Luo Ya's group of people seem to understand whether they understand or not, and they all have a little sympathy for this old marshal in their hearts.

The old man said with a handful of snot and tears, "Actually, I regret it, although I feel that I have done well enough in this position, but due to the coercion of the world government, I still did a lot of unrememberable things, but I touched my conscience and said, if it was a different person, I may not get a better choice." "

Hades Rayleigh chuckled in his heart, thinking whether it would be this old man who destroyed his own town, after all, it was entirely possible 40 years ago, and this old marshal also said that he had done something indescribable.

Seeing that his partner's eyes were red, Luo Ya knew what Hades Renly was thinking, so he asked for him, "Then have you ever killed those ordinary innocent people against your will?"

"How is this possible?" the old marshal shook his head, "I kill people who are not free at times, and if it is those who are innocent, I will not even touch them, even if I am killed, I will not do it." Because my conscience will be condemned for the rest of my life, and now there is only one thing that my conscience is condemned, and that is to obey the arrangements of the world government and choose this red dog as my successor. "

There was a buzz in Qingzhi's head, "You are also involved?"

"But I didn't have any other choice, he was particularly outstanding in terms of ability at that time, which made me particularly appreciated. It's because I can't see through his character, so this is my own place, and I should have passed this marshal position directly to you, instead of giving him the opportunity to compete with you. The old man said with a breath.

"It's hard to predict, not everyone in the world can manipulate and make him go for the better, and then if it has happened, we can change him, and, "Do you see that we are all back now?" Roa smiled hard and patted the old marshal on the shoulder.

Sengoku still shook his head and said, "It's too late, he is now deeply entrenched and sturdy and immobile. And the world government was very happy with what he had done. It's especially hard for us to shake his position. "

"So killing me is also the world government?" said Qingzhi.

"It's not, the world government only needs money, and the money that Red Dog can speak in the world is all fed into the world government." That's why the world government is happy and feels that this leader is doing a good job. "If you want to ask the world government, shouldn't you uphold justice? "

"I'm going to take away the rights over the navy and put the navy in order." At that time, I will not belong to the world government, we are at sea, why should we pay him, what is the benefit of receiving the treasure of the sea to feed him?"

Luo Ya smiled, he met Qingzhi for the first time and came back, really back.

With the youthfulness of fighting spirit, it is obvious that he is different from before, full of spirit, and ready to fight to the death with the red dog.

"This is my brother. Roya laughed. _

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