Akainu slowly walked to the front, his face was extremely cold, and he saw his hands turned into magma fists, his red clothes, and the crimson magma, looked very strange, raised his hand, and then suddenly Facing the sky, one after another magma fists were shot from his fist, and slices of magma shot into the sky like meteors.

"Meteor Volcano!"

All the pirates in the bay followed Akainu's attack and looked towards the sky, and saw those magma fists flying into the atmosphere and slowly disappearing, until Akainu stopped, nothing happened.

"What's the matter? The magma flies into the air, why doesn't it react at all?"

Many people didn't react after seeing the magma flying into the air, and they seemed a little at a loss.

"Everyone, be careful!"

Suddenly, when everyone was a little relaxed, Ji Lingyun suddenly yelled. When his voice fell, the atmosphere that was still calm suddenly began to roll, and then the entire sky seemed to be dyed red.

"Not good." When many pirates saw this scene, their hearts were tight.


Ji Lingyun yelled, and then he quickly pulled out the Shinigami Blade: "Hyōrinmaru!"

"Sit in the frost! Hyōrinmaru!"

"Bankai! Daiguren Hyōrinmaru!"

I saw that Ji Lingyun has undergone an astonishing change. His body has suddenly grown a lot. What’s more terrifying is that ice crystals appeared all over his body, covering him, and there was a piece of ice around him A huge ice crystal dragon, the dragon lingers around him, with its head high, standing side by side with Ji Lingyun.

When the ice dragon appeared, a strong chill enveloped a large area, causing the surrounding temperature to drop a lot.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

There is also Saqi who performs the same actions as Ji Lingyun, but unlike Ji Lingyun, there are snowflakes floating around him, and his whole person has become a white snowman. Together with Ji Lingyun, the surrounding environment is suddenly reduced. At the lowest point, even with the two of them as the center, the surroundings were quickly empty, and few people were able to withstand the cold domain created by the two of them.

"Everyone try to disperse and avoid, the attack is about to come!" Ji Lingyun shouted loudly.

Hearing what Ji Lingyun said, Whitebeard did not hesitate at all, and immediately ordered: "Do as Lingyun said."

Whitebeard knows very well that among them, only Ji Lingyun has fought with Akainu, so Ji Lingyun must know Akainu's attack pattern best. Since Ji Lingyun reminded him of this, it must have been wrong.

The pirates under Whitebeard immediately followed what Ji Lingyun said, and slowly dispersed, all staring nervously in the air and Ji Lingyun.

Finally, the sky that was dyed red half of the red sky has undergone a huge change. The giant fist of magma fell from the sky like a meteor, carrying a terrifying impact and destructive power. If it falls, it will definitely cause more terror than a cannon. Explosive power, and more importantly, the pirates are standing on the ice surface. If the magma falls, the ice surface will not be able to withstand the heat at all, and it will definitely melt quickly. Then everyone will have no place to stand. Will become Marine's target.

Ji Lingyun would never allow the Whitebeard Pirates to fall into such a situation, so he quickly used Hyōrinmaru's ability to the extreme, and at the same time shouted to Saatchi: "Saatchi, it's started!"

"it is good!"

Both Ji Lingyun and Saqi did their best, and saw snowflakes flying in the sky covering the entire bay, but this was only the beginning. When the snowflakes appeared, Ji Lingyun also started to act. The snowflakes were originally fluttering and nothing. Gravity, but Ji Lingyun used the ability of Hyōrinmaru, the cold air was pressing, and the cold air was enveloped on the snowflakes, making Saqi's snowflakes suddenly bigger and sharper.

At the same time, I saw hundreds of icicles burst out of the sea, which was originally ice, and the icicles rose up into the sky. Together with the sky full of ice flowers, it was like a terrifying extreme cold field.

Seeing this scene in the square, Aokiji's face changed instantly, and he whispered: "This guy, unexpectedly used my ability."

The sea surface was frozen by Aokiji, but now it is being used by Ji Lingyun to integrate his freezing ability into his own ability, so that he can easily create those hundreds of icicles.

At this time, the meteors in the sky had already fallen, and the ice flowers that Ji Lingyun and Saqi had made with all their strength also quickly met the meteors in the sky.

Akainu’s meteor volcano rushed to the sky, carrying various substances in the atmosphere, and then landed again, so its power has also increased a bit. Although Ji Lingyun and Saqi jointly created a large number of ice flowers in the sky, they are powerful It is a Meteor Volcano that is not as good as Akainu. After all, this is a temporary cooperation between him and Saqi, and Meteor Volcano is Akainu's unique skill.

"Boom boom boom..."

The ice flower and the meteor collided together. Although the power is not as powerful as the meteor volcano, it is more powerful than the meteor volcano, so the power of the meteor volcano is greatly reduced, and the erected icicles once again destroyed the attack of the meteor volcano.

Although there are still many meteors hitting the ice surface and destroying a lot of the ice surface, they are far from the effect Marine imagined, and because the pirates have been reminded by Ji Lingyun, they are prepared in advance. , So there are losses, but not too many pirates died or were injured.

Even though there are Ji Lingyun’s icicles, there are too many meteoric volcanoes. Most of those icicles were quickly destroyed, and the ice surface was also melted. But what surprised Marine was that the destroyed icicles were not Instead of melting, it turned into ice debris, and then re-aggregated the destroyed ice surface to form the ice surface again.

"That damn guy has such a strong ability to freeze." After Sengoku saw it, he was very angry.

Aokiji also said helplessly: "It is really difficult for this kid to want this method to fight Sakazuki's meteor volcano.

Akainu snorted coldly. This was his attack, blocked by Ji Lingyun, his face was naturally dull.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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