Whitebeard and childish, the three of them looked at each other at everything that happened on the battlefield, everything was so incredible, one person could be polite to so many people, and it was better to fall behind, and even forced Blackbeard Marshall to do it himself, and some were afraid that they couldn't fight.

And at this time, Whitebeard is rejoicing in everything he has done, sometimes it is Roya who is driven away by himself, maybe he will not know Roya, if they meet in the future, maybe it is not necessary to meet each other.

The whole aura no longer expanded, it seemed to be brewing something, Luo Ya concentrated on releasing the qi that was his own help, and closed his eyes not to look at the world around him. At this time, Blackbeard Marshall jumped down and had reached the top of Roya, this time, he also wanted to use his power to use his overlord color domineering to conquer Roya, which is the overlord color collision.

"He should be fine, right?" Qing Zhi asked anxiously, looking at Luo Yan's feeling of internal and external troubles, and seemed to see his former self.

Roya is actually not clear about the situation of his body, and he has to deal with Marshall, the overlord-colored domineering owner who has swooped down, which is already a big challenge for Roya, and there are close to 200 lifeless old warriors next to the evil, and what is even more hateful is that although there are many whitebeards, it is of no use to Roya, because they have blown to the open sea.

Roya, who could not count on Whitebeard's help, was not afraid at all, and just when it was about to happen, Roya jumped up and punched Blackbeard with all his aura.

Blackbeard didn't expect Roya to suddenly burst out, not to mention that he came towards him with an aura of indiscriminate attack. But according to his overlord color, domineering aura, he offset most of Roya's damage.

After the surrounding space accommodated Luo Ya and Black Beard at the same time, it began to become dim and irrelevant, and the overlord-colored collision space flashed purple one after another, as well as dark red.

"Look, is that lightning?" Childish Hades Reilly.

Hades Renly was also observing the battle, from initial worry to worry to current relief and admiration for Roya, his state of mind began to change, and the man in front of him was growing rapidly at an immeasurable growth rate.

He seems to have decided from now on that he is One Piece, "Roa is One Piece." "

"I also think that his ascension to the throne of the Pirate King is just around the corner." Qing Zhi said happily.

"Look at that space torn apart by them!" The man on the whitebeard bed said happily, thinking that Roa on his side would win this battle.

But Edward, who knew Blackbeard and Whitebeard for a long time, shook his head and said worriedly, "You are all too optimistic, Roa is just a junior overlord-colored domineering, for a mature overlord-colored domineering, and for Blackbeard Marshall, this is nothing at all!" "

Hearing Whitebeard's words, a look of concern appeared on the faces of Qingzhi and Hades, but the others did not think so.

Someone chirped, "How is it possible, Luo Ya is so powerful, he is simply the elite of the elite." "

Facts speak louder than words, and Roa was thrown out violently and descended straight down to one of Blackbeard's boats. _

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