Seeing Rambo enter the range of Hydra Island, the Marine on the warship was stunned. Someone couldn't help but ask the flying squirrel: "Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel, do you say he can succeed? You know the Pirates The female emperor is the most difficult to deal with among Shichibukai."

Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel frowned and said, "It's hard to tell, but he is one of Shichibukai after all. If he invites him, it might be better than our chance; but I haven't heard of any intersection between him and the Pirate Empress? How could he help so kindly?"

Flying squirrels are indeed very strange. Although the relationship between Rambo and Marine is not as hostile to each other as other Shichibukai, they are definitely not to the extent that they can help voluntarily.

"I still hope he can succeed. If he succeeds, I don't have to stay here and wait."

After Rambo entered the Calm Belt, he was immediately attacked by the Sea Kings, but with his current strength, these Sea Kings could not hurt him at all. He also quickly passed through the Calm Belt and came to the island of Hydra Within the range of vigilance.


As soon as Rambo reached the shore, there was a sharp arrow facing him. Fortunately, he reacted quickly and dodged the arrow in time. He looked back and found that the arrow had actually penetrated the ground, and his pupils shrank.

"What a domineering arrow, did you use Haki?"

When Rambo was surprised, several agile figures quickly rushed around him and surrounded him.

"Who are you? You dare to break into the Holy Land of Nine Snake Island."

Rambo looked over, and all the women who surrounded him were full of vigilance and murderousness. The oldest one of them was speaking. He was in his thirties and had a stubborn back. Although he was a woman, it looked like More fierce than men.

"Answer quickly, otherwise don't blame us for being impolite."

Rambo opened his mouth to answer, but before he could speak, the woman shouted again: "Well, since you don't speak, don't blame us, kill him."

Rambo was shocked by the ferocity and unreasonableness of this woman, and she didn't give him a chance to speak. It's no wonder that the group of Marines are saying that the people of Nine Snake Island are unreasonable. This is not just unreasonable, it is simply murder Without blinking.

The women of the Nine Snake Island were very sharp. After hearing the order, they immediately launched an attack, and used all their strength when they started.

"These unreasonable women."(Read more @

Rambo is very clear that it is nonsense to reason with these women now, and only by using a powerful force to convince them can it be effective, so Rambo did not hesitate and launched an attack.

Although the female fighters of Nine Snake Island were good, how could they be Rambo's opponent? After more than a minute, all five female fighters had fallen to the ground.

After subduing the five female soldiers, Rambo said, "Everyone, I have no intentions."

"I didn't have any ill intentions to attack us? And our Nine Snake Island never welcomes men. It is a capital crime for you to come here." Several female soldiers looked at Rambo angrily. If they weren't captured, they would all wait for Lan to be captured. Bo shredded.

Rambo said calmly: "I'm here to find your empress for important things."

"Huh, there are so many people in the sea who want to see us Hancock, but we Hancock are not everyone can see, especially men like you, don't want to see Hancock." The female warrior of Nine Snake Island. Yelled loudly.

Rambo said: "If it's someone else, it's fine if your empress doesn't see her, but I, she has a reason to see her."


Regarding Rambo’s self-confidence, several female soldiers snorted disdainfully. Rambo didn’t care, but instead asked: “You said, should you report to me, or should I go?

After finishing speaking, they didn’t wait for them to answer, but they said directly: “Well, go and report to one person, and the rest will stay here with me, but you can rest assured, whether your empress sees me or not, I will It won't hurt you."

"We won't report it for you." The other party's attitude was very firm.

However, Rambo is also very confident. He smiled and said: "You can't help me, then I will kill you all, and then I will find other people. You have seen my strength, you think I have Is that ability?"

Rambo’s words silenced several female fighters on the island of Nine Snakes. It took only a short time for Rambo to defeat them. If they were replaced by others, they might not be much better than them, so if it’s Lan If Bo Zhen did that, it would definitely be their Nine Snake Island who suffered a heavy loss. ......

"and many more."

The middle-aged female soldier yelled and said: "I am willing to help you spread the word, but how can you promise not to lie to us?"

Rambo said: "You said I came here all the way to lie to you? When you go to see your empress, just bring me a word, I believe she will meet me."

The female soldier asked in a deep voice, "What is it?"

Rambo said, "You can ask Shinigami if she wants to, and if you want, meet me."

"What do you mean?" The other party had never been to Nine Snake Island, so he didn't know the meaning of this sentence.

Rambo said: "You don't need to know what it means, you just need to pass my words to you."

The other party nodded and said: "Okay, you let me go first, I will help you to report now."

Rambo immediately released her, and then the man didn’t say anything. 3.5, he turned around and left. When Rambo saw her gone, he controlled the remaining four people together, but he hid it to the side. He didn't think that woman would lie, but for the sake of safety, he still had to be careful.

The woman didn't play tricks, but really headed towards Hancock's palace. The area of ​​Nine Snake Island is not very large, so it didn't take her long to reach Hancock's palace.

The female soldier said to the guard outside Hancock's palace, "I have a very important thing to see Master Hancock."

Nine Snake Island is full of women, and there are only a few hundred thousand people, so most of them know each other, and it happens that this guard also knows this female soldier.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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