While everyone was thinking, Lieutenant General Crane suddenly said, “I think it’s better to keep quiet about this matter for now. After all, this is also a matter of the lack of light on our Marine’s face, and it’s a critical moment. Because this incident made everyone suspicious of Marine again."

Akainu said dissatisfied: "Why conceal it? Since he has done it, we are not afraid to announce it."

Seeing Akainu's appearance, Sengoku said in a deep voice, "Sakazuki, you are about to become Marine Marshal. What you want to think about now is for the future of Marine Headquarters, instead of focusing on your own ideas. More people are responsible, so we can never do things like before."

Lieutenant General Crane also nodded and said: "Yes, Sakazuki, if the news of Kuzan leaving Marine is heard at this time, everyone may spur Kuzan at the first thought, but they will definitely think that you forced him away, and thus treat you. This Marshal Marine has distrust, so this matter must be concealed temporarily, and then you can announce it after you have boarded the position of Marshal Marine."

Others began to persuade, because this is indeed the best method at present. Under the persuasion of everyone, Akainu620 is still very upset, but for the sake of the overall situation, he can only agree with this decision.

In this way, after a few days, Akainu's injury finally recovered. Marine headquarters couldn’t wait to announce the news of his superior Marine Marshal, so the news of the substitution of Marine Marshal spread throughout the world at an extremely fast speed. After all, yes. For the World government, the Marine Headquarters is the most powerful military force under its command, so the change of command will naturally be successful.

"Marshal Marine has actually changed, and it's the hot-tempered Akainu. It seems that it will be interesting in the future."

New World, the red-haired Shanks, one of the Four Emperors, quickly got the news, but his face gradually became dignified, because Akainu is different from Sengoku, although in many aspects he is not as stable as Sengoku. But in this regard, the pirates are more ruthless than Sengoku, so Akainu is the most bad news for the pirates.

Beckman said: "The new Marshal Marine has to make a lot of noise when he takes office, but I don't know what Akainu is going to do?"

Shanks said: "No matter what he is going to do, we just have to adapt to the changes. No matter how strong he is, it is impossible to manage New World. He does not have the qualifications yet."(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

The other two Four Emperors, BIG·MOM Charlotte Linlin and Baiju Kaido also got the news, but they weren’t too worried, because they were located in the New World, and they didn’t put Marine in their eyes, so yes. For them, whether it is Sengoku or Akainu, whoever is the marshal is the same.

The other major forces also slowly got the changes of Marine headquarters, on the Chambord Islands.

In Xia Qi's rip-off BAR bistro, Xia Qi asked Rayleigh in front of him with some worry: "Hey, you said that the kid Akainu has been on the position of Marine Marshal, will he clean the Chambord Islands? He knows that you are in the Chambord Islands. If he wants to stand up, you are a good choice."

Although Xia Qi has never been pleasing to the eyes of Marine, she also has to admit that the Marine Headquarters is strong. Once the Marine Headquarters spotlights it, it will definitely be a very troublesome thing, especially for lonely people like Rayleigh.

Rayleigh drank a sip and laughed haha: "Don't worry, the kid Akainu doesn't have the time to take care of an old guy like me. If I guess right, his target must be the big pirates in New World. On his body, and even if he wants to find me, it’s not that easy to find, so don’t worry, the possibility is very slim."

Xia Qi suddenly smiled and said: "I was persuaded by you, you are right, you old guy is a lot of age, who will have the time to take care of you."

Rayleigh suddenly became a little melancholy, and sighed: "I am more worried about the boy Lingyun. After escaping from Malin Vando, there has been no news of him for a long time, but the Whitebeard Pirates seems to be under the leadership of Marco. I have fought against the Blackbeard Pirates several times, but they are all at a disadvantage. I don't know what happened to that kid. The Whitebeard Pirates has been forced to such an extent that they haven't even appeared."

Xia Qi said: "I think he should be recovering from his injuries. He was seriously injured in the last battle. It has been so long, and he should have almost recovered. Now the Blackbeard Pirate Group is in full swing. If he still If it doesn't show up, the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates led by Marko will not be the opponents of the Blackbeard Pirates."

"Hope!" Rayleigh sighed and said.

New World!

After Ji Lingyun accepted Aokiji, he continued to move towards Marco and the others, but they hadn’t reunited with Marco, and Marco and the others had an accident. To be precise, it was Marco and the others. Met with the Blackbeard Pirates again.

In this period of more than a month, Marco led the Whitebeard Pirates and Blackbeard Pirates several times, but did not see Blackbeard, but even so, the captains under Blackbeard made it very difficult for them to deal with.

Before Blackbeard has made a move, their Whitebeard Pirates are at a disadvantage. Although the disadvantage is not great, it is also a shameful thing for the Whitebeard Pirates, which has dominated the New World for decades, so They have been thinking about regaining their face and fighting the arrogance of the Blackbeard Pirates.

But before Marco and the others took the initiative to find the Blackbeard Pirates, the Blackbeard Pirates first discovered them and began to encircle them.

The battle between the Whitebeard Pirate Group and the Blackbeard Pirate Group is not a gathering of all members for a duel, but the captains lead the crew and the Blackbeard Pirates to a duel, so the scale is not too big. But the fighting was very tragic, and countless people had already died on both sides.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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