"Shinigami, I didn't expect even you to escape."

Magellan didn’t say anything after seeing Luffy, but after seeing Ji Lingyun, his eyes became extremely gloomy. Although he had never seen Ji Lingyun do it, he received the news from Marine headquarters, plus these. The horror that Ji Lingyun showed in the year, he knew that once Ji Lingyun escaped, it would be a chaos in the world, which was several times more harmful than the straw hat Luffy.

Holding a long sword, Ji Lingyun said faintly: "Why can't I escape? I have been here for ten years, and now it's time to leave."

Magellan shouted angrily, "This is not a place where you come and go."

Ji Lingyun said: "Before you were still qualified to say such things, but now that I come out, you are no longer qualified."

Magellan shouted: "Although Marshal Sengoku said not to let me kill you, but the premise is that you have not escaped, but now that you have chosen to escape, don't blame my ruthless men, you are dead."

Ji Lingyun said coldly: "I said that no one except myself can decide my life and death, and you are far behind."

"court death!"

Magellan screamed, and then the poisonous dragon behind in the air attacked Ji Lingyun and Luffy: "Poisonous dragon!"

Before Ji Lingyun did it, Luffy was the first to do it. His hands and feet were wrapped around the candle wall, so the attack was naturally unscrupulous. He constantly waved his fist and shouted: "Rubber machine gun!"

In an instant, countless fists were formed, and the speed was extremely fast, constantly defeating the attacking poisonous dragon, and finally turned into nothingness.

And Ji Lingyun naturally wouldn’t do nothing. When Luffy did it, he did it too, but unlike Luffy, he moved quickly towards Magellan. He stayed to deal with Magellan, but not just to resist. Magellan, buy time, and more importantly, he wants to get Magellan's blood.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Ji Lingyun remembers that his Shinigami blade still needs Luffy's blood and Magellan's blood to turn on Zanpakutō Shinsō. Now Luffy's blood has been collected by him, and now only Magellan's blood is left. He may not have the chance to encounter it in the future. To Magellan, so Magellan’s blood must be collected here.

The reason why Ji Lingyun knows that Shinsō’s Bankai needs the ability of poisonous fruit is because Shinsō’s Bankai conditions have been unblocked. In addition to Shinsō, he now has two known Zanpakutō that do not have Bankai. One is Ryūjin Jakka.

Shinsō is powerful, without saying more. Long-range attacks are definitely the first, and the speed is extremely fast, the attack power is even more terrifying, and this Zanpakutō can have unexpected effects in many cases, so Ji Lingyun is bound to win.

Ji Lingyun's speed is very fast. When Luffy and Magellan fought, he had already rushed behind Magellan, the long sword in his hand covered Armament Haki, and he stabbed Magellan fiercely.

Magellan’s poisonous fruit ability is very strong, and ordinary cannonball bullets will not have any effect on him, but it is not because the poisonous fruit is Logia, and the poisonous fruit is Paramecia’s Devil Fruit. The reason there is such an effect, It is because the poisonous fruit is too corrosive, even if it is hit by a bullet, it will corrode quickly, so naturally it will not cause harm.

Ji Lingyun’s guess is indeed correct. Magellan’s poison is very strong, but his speed is not what he is good at. His quick sting came in front of Magellan. Magellan didn’t even think about dodge, but controlled the poisonous dragon. He walked away with Ji Lingyun, ignoring the sword Ji Lingyun stabbed.

The long sword that covered Armament Haki stabbed Magellan as expected, but at this time Magellan was covered with dark purple venom. After stabbing, there was no stab entity as imagined. Instead, there was a message of'chirp.' Chi's voice.

Ji Lingyun's complexion changed, she backed quickly and escaped the attack of the poisonous dragon. Although Magellan's own speed was not fast, the speed of the poisonous dragon he controlled was extremely fast. Ji Lingyun hid fast enough, but was still caught up. , Seeing that Ji Lingyun was about to be swallowed by the poisonous dragon, there was no expression on his face.

"Rubber stamp machine gun!"

Countless foot shadows kicked over and quickly destroyed the poisonous dragon that attacked Ji Lingyun. Ji Lingyun attacked Magellan from another angle, but the result of his attack was the same. Although he stabbed Magellan’s venom, It didn't hurt Magellan.

"That's it."

But after a while, Ji Lingyun showed relief. It was not that his attack was ineffective, but that when his attack was about to hit Magellan, Magellan avoided his attack in another way.

Because Magellan is a poisonous fruit capable person, he can hide himself in the venom instead of turning himself into venom. Ji Lingyun’s attack did not hit him, just because he was hiding in the body of the venom and avoided him. His movement speed is not fast, but within the venom, he can move his body extremely fast, using the venom to replace himself.


"Luffy, attack his body!"

Ji Lingyun shouted at Luffy. Luffy immediately followed Ji Lingyun's instructions and used all his strength to attack Magellan who was hidden in the venom.

"Rubber rocket launcher!"

I saw Luffy's two hands stretched backwards, and then slammed into Magellan, and Ji Lingyun also launched an attack at the same time, Armament Haki opened fully and slashed at Magellan.


A sword beam shot from Ji Lingyun's long sword, and then quickly changed dozens of times, and the belly and Magellan were smashed.

The two attacks hit Magellan at the same time, even if it was hidden in the venom, but it was still hit by the two attacks, making a huge crash, and the venom splashing all over.

Ji Lingyun and Luffy stepped back at the same time. They stood together. Luffy stared at the venom rolling forward, while Ji Lingyun stared at the tip of the sword. The tip of the sword was blood red. Ji Lingyun quickly took out one The small bottle filled Magellan's blood, and then he looked in Magellan's direction.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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