One Piece Super Convenience Store

Chapter 350 Attacking Jiang Shan

"I must, anyway, I know how I died!" Jiang Shan tried to make himself understand.

"So, to watch a replay of your own death, you need 100,000 membership points, do you pay now?"

"Hurry up!" Jiang Shan didn't want to be long-winded, because he felt distressed. Although he has tens of billions of member points now, he can't stand it so crooked!

Therefore, it is better to decide early to give birth early!

After spending 100,000 oceans, Jiang Shan's eyes are still blank.

"System, where's the screen?" After waiting for a few seconds, Jiang Shan couldn't help asking.

"Turn on the TV!" The system looked like an idiot.

"I'm going to slap it! And there's such a slapstick operation!"

"Note that you are in the safe house this time, you only have three minutes."

"Shit!" Jiang Shan hurriedly turned on the TV, and then the good student sat down on the sofa and watched the pictures on the TV.

This video is very brief, only three seconds.

Well, that's right, Jiang Shan only survived for three seconds for the first time.

You know, that's a physical fitness whose life value is about to exceed one thousand.

However, he only survived three seconds in the test of the small world.


Jiang Shan embarrassedly slowed down the video ten times, otherwise these three seconds would not be enough to watch!

I saw, after slowing down the screen.

Jiang Shan's death video, one card after another. 297

The picture first appeared a desolate world, and then a white light flashed.

Jiang Shan appeared one by one, and then Jiang Shan closed his eyes and started a personal painful performance.

I saw a frown at first, um, this is a natural reaction to a headache.

Then his face twitched again, and there was a sign of wanting to vomit.

This was the later, disgusting performance.

Then, a group of husky-like creatures surrounded Jiang Shan with red eyes.

One of them was huge and unparalleled, like a unicorn-like husky standing behind Jiang Shan.

The threat that Jiang Shan felt at that time came from it.

Then in the video, Jiang Shan's ability to sense danger and respond quickly is still very fast.

I saw that after the giant husky appeared, Jiang Shan's hair exploded all over his body, and then his face showed an expression of awareness of danger one by one.

Immediately afterwards, the body made an evasion action within a very perfect time.

Although Jiang Shan couldn't open his eyes at the time, this did not prevent him from turning away from the danger behind him without hesitation and dashing forward to the right.

Then he inserted his gorgeous head into the mouth of a red-haired husky who had just opened his mouth to roar.

Immediately afterwards, with a bang, the picture ended.

Well, yes, that red hair, Laozi remembers you!

This method of death is inevitably too suffocating!

I was so aggrieved that I didn't dare to mention it to anyone!

Because this was really delivered to someone's mouth to bite, if Jiang Shan chose to stay put, he might have a chance to turn around with his strong physical fitness.

After the video was played, a 3D map suddenly appeared on the coffee table in front of Jiang Shan.

It shows the scene of Jiang Shan at that time.

I saw that after Jiang Shan was born, a total of seventeen huskies surrounded Jiang Shan.

Their location distribution is that the husky king is six meters behind Jiang Shan, and there are two huskies on the left and right, ready to go.

In front of Jiang Shan, there are six huskies staring, three huskies and four huskies on the left and right.

The enemy's position is like this, and the closest to Jiang Shan is a red-haired husky in the front left.

About three meters away.

That is, Jiang Shan threw himself over, just in the best position to put his head in his mouth.

There was still one minute before Jiang Shan left the safe house, and Jiang Shan quickly remembered the positions of these huskies in his mind.

After all, Jiang Shan couldn't open his eyes in the few seconds he passed through.

In other words, the initial stage can only rely on blind play.

"There are still five seconds left, I hope the Host is ready."



The system started the countdown, Jiang Shan took a deep breath, hope everything goes well this time (aeci)!

Although, there is no punishment for death here, but I can't stand the dizziness of every birth!

The feeling of having a splitting headache and turning upside down in the stomach, Jiang Shan didn't want to try it many times.

"Start teleporting!" The system counted down, and then a black hole appeared in front of Jiang Shan's eyes, followed by a familiar sense of centrifugal, and then Jiang Shan's eyes became black again, and he lost consciousness.

And after an unknown amount of time passed, in fact only three seconds of neutrality in my mind.

Jiang Shan regained consciousness, and at the same time, there was a great sense of danger behind him.

But after the last experience, Jiang Shan was not in a panic.

Instead, he carefully checked the position of the husky around him and confirmed it again.

Three seconds passed, and the Huskies did not move.

But the increasingly rough gasps had already told Jiang Shan that these huskies were getting impatient!

You know, the last time Jiang Shan was not in three seconds, he jumped out without waiting for these Huskies to attack, and then jumped directly into the street.

Therefore, Jiang Shan doesn't know when these huskies will attack.

At this moment, he is trying his best to open his eyes, but his eyelids are still heavy.

It seems that it can only be fooled for the time being!

But fortunately, knowing the number and positions of these huskies this time, I won't be so flustered.

But if he can't open his eyes for a long time, once the Huskies change their formation, Jiang Shan will also be in crisis.

At this time, all Jiang Shan can do is to try to calm himself down.

Only in this way will it not let go of the slightest movement from the outside world.

However, this huge group of huskies has always destroyed Jiang Shan's endurance like a bomb that does not know when it will explode.

Five seconds later, the Husky still did not move.

Just staring at Jiang quietly, drooling.

At this time, Jiang Song's condition was slightly better, but his body was still a little uncomfortable.

There is no way, this is the sequela left over from crossing the world.


The Husky still didn't move.

But for Jiang Shan, it was nothing but torment.

It was as if he was on the guillotine, not knowing when the knife would fall.

This time Jiang Shan realized what a second Ten Thousand Years is!

This is so fucking frustrating!

So, Jiang Shan decided to take the initiative!

I saw Jiang Shan calmly turned his head and stretched out his right index finger in the direction of the Husky King.

After twitching back and forth like this, he shouted, "Fuck you here!"

That's right, at this moment, Jiang Shan started a big taunting tactic!

"Angry!" Sure enough, after Jiang Shan's ridicule, the group of huskies immediately exploded!

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