The sand wall collapsed, lost control, and the domineering slash cut off its connection with Klockdar, and countless yellow sand returned to the earth, forming a large sand dune, and at the top, Klockdar's figure also emerged.

Standing at the top of the dunes, Klockdar was half-bent over, panting in his mouth, and it was clear that launching such a powerful attack, even with home field advantage, was not something he could make casually.

More importantly, his attack was completely broken, and in his expectation, even if he couldn't solve Roya with one blow, at least he would have to pay a price.

Unexpectedly, it was nothing!

"Isn't that okay, I thought you could hold out a few more times!"

A slash with a flickering glow rushed towards it with a sound, splitting the dunes.

"Hmph! Don't rejoice too soon!! "

Klockdar snorted coldly, and the whole person shattered into yellow sand and merged into the desert below, dodging this slash and sneaking under the desert, waiting for an opportunity.

Looking at Klockdar, who disappeared in front of him, Roa let go when he saw it, firmly locked a lump of yellow sand moving at high speed under the desert, and one after another slashes were sent out from Roya's hands, slamming into the ground, and exploding into large pits.

Klockdar in the desert dodged slashes left and right, like a chased fish, scurrying below, and then seemed to realize that he was locked, and the moving yellow sand was divided into countless strands, making it impossible to tell which one was the body.

Scattered yellow sand weaved beneath the desert, then enclosing the area where Roa was located, and the parts that had been chopped up in the process turned into more.

From this point of view, it is obvious that there is no attack on Klockdar's body, these are simply manipulated sand.

"It looks even tougher than expected!"

Luo Ya's brows wrinkled, sand and sand mixed together, even seeing and hearing domineering was difficult to distinguish.

Although his attack is powerful, it is in vain if he can't hit, and Klockdar is also a little more accurate.

Always hidden, just did not dare to fight with Roya. Indecent!

The yellow sand under his feet seemed to boil under Klockdar's control.

Desert Knife!! Jungle!!

"Whoosh! Sou! Sou! "

Countless sand blades pierced up from the desert underground, and the blades that protruded from the ground filled every inch of space above, and then stirred, cut, and tumbled, turning the entire surface into a dead zone.

The small animals hidden under the sand are cut off by the sand blade, and in an instant all the water is sucked dry and turned into a dry corpse.

Feeling the movement under his feet, Luo Ya moved his steps and came to the air one step ahead, and his extraordinary moon steps made him look like he was walking in the air, calm and excellent

Condescending, the dragon in his hand stabbed downward, slashed from the tip of the knife, and then pierced the desert hole out of a bottomless pit, a circle of ripples continued to spread outward, the quicksand surged, all slipped down, the old could not be filled.

Klockdar, who was hiding in the ground, as if he were a mouse, appeared again at some point, and on his outstretched hands, there were small tornadoes constantly spinning, and he threw them out.

Sha Lan!! Sha Lan!! Sha Lan!! ....

A series of more than a dozen mini tornadoes were thrown out, and after leaving Klockdar's palm, they immediately soared into huge tornadoes.

The rolled yellow sand turned the tornado into a terrifying natural disaster, constantly expanding, rotating, and constantly wreaking havoc around this area.

A tornado of this magnitude could not be controlled even by Klockdar, but he did not need to control it, and these things could not harm his elemental body.


Two close tornadoes collided, twisted, entangled, as if two Sharons were clinging to each other. Then it merged into a larger tornado, and the diameter instantly expanded by hundreds of meters, and the mighty power rolled up everything around it.

Standing in the air, Roya's blown clothes were fierce, his purple hair danced wildly under the fierce wind, and there were salons surrounded on all sides, looking like gods walking out of the legendary desert.

The residents of the small town of Juba in the distance watched this scene and knelt down one after another, praying continuously.

One knife flow!! The Raptors are out of the air!

The dragon slashing in Luo Ya's hand was clenched, endless power was brewing, and the void around the blade seemed to be shattered, constantly humming!

The power was accumulated to the peak, and then it was instantly released from the tip of the knife!


A black dragon with a diameter of thousands of meters roared out, opened its teeth and danced its claws, and directly swallowed all the tornadoes in front of him.

"Boom !!"

After devouring the tornado, the black dragon exploded directly, and the endless sword qi poked the desert through thousands of holes.

The dust and sand set off by the explosion covered this area, and the three people who had long seen the situation outside the field found a sand pile, only showing one head to watch.

"Hmm!" Nicole Robin let out a muffled snort and then put her hand down. Originally, she also wanted to see the battle between the two in the field, but she didn't expect that as soon as she activated her ability, the generated arm was immediately destroyed.

Although it is an ability effect, the entity is not injured, but the feeling will be transmitted back synchronously.

Now no one knows the situation inside, and can only be judged by the slashes that rush out of the smoke and dust from time to time, and the two are at war.

More than a dozen tornadoes were lifted from the battlefield at one time, and Klockdar, who was hiding in it, launched sneak attacks from time to time.

"You can't help me, today is consumption, I will also consume you here!"

"Yes?" A knife cut the sand blade in front of him, and Luo Ya was still ancient without waves.

He felt like he was grabbing a rat, except that Klockdar was countless times more cunning.

"Your strength is good, but you are too arrogant, if not here, I really am not your opponent!"

"For your sake, I'll give you a decent way to die!" Klockdar's voice came, and the person was still missing.

Are you planning to be obscene to the end?

Withdrawing the dragon into its scabbard, Luo Ya looked around at the yellow sand around him, the slash was not very suitable in this environment.

After thinking about it, Luo Ya raised his two hands up, and the ball of meat in his palm appeared, and he propped it up, as if he was dragging something.

'Don't you think this is your home turf?' If you destroy everything here, see if you can still laugh. ’_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - favorites, recommendations,

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