Roa and Hades did not panic in the slightest, calmly manipulating the pirate ship to avoid the dense shells. The shells fell next to the bed, stirring up one column after another.

The vice admiral laughed at the bedside of the navy bed, and was very happy to see his shells fall densely near the pirate ship, making it impossible for the pirate ship to advance for half a minute.

The navy was also excited, they all counted on the wealth of the pirate ships to become rich, and even fantasized about taking the heads of the pirates on the opposite side to promote and make a fortune.

The naval ship finally slowed down, and the gunfire of the pirate ship was still aimed at the pirate ship. But this did not make Roa and Hades Renly afraid, even if there were only two people on board.

At the moment when the pirate ship and the navy ship were quiet with each other, countless claw hooks flew to the side of the pirate ship, and then firmly grasped the railing and fence of the pirate ship. These sturdy iron claws once again kept the pirate ship next to the navy ship.

In an instant, countless navies rushed up, and the pirate ship instantly became lively. Hades Rayleigh was worried that he could not find the navy to settle the account, and just a group of navies came up and arrested his pirate ship for no reason.

The eyes of the navy were red, as if they saw the treasure and wanted to divide it up in an instant. They searched all the properties and did not find the 3rd person, and what they wanted was treasure. Instantly embarrassed, he walked to the deck and asked Roa and Hades Reilly.

"You pirates, hand over all the treasures you have obtained at the bottom of the sea to the country! It's the poorest pirate ship in history!" the vice admiral laughed, and at the same time very angry, because when he thought that if he caught another pirate ship, he would be able to return with a full load and obtain countless glory, but what he was given was a basin of cold water, which is the poorest pirate ship in the world.

"You guys are just collecting these pirate ships indiscriminately, without even asking if we are wanted?" Roa was also a little angry, he saw that these navies' practices were not decent at all.

Both the navy and the vice admiral laughed, "Ask their names, haha, non-existent, everything is ashes under our shells, whether he is a fishing boat or a pirate ship, in my eyes, he is a pirate ship that can send and receive wealth." Tell me, where are you hiding your wealth?"

When Hades Renly heard the plane under the cannonball, his eyes immediately turned red, "The next time you see pirates, you must ask their honorific name, maybe it will be the most wanted criminal Hades Rayleigh!"

After Hades Renly finished speaking, he sent out a powerful momentum and coercion, causing all the navy and vice admirals on the ship and another naval ship to collapse to the ground.

Especially when the vice admiral heard the most famous wanted criminal on the rankings of Hades Rayleigh, he only said one sentence, "Let countless navies lose the overlord color domineering..."

Hades Rayleigh spread an invisible coercion outward, which was the terrifying overlord-colored domineering, and he carried out indiscriminate attacks on all the pirates on the pirate ship, and even affected another naval ship, and the rope connecting the claw hook swayed.

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