In the sea ahead, the sound of shelling was constantly heard, and the air was filled with thick smoke.

A ship flying a skeleton flag is constantly accelerating towards the merchant ship ahead.

During the drive, shells continued to pour out and fall into the sea, accompanied by a roar, stirring up a water column more than ten meters high.

The distance between the two was still a bit far, and the shells fired did not hit the merchant ship.

Even so, the chased merchant ship was already in chaos.

"Hurry up, open the sails to the maximum for me!"

"No, it's a tailwind, our ship is not big enough for them, and we will definitely be caught up in this way." "

"Are we just going to do nothing and wait for death?"

"Throw the goods down, quick, and leave it alone. "

At this moment, in order to survive, all the sailors on the ship moved, and boxes of goods on the ship were constantly thrown into the sea.

Looking at the cargo that was constantly swept away by the splash, Captain Foster's heart twitched, but he also knew that now was not the time to feel distressed.

If you want money or life, he still has to tell the difference.

"Damn, didn't we pay protection fees for this route? they don't talk about credit!" Foster scolded angrily as he looked at the first mate on the side.

The first mate on the side opened his mouth, you all said that the other party was a pirate, and what kind of credit did you talk about.

The cargo on board was decreasing, and the merchant ship did not escape the pursuit, but the distance between the two became closer.

Even, they could hear the shouts from the pirate ship opposite.

"Little ones, rush quickly, take the boat in front, the women stay, and the men all kill." "


"I can't wait to taste the blood!!."

"Those ladies last time were taken away by you, don't rob anyone !! me this time."

Filth, scolding, intimidation, all kinds of arrogant voices came!


"What to do, Captain!" the man on board looked at Foster with a look of despair.

The women on the merchant ship were pale, their faces were like dead ashes, and many people secretly hid daggers in their sleeves, and instead of falling into the hands of pirates, life was better than death, and it was better to cut themselves off in advance.

"Goods, have the goods been thrown away?" Foster's heart was also terrified, but he had seen a little of the market, and he could still hold on at this time.

"Both, it's all thrown away. The first mate looked at the hideous ship behind him, swallowed his saliva with difficulty, and his face rushed, "We are going to be caught up!"

"Go under the cabin and pull the cannon out for me. Even if they die, they will have to pay the price!" Desperate, Captain Foster also launched a fierce attack in his heart, gritting his teeth and saying.

"Do you really want this, once you open fire..." the first mate hesitated.

"You all heard the words of the pirates in the back, don't expect to let us go at this time!"

"Since it's all one death, it's better to fight a handful." "

Hearing the captain's words, the sailors also stimulated their blood, staring fiercely at the pirate ship behind.

Yes, there is no way back anyway.

"Dare to resist!" behind the merchant ship, the pirates who were always paying attention to the movements ahead immediately noticed the abnormality.

Several shells fell precisely behind the merchant ship, and the artillery was immediately destroyed.

Subsequently, several spears attached to special ropes were fired.

The whistling spear pierced the deck, and the barb on the arrow popped out instantly, stuck dead on the edge of the hole.

"It's over. Seeing this scene, everyone on the merchant ship knew what was about to happen to them.

"Little ones, go kill and take the treasure by the way!"

"Also, the merchant captain kept it for me, this old thing actually dares to throw our goods, I don't know if I am dead or alive!"

A group of pirates rubbed shoulders and took advantage of the height difference of the pirate ship to swing over one by one.

Right at this moment.

A huge tremor came from the stern.

"No, our stern is flooded!"

"What's going on, was it attacked?"

"I didn't find any enemies around!"

"What about the bottom of the sea, is it a sea king?" "

The unknown attack instantly made the Creek Pirates chaotic, but there were professional shipbuilders on the pirate ship, and it didn't take long for the broken hole to be blocked.

At this time, the pirates on the pirate ship found that a small boat was straddling between the two ships at an unknown time.

On the boat, it was Roa who rushed over to find the sound.

Jumping, Roa came to the pirate ship.

"Boy, you attacked our ship just now?" As soon as he landed, Luo Ya was surrounded by the surrounding pirates.

"yes, is there a problem?" Roya's eyes narrowed, he actually saw an acquaintance here!

It turned out to be the Creek Pirates, the original just entered the great route, and was the unlucky bastard who destroyed the entire fleet with a move from Hawkeye.

However, he is not yet the future overlord of the East China Sea, and there is only one ship.

"Find death!" Roya's words fell, and a group of pirates rushed up with swords.

A cold light flashed in Luo Ya's eyes, his right hand was slightly raised, and the dragon was instantly unsheathed!

"Since you are in such a hurry to send you to death, I will give you a ride. "

A sharp sword light flashed.


The upper deck of the entire pirate ship was instantly cut off, and the mast with the sails was inserted diagonally into the sea.

The surrounding pirates were all directly beheaded.

Blood spurted out and instantly smeared the entire deck!

With Roya's strength, killing some pirates is like killing chickens and dogs!

And these are some scumbags, slaughter them, Roa does not have any psychological pressure.

On the Creek pirate ship, the pirates who survived under this knife looked at the figure that looked like a god and demon in the field, and instantly collapsed.

"Don't, don't come over. "Even rolling and climbing, the surviving pirates kept retreating.

In a place like the East China Sea, how could they have ever encountered such a strong person.

In their impression, the most powerful attack is nothing more than a shell.

Their captain, Crick, was able to block the cannonballs and was already worshipped as a godman.

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