The relationship between Luo Ya and Don Quixote can be said to be incompatible, since he went to sea, the things he did in the East China Sea and the West Sea, even if there are no witnesses, but as long as he investigates, I believe it can still be involved in him.

As for whether Roa did it or not, Doflamingo didn't need proof at all, as long as the person appeared there.

What Roa didn't expect was that Doflamingo was so able to endure that he didn't send someone over to find him trouble, or personally take action, which is interesting.

Or maybe he sent a few small shrimp and was accidentally sent to the sea to feed the fish.

Luo Ya raised his eyes and glanced at Virgo in surprise, "It's quite tolerable!" "

This one is still not smiling, he did not find anything abnormal, or murderous, I have to say that the ability to forbear is absolutely first-class.

At least superficially, it is not visible.

In the original book, it took Vergo fifteen years to climb to the position of vice admiral in the navy, and also sent Sengoku to the undercover of the Don Quixote family, Corazon beat half to death, and later became the branch head of the G5 branch of the New World, with the rank of general.

However, as things stand, Virgo has not yet achieved the rank of lieutenant general, only a major general.

Roa looked at Virgo on the opposite side, smiled playfully, and then glanced at Smog under the stage.

"How many cadres of the Don Quixote family have been killed by themselves, including in the East China Sea or the West Sea, it seems that three or four are coming."

"Although you can't kill people here, you can charge a little interest!"

And Virgo on the field was also looking at Roa quietly at this time.

As one of the highest-ranking figures in the Don Quixote family, Virgo is naturally no stranger to Roya, especially this one who has been on the family's must-kill list.

As Roa guessed.

According to intelligence analysis, Luo Ya not only killed their cadres in the East China Sea, but it is also very likely that he did the disappearance of the transport fleet in the West Sea.

For this reason, Doflamingo offered a reward of 500 million Bailey on the black market to buy Roa's head, which has now risen to 1 billion Bailey.

The disappearance of the artificial devil fruit on the ship also caused Doflamingo to be beaten by Kaido, and the account was also recorded on Roya's head.

Doflamingo knew that with the strength of his family's cadres, the faction would probably not be able to defeat Roya, and in turn add another bright spot to his Meritorious Mountain.

For this reason, Doflamingo planned to take action personally, but he did not expect to meet Kaido, the madman came directly to the door, directly broke his leg with a mace, and put down cruel words.

The plan is also stillborn.

In order to supply Kaido's goods as soon as possible, Doflamingo planned the attack of the G5 branch of the New World, and took down the branch that had been staring at them, and by the way, he also wanted to push Virgo to the position of branch head.

Just some time ago, Virgo also submitted an application, but it was shelved by the Warring States, his military achievements are bright enough, including the strength is not bad, if not for Luo Ya halfway to kill, maybe the order has been issued.

Virgo held the bamboo in one hand, still looking at Roa on the other side with a smile, although his undercover identity could not be revealed, but if he had the opportunity, he also did not mind making a heavy hand.

In this way, the two people with ghost hearts looked at each other with a smile until the referee's order came down.

"In the second game, Major General Virgo vs. Colonel Roa!"

As soon as the words fell, Virgo immediately launched the armed color hardening, the whole person swelled in a large circle, and the plaid coat on his body was directly burst, revealing the rock-like upper body muscles.

The pieces are distinct, and any bodybuilder is like a chicken boy compared to him.

In addition, the whole body has turned into a black skin state, and it looks like an iron man, which is full of deterrence.

"The whole body is wrapped in armed color domineering, and the strength of this major general named Virgo is not weak!" A reporter from a major newspaper below said in surprise.

"Some lieutenant generals can't do this! What is the origin of this Virgo? "

"It's not very clear, but it's finally a little bit of a look, and I didn't see it clearly when it ended too quickly just now."

Everyone raised the video phone worm in their hands, wanting to capture every detail.

"It's not a good habit to burst clothes, especially like you, it's easy to scare children, Mr. Virgo!" Luo Ya narrowed his eyes and said.

"Yes?" In the face of Roya's ridicule, the corners of Virgo's mouth grinned, revealing a dangerous smile, hidden in the eyes behind his eyes, murderous flashes, but the words on his mouth were still peaceful.

"You know me?"

"Of course I know!"

And he knew more than you thought, Roa said secretly, but did not say it.

Virgo didn't think too much, his identity is top secret, even in the Don Quixote family, it is only known by a limited number of people, plus in addition to intelligence, he has basically not contacted the people of the family, and it is impossible to expose.

It's just that he doesn't know that there is still a bug in this world.

In the next moment after Roya finished speaking, Virgo, who thought he had caught the flaw, immediately struck.


Rumble!! Special stone slabs and rubble flew around.

The foot instantly stepped on the ground dozens of times, and under the explosive reaction force, Virgo's body instantly disappeared in place, leaving only a large pit, and the tall body showed amazing speed.

The black figure appeared beside Luo Ya as if teleporting, and the dark bamboo cane in his hand rotated at high speed, and then pierced through the air.

The air poured into the bamboo knots emitted a scream, like the wailing of a demon, piercing Roya's chest with terrifying force.


The whole site shook.

A palm appeared in the path of the bamboo cane at the right time, completely blocking the impact of the bamboo tip.

A loud sound came out, as if two iron plates collided together, and the wind set off by the impact raged towards the field, and some people who were close had to retreat.

"What a speed!"

"And... Blocked...."

The record under the scene is that even if he is unstable on his feet, he does not forget to point the camera in his hand at the two of them, and one by one he blocks the stones that fall on his body with his hands, and insists on shooting.

Click.....! The cracked ground continued to spread outward from under Roa's feet.

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