The Fishman Evil Dragon Pirate Group has an impact on the village, and it is not something that can be eliminated in a moment.

Especially the people who have been cleaning up in the port these days, the stump and broken arm on the ground stimulate their nerves all the time.

The bodies need to be disposed of as soon as possible, otherwise the plague will soon breed, the facilities of the port will have to be restored, and the bloodstained soil on the ground will have to be shoveled.

In the past few days, the village policeman Ah Jian has been busy and can't stop.


At the moment, the direction of the port.

Hey, hey!

Accompanied by the trumpet, a group of people dragged the cable and pulled up the half-cut pirate ship in the sea little by little.

This ship is too big, and if it is placed here, it will block the entire port, and if the port is to be rebuilt, it will need a lot of resources.

On this boat, the good planks were just ready to use, and the villagers decided to salvage them and dismantle them.

Fortunately, there was a ready-made trench cut by Roya, and even the water was drawn, otherwise it would not be so easy.

Thanks to the efforts of the villagers, the whole boat was pulled up.

"Everyone take a break. Ah Jian announced.

Some women around came up and handed water to busy villagers.

"What a mighty power!" the villagers resting around sighed as they looked at the trenches that spread all the way to the port.

If someone had told them that it had been cut off, he would have slapped it out.

Even Belmel, who had participated in the navy, had never seen such a strong man.

Luoya's appearance can be said to break their three views and let them know: It turns out that the world is so big.

It turns out that human beings can also have the great power to destroy mountains and mountains, draw knives and cut off seas.

Suddenly, a group of people looked at the sea not far away, their eyes were full of fanaticism, and their hearts were about to move.

In the crowd, a woman who knew Belmer as if she had received some news.

Whispered in Belmel's ear: "Someone is beating the idea of your family." "

"What?" Bermel was a little surprised, who was so bold after seeing Roya's strength.

"Someone wants to pull the family. Realizing that Belmer had misunderstood, the woman explained.

"Isn't that a good thing?" But is it serious, so small?

"Are you really stupid or fake stupid. There are two of you in your family, and you don't take advantage of the opportunity to take people down. The woman said.

"They're all so small?" Belmer held his forehead, really admiring this group of people, this method came up with.

"So how big do you think that one is?" the woman asked rhetorically.

Bermel was stunned, it was really Roya's temperament that made people ignore his age, and was reminded of this, as if...

"I won't let you take care of my business. As if thinking of something, Bermel chose to end this dangerous topic.

"Don't regret losing it..." the woman looked at Bermel, her face hatred not steel.


Luo Ya didn't know Xiao Jiujiu, a villager of Coco Yaxi Village, who was diving under the pier at the moment.

No, or not diving, it should be said that 'standing' in the water, this statement may not be appropriate, but it is very suitable for Roya's feelings at this time.

Being in the water at the moment gives him the feeling of standing on the ground!

On the day he killed Aaron, Roa copied a B-tier fishman talent.

After these two days of adaptation, he finally became thoroughly familiar with the human constitution of fish. And raised it to the A rank.

The A-order fish physique gives him the ability to breathe underwater, this feeling is amazing, obviously there is no gill-like structure of the fish man, but he can breathe freely in the water, just like on land, and even the strength has not been affected.

It's like being born to live in the sea.

He can even control some fish in the sea.

Luo Ya was wondering if if he would gain the ability to control the Sea King class like Aquaman if he rose to the S rank.

A few days ago, Ah Jian informed everyone to come to the dock to claim something, and Luo Ya also learned that his boat was actually sunk.

There were a lot of things in his cabin, and after a few days of salvage, only a few boxes were fished up, and the brocade box containing the devil fruit had disappeared without a trace.

At this time, a group of unknown small fish surrounded Roa, who could sense their thoughts and even give simple orders.

This is a group of clownfish-like fish, with big bubbling eyes and simple thinking,.. Well, it should be said that it is silly.

Roa tried to make them search under the water for sinking chests and brocade boxes, and these silly roe deer returned again and again without knowing what the hell was.

Seaweed, floating boards, stones, and even once a fishman's head.

For these silly fish, Luo Ya no longer has the slightest expectation.

It's not that Luo Ya didn't think about changing a fish, but other fish are more stupid, they know to eat, Luo Ya communicates, and a mouth is hungry.

In this way, it seems that the clown fish in front of him has a lot of clear eyebrows, at least he can communicate a little.

This time, many clownfish give back a message at the same time.

Roya decided to go there and take a look.

Following the clownfish, Roa soon came to a trench.

At the edge of the position, sure enough, I saw several boxes, and even the brocade box was there.

But what's a little wrong is that these things seem to have been specially collected.

Luo Ya did not act rashly, but looked at the reef behind him, and saw that the domineering launch was launched.

I saw that Roya clearly 'saw' a fish nearly 100 meters long behind the reef.

This is a small sea king in the shape of a goldfish.

As if sensing the approaching creatures around him, a pair of lantern-shaped fish eyes opened, like a searchlight.

When he saw Roya, his pupils flashed, and then he swam up.

Luo Ya did not attack, and the goldfish on the opposite side also stared at Roya, and then.

Came up and rubbed!


Reaching out and touching it, Luo Ya found that this sea king felt unexpectedly good. It's kind of like touching silk satin.

Roa tried to give him orders, and then the sea king swam down and brought the box in front of Roya.

Lantern stared at Luo Ya stunned, as if inviting credit.

Nice job!

Touch it with a fish head....

After thinking about it, Roa rode directly on its back and ordered it to float.

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