Standing on a small bench on tiptoe, Kerra looked back with a telescope in his hand.

The voice was a little excited. "The ship in the back is following again! Need to knock it out? "

For some reason, this cannon who seems to have recently become obsessed with the bow of the ship has even learned the ballistics principle of the cannonball seriously.

"You like it! Fight if you want! Roa smiled and shook his head.

Since leaving Alabastan, there have always been some ill-intentioned boats hanging them behind.

At first, Roya thought it was a smooth way, so he ignored them, but he didn't expect his boat to accelerate, and they also accelerated, and even Roya stopped fishing, and the opposite side also pretended to wave the fishing rod.

If you don't do it, you won't die.

After the warning was ineffective, Roya didn't care if it was a good guy or a bad guy behind it, and directly sank it.

But the deterrent effect is rare, but the frequency of the later appearance is higher.

Dealing with it a lot, now he is too lazy to do it, but Kerla is interested, uses it as a target, and practices the accuracy of the shell.

After receiving instructions, Kerra on the side ran over and pulled the rudder.

The boat turned a corner, and the muzzle of the gun was aimed at the small boat behind.

Kerra skillfully took a round shell from the box on the side and stuffed it into the barrel.

The breech closed, and the little girl pulled the cannon rope excitedly.


The muzzle flames erupted, and the powerful reaction force shook the boat, and a circle of ripples rippled around.

The round shells, as if they had eyes, fell across the long parabola onto the ship, blowing it to pieces.

"One hit!"

Kerra clapped his hands, his small face blackened with smoke.

Luo Ya handed over the towel in his hand, and then picked up the chart on the side and looked at it.

"It's probably about the same! Those people should almost show up. "

There is a small uninhabited island nearby, which is very suitable for hiding, and if someone really comes at him, he will definitely not let go of this excellent ambush location.


"Report Major General Peach Rabbit, ahead is the small island of Hawar, according to intelligence, the Hungry Wolf Pirate Group is hiding in this area."

On the warship, a non-commissioned officer reports to the female rear admiral sitting in a chair.

The female major general was dressed in a regular uniform, with a justice drape draped over her shoulders, and a beautiful mole on her beautiful face was just right at the corner of her mouth.

Peach Rabbit looked down at the information in his hand: the wolf pirate group, Captain Carol, the bounty of 130 million Bailey, the most recent appearance was a week ago to ransack a caravan, all sailors survived, or this person deliberately released it to report to the navy.

It's arrogant.

Hanging the famous knife Jin Biluo around his waist, Peach Rabbit stood and walked towards the bow of the boat, and a staccato island could already be seen in front of him.

"Full speed ahead, ready to fight!"

With an order, the entire warship moved as quickly as if it were clockwork.

One by one, the cannons had shed their suits, revealing their barrels shining with cold light, the shells were reloaded, and the elite soldiers in charge of the engagement battle, led by a colonel, lined up on the deck with weapons in hand.

"Huh? A warship is coming? "

Roa turned his head to look back, and a warship leaned towards this side, and the target was still towards him.

At the speed of a large warship, it quickly approached Roa's small boat, and the two ships traveled side by side, compared with the warship, Roa's gunboat was like a small point.

A moment later, a figure jumped from the warship onto Roya's ship.

Luo Ya looked up at the person, this is a very sexy beauty, with a bumpy figure, a long knife pinned to her waist, and a spider tattooed on her leg, looking at the rank of a major general.

Looking at this obvious outfit, Luo Ya is no stranger: Isn't this the future general candidate Peach Rabbit?

Kerra looked at the towering peach rabbit, and his little hand quietly touched his Xiaolongbao, and suddenly deflated.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Peach Rabbit, Rear Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, we will capture pirates in this sea area next, please leave here immediately to avoid accidental injury!"

Standing on the edge of the boat, Peach Rabbit glanced around, but did not expect that there were actually two young people on the boat.

As soon as Luo Ya was about to refuse her proposal, a shrill alarm suddenly sounded on the warship opposite!

"Major General Peach Rabbit, there is an emergency, and an unknown number of pirates have appeared ahead!" The soldiers on the warship shouted loudly towards this side.

Peach Rabbit's brows frowned, and then stepped on the moon step into the air, and five large pirate ships appeared in the sea ahead, wrapping towards this side.

"It's the Hungry Wolf Pirates!! And saboteurs, bloody hands ....."

Five names were reported in a row, and the voice of the soldier standing on the observation deck to report was a little trembling, and cold sweat broke out.

The bounty of this pirate group is more than 100 million Baileys each, but I didn't expect to get together now.

If they fight alone, they are still sure to eat it, but if the five come together, it is not a question of whether they can fight or not, but whether they can escape.


Looking at the pirate ship that was constantly accelerating towards this side in the distance, Peach Rabbit didn't want to think about it, one by one, picked up the two people on the ship and returned to the warship.

Luo Ya originally pulled out half of the knife, but he didn't expect that his own person was forcibly taken away by a beautiful woman.

"Retreat!" Peach Rabbit looked at the pirate ship in front of him and said without thinking.

Halfway around the warship, an even worse news came.

"There was also in the back, we were surrounded!!"

Ten pirate ships surrounded a warship in the middle one after the other, slowly approaching, as if they had been waiting for a long time.

"They seem to know we're coming here."

"It's still ten pirate groups with a bounty of more than 100 million, and it's a big trouble now."

This operation was decided temporarily, how could these people know the clues and ambush here in advance?

Even if someone leaks secrets, it is impossible to make so many pirates at once.

"Don't worry about this, did the call for help go out?" A major shouted at the herald.

"It has been sent, but the nearest aid also takes three hours!"

The surrounding soldiers looked bitter, and for three hours, it was estimated that they could only come to collect their bodies.

Looking at the approaching pirate ship, everyone tightened their weapons in their hands. _

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