them one after another. After going down, there was a'bang-bang-bang' sound, and at the same time, the entire Eternal Hell instantly became silent, deathly silent, and the needle drop could be heard.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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