If it's anything else, it's okay to even arrange an idle position.

But to set up a new department, of course, there is no problem within the Navy, and how to deal with the world government is a difficult problem.

Zefa taught so much navy, there is no doubt about his teaching ability, if he could, Sengoku would prefer to keep him as an instructor in his headquarters rather than forming a new force to go to sea to hunt down pirates, as planned in the document.

Seeing the embarrassed look on Sengoku's face, Karp took the document and skimmed it roughly.

Karp stretched out his little finger and picked his nose, and said with a relaxed smile:

"No problem!"

"Isn't that a simple thing? It's up to you, Sengoku. "

"As for the Naval Academy, leave it to the old man!" Karp patted Sengoku's shoulder with an expression that I was optimistic about you.

Sengoku gave this old man a blank look, this is pretending to be confused.

If only it were so easy, the establishment of a new department, not to mention the personnel transfer, resource allocation, and coordination of various departments involved is a big problem.

And the world government may intervene, how can it be so easy.

But even so, the Warring States responded.

He knew that with Zefa's nature, even if he didn't agree, it wouldn't help.

Moreover, with Zefa's contributions to the Navy for so many years, this requirement cannot be met now, which is too chilling.

After thinking about it for a while, Sengoku said: "At the headquarters meeting next week, I will put forward this plan. "

"During this time, you will first heal your injuries, and then you will have to attend."

"Then please." The look on Zefa's face softened slightly.

Most of the participants in this meeting were Zefa's students, and with the support of these people, even if the world government opposed, it was necessary to take into account the face of all navies.

"One more thing."

Sengoku looked at Roya, who seemed to have something to say, and asked. "Is there anything else?"

"The military merits I have accumulated should be enough, and this time back, I plan to open the promotion challenge."

Roa placed the file in his hand on the desktop.

For the students of the elite camp, rising to this step is the apex, but it is still too low for Roya.

And Zefa also intends to hand over the pirate guerrillas to him to carry the flag, with his strength, of course, no problem, but the rank of colonel is not enough.

The Warring States were stunned, but he did not expect that Luo Ya had just been promoted to colonel, and immediately made this request.

Karp on the side leaned his head over, glanced at the appointment document in Roya's hand, pouted, and said towards the Warring States.

"Warring States, I said that you are also too petty, Luo Ya has made such a big achievement, you will give a colonel??"

"Roya boy, I support you, take a lieutenant this time as a lieutenant."

Sengoku glanced at Karp and automatically filtered his words.

"Have you thought about it? If you fail, you will fail, you still have one year, there is no need to rush. "

Sengoku looked at Luo Ya, and although he knew Roya's current strength, he still mentioned it.

Perhaps he subconsciously didn't want this person to be promoted too quickly, after all, Luo Ya was still too young.

"I thought it through." Luo Ya said with certainty.

"Hmm...!" Sengoku pondered for a moment.

"In that case, the time is set for the next week, and you can prepare for this time."

Sengoku glanced at Zefa and Luo Ya, what idea the two fought, he also vaguely understood after going through it in his heart.

However, if this matter is operated well, it may not be a good thing for the navy internally.


Half a day later, the first half of the Great Channel, which belongs to the windless zone.

At this moment, on the smooth and mirror-like sea, a warship galloped in the distance.

The roar of machinery echoed far away in this quiet sea, and a huge shadow like a mountain range loomed below the surface of the water.

The sea king, who was attracted by the sound, looked at the little dot on the sea in disgust, and then flicked its tail and swam away.

"Report Colonel Roya, through the gate of justice ahead, we can reach the Advance City." A soldier on board reported to Roa.

Advance City and Justice Island, the naval headquarters are built around a huge underwater vortex, and if there is an accident, the ocean current driven by the vortex can quickly support these three places.

And on this special channel, each of them has placed an iron gate, which is also to prevent some people from using this in turn.

Roya looked up at the huge iron door in front of him, the corners of his mouth raised, and recalled the scene in the office.

"Lieutenant General? You underestimate my appetite too! "

"It's just that with my strength now, it's still not very safe for the general, and if I can get that fruit ability, it's probably about the same."

Whether it is the Warring States, Karp or Zefa think that his target is the lieutenant general, and the general is Roya's real goal.

However, compared to the kind of humanoid natural disaster monster, Luo Ya was not sure if he could fight it, so before leaving the Sengoku office, Roya specially asked him to approve a document to advance the city.

As for the reason, it is said that it is necessary to promote the special environment of the city to break through.

For Luo Ya's ghost words, the Warring States naturally did not believe it, but due to Zefa and Karp on the side, they still approved it.


The warship sailed through the Gate of Justice and came to a huge castle, which is the City of Advance, known as the Copper Wall and Iron Wall.

The entire building is only the part that exposes the sea, which is hundreds of meters high, such a building, there are six floors under the sea, one floor after another, and the pirates imprisoned are getting stronger and stronger.

For pirates, this is a hellish existence, with each layer corresponding to a punishment.

Since the completion of the Advance City, except for the successful escape of the Golden Lion decades ago, the rest of the people have all been suppressed.

With Mezellan's poisonous fruit ability, there is simply no solution to deal with these pirates, even if there is a riot, a poison is a large piece.

A strong man like the golden lion also paid the price of two legs to escape here.

Seeing the warship coming, the garrison on the drawbridge boat ran over to check, and the clothes of these people were also different from those of the navy, wearing white tunics similar to trench coats, and brown guard hats on their heads.

"You are Roya, the warden ordered me to come and meet you." The leader said towards Roya.

Roa nodded and handed over the document in his hand.

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