Now on the entire battlefield, the only advantage of the Whitebeard Pirates is Wantou, which is indeed unexpected. For Marine, Wantou should be an extremely important place, because as long as it is blocked, it can be Blocking off the pirates’ retreat, but Whitebeard had already made preparations to clear the bay head in advance. Even if someone in Marine later made it up, it was of no avail. The huge pirate ship carried the pirates and quickly moved the bay head The Marine was defeated, leaving a way out for the pirates.

"Quickly, quickly escape to the head of the bay. As long as we get on the boat, we will be able to leave Malin Vandor."

All the pirates mustered all their strength and flee towards the bay head, leaving only a few people to resist Marine.

At this moment, Lafitte of the Blackbeard Pirates suddenly smiled and said: "Let everyone wait for a long time. Next, Captain Teach of the Blackbeard Pirates will give you the world's top performance. Please enjoy Right!"

As they said, the black cloth covering Whitebeard's body was suddenly lifted by them, and Blackbeard also walked out from in front of Whitebeard's body, and saw Blackbeard walking to the opposite of Marine with a smug look.

"Look, Blackbeard appears, but Whitebeard's body doesn't seem to have changed."

"What the hell did the Blackbeard Pirates do to Whitebeard's body?"

"Blackbeard doesn't seem to have changed!"

Marines were very confused when they saw Whitebeard and Blackbeard, which were basically unchanged.

In the distance, Ji Lingyun suddenly pressed Marco's shoulder and shouted: "Marco, stop, look there!"

Marco also noticed the appearance of Blackbeard, but he didn't stop, but turned around, retreating and watching. He also wanted to see if things were true as Ji Lingyun said.

Blackbeard's gaze became triumphant and excited. He laughed and pointed at Marine, and said loudly, "Marine, let you see my strength now, that is to say, from now on, we will be officially enemies again. Thieves hahaha!"

Blackbeard's words made all the Marines extremely angry. They lost countless manpower to drive Whitebeard into a desperate situation, but they didn't expect that Blackbeard took advantage in the end. Now Blackbeard is still so arrogant on the battlefield.

Blackbeard raised his hand, a lot of black smoke appeared behind him, and shouted: "Dark hole road!"(Read more @

A large amount of black smoke appeared at the feet of Marine soldiers. What was shocking was that all Marines standing on top of the black smoke began to sink, and soon disappeared into the black smoke.

"This is the power of my Dark Fruit!"

Blackbeard laughed, but he shouted, "Next, what power do I want to show?"

I saw Blackbeard posed a pose, clenched his left fist, placed it in front of him, and tilted his body slightly, making a fist fist movement.

Anyone who saw Blackbeard's action was all showing a sense of horror, because they had seen this action not long ago. It was the move that Whitebeard used when using the Shock Fruit ability. Now it has been shown by Blackbeard, and many people have seen it. Can't believe my eyes.

The pirates who ran away also saw Blackbeard's actions. Marco stopped and looked at Blackbeard incredibly. The cold sweat on his face dripped and said, "Impossible, right?"

Although he had heard Ji Lingyun say that Blackbeard might seize Whitebeard's abilities before, now that he sees Blackbeard posing as a father, he still can't accept it.

But Blackbeard didn’t care about other people’s thoughts. He just threw out his left fist fiercely while screaming with excitement, his fist blasted into the air, cracks appeared in the atmosphere in front of him, and then there was a terrible shock. The force radiated from his hand, the ground in front of him was cracked inch by inch, and the Marines were all shaken off. The buildings that had been hit by Whitebeard were about to collapse. At this moment, they all collapsed under Blackbeard's attack. Come down.

"How is it possible? This is Whitebeard's ability. Why does Blackbeard use Whitebeard's ability?"

The Marine soldiers who were not killed in the front looked at Blackbeard in disbelief, and their pupils were involuntarily showing fear. They thought that if Whitebeard died, they would not have to face the power that could destroy the world, but no Thinking of how long it took, Blackbeard was able to use Whitebeard's abilities.

Seeing the destructive power caused by Blackbeard, all the pirates were stunned. This was the power of Whitebeard.

"Thief hahaha..."

Seeing that I really used the power of Shock Fruit, I laughed in excitement, and the other pirates of the Blackbeard pirate group were also very happy. They gathered towards Blackbeard, and they were convinced by Blackbeard. Joining the Pirate Group is because of Blackbeard's power and potential, and now they found that their choice was not wrong.

…… …… ……

In the past, Whitebeard was able to become the strongest man in the world by relying on Shock Fruit. Now Blackbeard has two powerful fruit abilities. They think that Blackbeard will be stronger than Whitebeard in the future. Following such a person, the future will definitely be colorful Able to achieve their respective goals.

"Why is this?"

"That's Dad's earthquake ability. Why does Teach bastard use Dad's ability?"

"what happened?"


Blackbeard laughed and said: "The dark gravity that can turn everything into nothing, coupled with the earthquake ability that can destroy everything, finally both abilities are finally available, so I will be invincible, thief hahaha, From now on, I am the strongest, thief hahaha..."

Along with Blackbeard's laughter, many people showed fear. Many Marines recalled the earthquake ability that Whitebeard had just used. They didn't have the courage to fight anymore. They all looked at Blackbeard in horror.

A pirate couldn't help saying: "It stands to reason that it is impossible for one person to have the ability of two Devil Fruits at the same time. Why can this guy Teach get the ability of Daddy's Shock Fruit after eating Dark Fruit? What's going on?"

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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