Luo Ya is already beginning to think about how to solve the little girl's problem, after all, if you want to investigate the girl's background, to a large extent, you must investigate the source of the slave through Draco, the slave owner.

Originally, I thought that by choosing this clue, I could directly find out Keliah's past, but this road seems to be no longer accessible.

"There must be other ways." Roa thought with a frown.

Qingzhi heard Luo Ya talking to himself, "What's wrong?" What a heavenly path, have you already figured out a way to help Kallia? "

When the little girl heard what Qingzhi said, she immediately stewed only Kazilan's big eyes and looked over, and her burning eyes took in Luo Ya's eyes. Seeing the little girl's hot eyes, Luo Ya couldn't bear to fight the hope that the little girl had just sprouted.

"There must be a way, after all, there is a saying that there is a saying that there are more solutions than difficulties. But we need to look for clues, go to Draco. Roya furrowed her brows, then smiled and said to the little girl.

Qingzhi immediately vetoed it, "Not to mention his discrimination against other races, it is the holy place where they are, how can Mary Joa be a place where ten thousand people can enter casually?" No, this method is really not feasible. "

Hades Renly said very bloodily, "I don't believe anything that can't be directly hit." "

"This is even more impossible, the Holy Land of Mary Joa is originally a red earth continent that is difficult to attack, not to mention that there are many heavily guarded places. Do you think it's just like this, it's wrong, it's a big mistake, I used to be in the navy, and I know that another function of the navy, dragon people. Qing Zhi said.

Hades Renly still didn't believe it, and then he seemed to remember something in a trance, which race was related to the world government? "

"Yes, the race related to the world government is the Draco, and the admiral is subordinate to the world government, so his other function is that the dignity of the dragon is inviolable." Qing Zhi swallowed a mouthful of water and said, "When the dignity of the Tianlong people is violated, the admiral must come out to settle these things. So if you touch him, it is tantamount to a war with the Navy. "

"Is it so serious? Is there no other way? "Hades Renly is still not dead," this group of scum who think they rule the world, and think that they are superior, are actually just moths of society. "

"Is it difficult for my wish to come true?" Keria was a little unhappy after hearing this, "They are really powerful, and we are all afraid of him." "

"Draco who think they are slaves of other races, in fact, we all hate them, even if they are navies, they don't put them in their eyes, in a word, except for themselves, others are nothing in their eyes." Qing Zhi frowned and said, "But there is no way, the Navy must perform the functions of the Navy, which is also something that we are very disgusted with but very helpless." "

"Keliah, you have to know that there will always be a way in the world, even if it is a noble Draco on the other side, we will find a way to communicate with him, or use other ways to obtain the information we want to know. Don't be discouraged, don't be discouraged, the world is still beautiful. Roa still said with a smile. _

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