Advancing the city, on the third floor, in the dark corridor, several jailers exchanged their heads and hurried through.

"Have you heard? Not long ago, that navy nova, what is the name, came to our advance city. "

One of the jailers said excitedly, as if he had forgotten his name, and looked at the others.

"It's called Roya, are you from the memory of a fish?" The companion next to him rolled his eyes and said speechlessly, but he was also excited to think about it.

In this dark prison, after staying for a long time, not only the prisoners, but even the staff inside could not bear it, it can be said that from top to bottom, there is a little mental problem.

Now something interesting has finally happened.

"What do you say he's here for? Hahaha, is it to see the specialties in our prison? "

A jailer with a fork grinned and said, this damn place, they can't think of anything but prisoners.

"I don't know, but I heard that he has been in the sixth layer of infinite hell for half a day."

"Really fake, just that ghost place, I can't stay for a second, there are the most vicious criminals there."

Another jailer said with a palpitation that the last time he went to deliver food, he was almost not scared to pee just to the door of the sixth floor, and even now that he thinks about it, his legs are a little soft.

"Hehe, I know you don't believe it, the people in the monitoring room are still watching, just go and take a look..."

The sound of conversation faded away and disappeared at the end of the corridor.

"Roya, the sixth layer of infinite hell, it's kind of interesting." In the darkness, a playful laughter sounded,

"Hehe, I heard that you are also a master of using swords..."

"It seems that you have to communicate well."

After several jailers walked by, a tall figure from behind followed, holding a bloodstained katana in his hand, with madness and tyranny in his eyes.

The third layer of the monitoring room, at this moment, there are a lot of jailers gathered inside, and it is very lively.

"Yo, yo, look, blocked again."

"This guy, is it a monster, he can actually hold out for so long."


These people were all gathered around a screen, their eyes staring at the figure inside without blinking, exclaiming from time to time, with shock in their eyes.


The door was pushed open, and a strong smell of blood wafted in, disgusting, and the surrounding air seemed to be frozen, even the light dimmed down.

Everyone in the monitoring room quickly turned around, and when they saw the person coming, their necks suddenly shrunk, and the sweat hairs on their bodies stood up, and they didn't dare to breathe.

"Rain: Chief Caretaker of Yu no Kiru! "

The people who came in were filled with a thick breath, and although there was no blood on their clothes, the smell of blood came to their faces, and the entire monitoring room could smell it.

Seeing Yu no Xiliu's appearance, needless to say, everyone immediately knew what he had done before, and he must have run to torture and kill the prisoners again.

The name of this slayer is famous in advancing the city.

Even the jailer was terrified of his superior.

A casual glance.

Yu no Hiru ignored the jailer in the monitoring room, casually pulled a cloth to wipe the blood on the katana in his hand, and cast his eyes on the large screen above.

The image inside the screen is a bit blurry and turns into a snowflake from time to time, but it is generally visible.

Seeing that the figure inside used the knife in his hand to casually block the attacks from the surrounding prisoners, Yu no Kiru's eyes flashed with excitement, and then an evil smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

As if he had found some prey, Yu no Hiru walked out of the monitoring room with his feet up.

It wasn't until the door was closed and footsteps could no longer be heard that everyone dared to take a breath.


Advancing the city, infinite hell, the domino at the door was bored against the wall, and her beautiful eyes looked at Roa in the field.

From the initial shock to the current numbness, just this small half a day's effort, her nerves were stimulated to the point that she didn't want to move.

"This guy, the strength is really terrifying, I'm afraid it's not much worse than Yu no Shiryu!" Domino thought to himself.

Today, Luo Ya is still sitting cross-legged in the center of the infinite hell, but the dragon that was originally resting on his legs has been pulled out by him and held in his hand.

The attacks around him have escalated, and they are no longer limited to the previous overlord-colored domineering fight.

Chains, chopping, shockwaves, noise..... Various attacks abounded, coming towards Roa from prisons everywhere.

And it is not for nothing that these people can be locked up alone in an infinite hell and enjoy special treatment, even if they are tightly bound, there is no lack of means of attack.

"Boom!! Jingling! ..."

With his eyes closed, Luo Ya took all the attacks around him into his mind, and the dragon slasher in his hand followed like a shadow, haunted, and swung out at will, often blocking attacks in all directions just right.

On the properties panel, the values of various experiences skyrocketed.

If you look closely at the sword in Luo Ya's hand, you can find that with each cut, a thin dragon shadow hovers around the blade, accompanied by a slight dragon groan, which is extremely strange.

"This guy is getting stronger again." Feeling the gradually and steadily rising momentum on Roya's body, Domino was secretly frightened.

Compared with the meeting when he first came in, Luo Ya's momentum was at least twice as strong, and he was more comfortable in dealing with the attacks around him.

At first, he was unable to resist, and Roa suffered a small loss in the attack of the prisoners, but now he is at ease.

Although the strength of the prisoners in the prison has been weakened, this is LV6, even if it is weakened, which one here is not a monster-like strength.

"Ding! Seeing that the domineering level has been raised to lv11! "

"Ding! Physique level increased to LV12! "

"Ding! Armed color domineering level increased to lv11! "

"Ding! Sword level increased to LV14! "


A flurry of prompts sounded in my head.

"It seems that the effect is somewhat unexpectedly good!" Feeling the surging sense of power coming from his body, Luo Ya was secretly happy, in such a short period of half a day, his progress was worth a year.

"However, it is getting worse and worse now."

Watching after a while to gain a few points of experience, Roa shook his head, these people could not put pressure on him anymore, unless it was to release them.

"Then if that's the case, let's end it!"

There is no need to stay here, thinking of this, Luo Ya's originally closed eyelids moved, and then slowly opened, and every time he opened a little, the momentum on his body became stronger.

Like a sleeping terrifying beast, it is gradually waking up and exuding a breathtaking aura.

Until it was completely opened, the harsh gaze made people dare not look directly.


Luo Ya's terrifying momentum rose in his body, completely reached the peak, and then swept away in all directions.

The prisoners' attacks were all bounced off by the erupting qi waves, and the overlord-colored domineering fields that were originally pervasive around retreated one after another under Luo Ya's momentum, and then were compressed and defeated.

"How is it possible!" Feeling the aura of the surrounding kings in the world, even a few people with overlord-colored domineering energy, their eyes were violently open, and their hearts couldn't help but tremble.

Actually defeated?

So many of them combined are actually no better than Luo Ya alone!

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