When the sun rose again, the Roa Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates parted ways, although they were friendly with each other, but after all, they were two pirate groups, and Loa they had more important things to do.

"Are you really leaving?" Whitebeard couldn't bear to let the three of them go, because he felt very happy around the three of them who were very righteous.

Luo Ya smiled and nodded, "I'm sorry for delaying you a lot of time, and let you rush over to save us." "

"Anyway, how did you know that something happened here and you came to help us?" Qing Zhi asked suspiciously.

Whitebeard laughed, "To be honest, there is a mysterious person who told us that you are in danger, so that we can come to you, otherwise we may not find you, and we will not know what happened to you." "

"Don't listen to him, in fact, he can't worry about the three of you against their Blackbeard group. So I followed you here, and then I saw that there was a situation in the inland sea. The white-bearded first mate said with a laugh.

Whitebeard heard this and smiled awkwardly, and Luo Ya laughed too.

"Thank you for your recent care, you are a friend to be made." Roa smiled and shook hands with Whitebeard in thanks.

What Whitebeard did in his hometown was obvious to the three of them, but what a free pirate should do.

"That is, the friends I know from Hades may not be able to make deep friends? If you know that I have been friends with Whitebeard for decades, I don't know who he is, is a free pirate who has done good deeds without leaving a name. Hades laughed.

Whitebeard was a little excited when he heard it, "The word free pirate, pirate should be free and eclectic." "

"Yes, synonymous with freedom and eclecticism. Like Blackbeard, I feel a little eerie. Qingzhi shuddered at the thought of Blackbeard.

"He's the scum of society, how can he be nominated with pirates? That's not a real pirate, and there can't be a real pirate in the list. He's like a rat crossing the street, and everyone shouts and beats. Whitebeard snorted to express his dissatisfaction with Blackbeard's actions.

As soon as Luo Ya thought of Blackbeard, he immediately thought of the baby girl, "I don't know if Luo Neng can save his daughter, what I want to do is to help him, I think he can't do it alone." Help the little girl to the end, I don't want the little girl to be hurt in any way. "

"Yes, there are only two of them left in this town, and I hope that both of them will be safe." Qingzhi said, "As the last bloodline of the town, it can't be lost in the hands of Blackbeard, otherwise who will ask him for this blood sea feud." "

"I'll ask him for it, he's done so many bad things, don't want to get away with it." Hades Renly, as the only survivor of the former victim, gritted his teeth at Blackbeard.

"Yes, but it is not enough to have you alone, the witnesses of the blood and sea feud in this town should also have the blood of this town, such as their two fathers and daughters." Qing Zhi shook her head and said with a frown. _

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