The wheel of time is still spinning as always! Immortal and unchanged.

Since Solon joined the kendo hall, everyone was shocked by his desperation, and even the training enthusiasm of the trainees has increased a lot.

Others train, swing the sword 500 times, he swings the sword 2,000 times, others run 10 kilometers, he runs 20 or even 30 kilometers, still carrying weights.

Pressing himself so desperately, it is Solon's A-level talent quality that can persist.

Even Roa admired Solon's ruthlessness a little!

It's a wolf!

If you change someone else, I'm afraid you will have practiced for a long time!

In the process of self-destruction, Solon's strength is also climbing rapidly!

For Sauron's teaching, Koshiro decided to end up himself, and Roa is now completely ready to become a teacher, so Koshiro is now more focused on the new Solon.

Tenacity, hard work, forging ahead, unyielding in a hundred battles .... Koshiro saw in Solon all the precious qualities of a good swordsman.

In particular, Solon's kendo talent and physical talent are so excellent. This gives Koshiro a feeling of having picked up a treasure.

When he met Roya, Koshiro thought that he was going to consume his luck in this life, but he didn't expect that the heavens sent him another genius.

Although he is a little worse than Roa's kind of demon, Koshiro prefers to teach this genius of Solon.

Because Solon's gradual strengthening is more in line with a swordsman's cultivation process.

Teaching this kind of disciple, sculpting it little by little, watching him improve and grow little by little, undoubtedly makes Koshiro feel more accomplished.

Roya's open-hanging way of progress, the jumping is simply too strong, always challenging his heart, hitting his nerves, Koshiro has a feeling that he can't be taught.

As soon as it is taught, if it is not taught without a teacher, who can withstand this!

Since Luo Ya joined the Taoist Hall, he has broken his skills countless times, and he really can't hold the shelf and maintain the majesty of the grandmaster.

And now in Solon's body, Koshiro has finally found a little fun as a teacher.

Looking at Solon who was struggling to hit the dummy in the field, Koshiro smiled knowingly.

"Solon, after practicing this style, the basics of swordsmanship will be taught! The rest of the time can be freely cultivated. "

"Yes, is it possible to hold on to the first knife in Roya's hands?" Solon turned around and looked at Koshiro with surprise flashing in his eyes.

Solon, who has experienced countless defeats and was dropped by a blow K.O, still clamored to defeat Roa, but now this goal has been split into countless small stages by him.

For example: first insist on one move under Roya.

Listening to Solon's words, the corners of Koshiro's mouth twitched, and he thought to himself: "You'd better cultivate for a few more years!" "

But looking at Solon's bright gaze, Koshiro was really embarrassed to say anything, so he had to smile and nod.

Looking at Solon, who was rushing away with a look of excitement, Koshiro lifted his eyes;

I hope Roa will start lightly!


Today, the Yishin Taoist Hall has a teaching practice of taking leave to visit relatives.

At this time, Luo Ya was being captured by Koshiro to replace the vacant seat of teaching, and was instructing other students to cultivate at the Kendo Hall.

"In this way, yes, that's it, the wrist should be straight, and the downward split should be powerful." Today, Roya is mentoring a girl trainee who can't name it.

The girl who was taught by Luo Ya had slightly red cheeks at this moment, a look of adoration on her face, and stars appeared in her eyes when she looked at Luo Ya, and the bamboo sword in her hand almost couldn't hold it.

So handsome! I'm going to faint!

"Okay, that's it, after continuing to practice 100 hundred times, it's almost there." Luo Ya said with a smile, and the smile was like a spring breeze.

"Oh, but people can't have other moves, can't they..."

"And we..." The other female trainees also took the opportunity to gather around.

"Nope!" Before he finished speaking, a cold voice came. I saw Gu Yina on the side, her face covered with frost. "If there is anything that you won't know, just ask me!"

Forcefully separating the female trainees, Gu Yina turned around and gently straightened her collar for Roya, as if swearing sovereignty.

Looking at Luo Ya, Gu Yina's voice was very gentle: "Leave the girl's teaching to me!" "

Looking at Gu Yina's expression, Luo Ya was slightly happy in her heart, jealous?

Can't help but reach out and pinch Gu Yinaqiong's nose, and Luo Ya readily agreed.

Looking at the intimate actions of the two on the field, suddenly, a wailing sound sounded in the hearts of all the trainees, this day was a day when the dreams of the dojo trainees were shattered.

Although there has always been gossip that Gu Yina and Luo Ya are ambiguously together, they have not seen it with their own eyes, and everyone has a trace of illusion.

And now, it's a real hammer!

Countless boys and girls are heartbroken!

Gu Yina turned her head and looked at several female trainees on the side, seeing that their eyes were bleak, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help but turn up slightly, and her heart was a little proud. "Xiao Xian, still want to compare with me?"

After Gu Yina took the initiative to take over the job, Roya was idle all of a sudden.

At this time, a shouting voice came in from outside.

"Roya, come and duel with me!" I saw Solon rushing in from outside.

"It's Sauron!"

The surrounding trainees and classmates could see Solon, who had come in at a glance, all stopped practicing and consciously gave up the space.

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