Sengoku looked gloomy and looked at the large area of ​​pirate boats. It’s not clear where the Whitebeard pirates actually appeared, and as soon as they appeared, they were so close that they almost reached the head of the bay. If they came in through the gate of justice, it is impossible, because the gate of justice has just been opened, no matter how fast they are, they cannot get here in an instant, so they must have used other methods to enter. Here.

"What the hell is going on? How could they appear to such a close distance without being noticed at all?"

Ace was chained to the execution platform, looking at the familiar Pirate Banners in disbelief, and couldn't calm down for a long time.

"You guys, why are you all here?"

The vast number of pirate ships roared towards the head of Malin Vandor Bay. Marine's observation deck soldiers looked at the pirate ship in the distance through binoculars, and while watching, they said: "Return to the marshal. The pirate ships are all pirate groups under the Whitebeard pirate group. They are all large pirate groups in New World, but the Whitebeard pirate group has not been discovered yet."

Listening to the report from the people below, Sengoku's face became more and more serious. Not only Sengoku, but other Marine executives were also alert, but Doflamingo680, one of Seven Warlords of the Sea, exclaimed excitedly: "Come on. Whitebeard!"

Just when all the Marines were nervous, a strange sound of current sounded in the bay. Many powerful people heard this sound and looked at the sea in the bay involuntarily.

I saw that the originally calm sea suddenly vibrated. Sengoku, who saw this scene, felt his whole body for a while, and said in amazement, "Is it?"

Garp, who was standing with Lieutenant General Crane under the execution platform, suddenly showed a look of surprise, and said in surprise, "No? Will they appear from there?"

Lieutenant General Crane also gritted his teeth and said: "It seems that we have arranged the wrong line."

This time the battle plan was arranged by her. She basically thought of all the attack methods that the Whitebeard Pirates can launch, but she did not expect that the Whitebeard Pirates would appear from the bottom of the sea, so their formation was completely wrong Up.

Under the shocking eyes of everyone in the bay, larger and larger waves appeared on the surface of the bay, and a larger and larger shadow appeared in the center.

The sharp-eyed Marine soldier suddenly exclaimed: "It seems that there is a shadow on the sea, is it possible?"

Sengoku even wanted to understand everything. He later realized, "So, all of their ships are coated from the bottom of the sea? No wonder they have not been found, but suddenly Appeared."(Read more @

The huge pirate ship rushed out from the bottom of the sea and landed on the surface of the sea. It was the Moby Dick of the Whitebeard Pirates.

"No, it's the Moby Dick of the Whitebeard Pirates. They have emerged from the bottom of the sea!"

After the appearance of the Mobile, three more pirate ships emerged from the bottom of the sea. Four ships docked in four directions, and the bow of the Mobile was directly facing the direction of the execution platform.

Because it was so close, Marine Vando's Marine was able to see the situation aboard the Mobile.

"It's the Whitebeard Pirates. Standing in front are the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates!"

Ace looked at Marco and others aboard the Mobi Dick, and his mood was extremely complicated. He was happy and moved, but also a little self-blame. If it weren't for him, everyone would definitely not risk coming here.

Seeing the people from the Whitebeard Pirates group really appeared, everyone opened their eyes wide, looking for Whitebeard, because the protagonist of this war is Whitebeard, and Whitebeard is also the legendary pirate who makes Marine the most fearful and fearful. .

Suddenly, a slow and heavy footsteps were heard on the Mobile, and a tall figure accompanied by the sound of footsteps came to the bow of the Mobile.

"Goo la la la..."

Loud laughter sounded, and everyone looked at the tall figure on the bow of the Mobile. It was a man with a simple cloak, hat and holding a large pheasant sword. This man was extremely high. , A few meters high, but the most eye-catching thing is his white beard like a crescent moon.

"Whitebeard, Whitebeard has appeared!"

Shocks of horror came out of many Marines. Although many people saw Whitebeard for the first time, they had seen the picture of Whitebeard. But how could the Whitebeard in the photo be comparable to the real person? A man's glance made many people nervous and timid.

"Is he Whitebeard?"

"So he is Whitebeard? He looks so tall."

"Even through the screen, you can feel the tremendous pressure. Is this Whitebeard, the strongest man in the world?"


The audience watching the live broadcast all over the world shouted nervously. Ninety-nine percent of them had never seen Whitebeard. This was the first time they saw Whitebeard, so they were all very surprised, but they were also very surprised. Looking forward to whether Whitebeard is really as powerful as the rumors, is it really the strongest in the world.

The Chambord Islands, here is the live broadcast site closest to Malin Vandor. Many famous people gathered here. The most famous recently is naturally the supernova of the same generation as Luffy. Because one was killed by Ji Lingyun, it is in the original Of the eleven supernovae, there are now only ten left.

At this time, these supernovae were all gathered in the Chambord Islands. Their destinations were originally New World, but because of the war that broke out between the Marine Headquarters and the Whitebeard Pirates, they all stayed in the Chambord Islands to watch the surprise. The battle of the world.

"The Whitebeard guy still showed up, and he has grown old for decades."

When Rayleigh saw Whitebeard's figure, he sighed lightly, showing nostalgia. He hasn't seen Whitebeard for more than 20 years. Whether it is him or Whitebeard, after all, they are not old enough to be old, never again. When I was young when the sea crossed the sea.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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