The vice admiral made Hades even more irritable, and stretched out his big hand to throw the vice admiral into the sea to feed the shark.

When the vice admiral saw that the originally calm sea made the big man in front of him stir up the waves, he was afraid of the big man in front of him and immediately begged for mercy again.

"I said that because the admiral weighed me heavily, he often sent me to do urgent things, such as this time to arrest a prisoner. "The vice admirals all shook out.

Luo Ya frowned and asked, "It should be that you bribed more, so there are more opportunities to go to sea, right?

"He was very important, so that the marshal was anxious, so when the admiral received this task, he immediately sent me out, and at the same time divided a lot of his own capable subordinates to go out to search, of course, I found and captured it, and now I am on the search ship." So said the vice admiral.

"The person who makes the red dog anxious, I want to see who it is!" Luo Ya's eyes widened, guessing that it was childish.

When he left the naval headquarters, he did not contact Qingzhi again. However, according to his childish personality, he will definitely leave the headquarters and will not be willing to hold any naval positions under Akainu.

Of course, Akainu can't let his former opponent do things under him, he will sit on pins and needles.

"If it's really childish, then you are too inhumane for the red dog!" Thinking of this, thinking of the various red dogs before, Luo Ya thought about it with great fear.

Luo Ya rushed towards the naval ship with an arrow, "Qingzhi is that you?"

After the hard search of Hades Reilly and Roya, they finally found the dying youth in a cargo hold.

At this time, the young and skinny were put together with a bunch of groceries. It can be seen that during this time, Qingzhi has not had a good time at all.

Seeing all this, Luo Ya frowned and quickly rescued Qingzhi.

Settle down and disband all the seriously injured naval crews, leaving only the vice admiral, the heinous devil at sea.

All the property collected by the vice admiral in recent years was piled up on the naval ships. Roya and Hades received a considerable trophy because of this.

"It's great to see you again. The weak young man passed out after eating.

By the time he woke up on the second day of his youth, his complexion was much better.

"What have you suffered during this time, and you must have had a hard time at the Navy headquarters, right?" asked Roya.

Qing Zhi smiled bitterly and said, "How can it be better than the red dog that person you don't know, suspicious and sick, strong revenge." So I left the headquarters on the second day, and I didn't expect that he would send people to chase and block. I was outnumbered, so I was defeated and caught. "

"This group of them is a dead man, and as far as I know, during the time he captured me, he robbed the inhabitants along the way more than a dozen times, and also grabbed fishermen and small pirate boats. Qing Zhi said with a frown.

"The navy used to be like this?" asked Hades Renly.

"The Navy does have a lot of drawbacks, and headquarters and subordinate relationships around the world make it very complicated within the Navy, and it will not be clear for a while. Qingzhi replied.

Roa knew that Qingzhi had long understood the shortcomings within the navy and wanted to become a marshal to deal with these problems.

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