With a fishing rod in his left hand and a bucket filled with whitebait in his right, Roa returned to the dojo.

At this moment, the time was close to evening, and the light was a little wrong.

Luo Ya estimated that the students should be out of class in a while, just in time.

After bringing the bucket of whitebait in his hand to the logistics office and letting them handle it and add meals to everyone, Roa returned to his small courtyard.

On the way, Roa also stopped by and said hello to Solon, who was running laps around the dojo.

"Good afternoon, Solon!" said Roa as he greeted Solon who passed by.

"Hmph!" Solon snorted, leaving only the back of his head a green algae, and continued to run forward without raising his head, his ass twisting and twisting.

I don't know if I was disdainful or too lazy to reply.

Touching his nose, Luo Ya was a little sarcastic, and decided to let this bear child's ass blossom next time....

Back to the courtyard.

"Come back!" Gu Yina was practicing her sword in the courtyard at the moment, and when she saw Luo Ya walking in from outside, she suddenly shouted in surprise.

"Well, I'm back, I'll have a surprise for dinner!" Roya gently pinched Gu Yina's little Joan's nose.

Perhaps because of the recent exercise, Gu Yina's little face is still slightly drunk, and she looks very cute.

"Uh-huh!" slapped Roya's hand away, and Guina looked at the fishing rod that Roa was holding in her other hand.

"You went fishing?"

"No wonder I haven't seen you for a day. "

"Well, wait for the hurry, next time I go, I will definitely take you with me." Luo Ya looked at Gu Yina's face slightly dark, maybe this little nizi thought that she was going to the sea to play, and she didn't take her with her, and she felt a little disappointed.

"Hmph, who is waiting for you, I just happened to be practicing swords here, and I just happened to meet you back. Guina wouldn't admit that she had been waiting here for Roa for a day.

However, hearing Roya's promise, there was also a little surprise in my heart.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Roya smiled and looked at the broken dummy in the yard, and did not debunk it.

"Hey, is the master there? I have something to do with the master. Roya turned his voice and asked Gu Yina.

"At this time, I should still be watching the other trainees in the dojo, and I guess they are coming back soon." Gu Yina looked at the sky, estimated it in her heart for a while, and said.

"Are you looking for your father?" asked Guina casually.

Roa nodded, he was thinking all the way about whether to tell Koshiro about killing Draco about him.

After thinking about it for a long time, he decided to tell Koshiro about it.

There will definitely be a turbulent period in the East China Sea next, and once the news of the disappearance of the Draco people spreads, there will definitely be some bulls, ghosts, snakes and gods popping up, which need to be dealt with in advance.

In the event that someone runs over and Koshiro doesn't know why he makes a move, it is easy to be suspected of coming to the door.

Nowadays, the stronger the person, the easier it is to be targeted.

Luo Ya decided to keep a low profile as much as possible during this period of time, and then go out when the turmoil almost subsided.

Seeing that Koshiro was not there, Luo Ya was not in a hurry, so he simply chatted with Guina in the courtyard and waited for him to return.


"What did you catch at sea?" the two found a place to sit, and Guina looked at Loa and asked.

"A big bucket of whitebait, such a big bucket. Roa smiled and stretched out his hands to make a big gesture in the sky. As if to say, that barrel it is big and round!

"Bragging, and fishing so much?" Guina looked at Roa with wide eyes, as if to say, you continue to blow, I listen.

Whitebait Guina has also eaten, and the delicacy is unforgettable, and every time at the festival, Koshiro occasionally buys a few.

Every time, Gu Yina could see the corners of Kooshiro's mouth twitching slightly, but he forced a smile.

This Kendo Grandmaster's leather bag is not bulging, and it is estimated that there should be some flesh pain in his heart!

"You'll know in a minute, everyone has a share. Roya didn't argue, and smiled mysteriously at Gu Yina.

At this time, the sound of footsteps from the courtyard gradually approached, and the two looked in the direction of the door.

I saw Koshiro slowly nibbling on a grilled silverfish, his steps floating slightly, and he was still humming a ditty in his mouth.

His eyes narrowed delicately, and he seemed to enjoy it.

Feeling the gaze, Koshiro looked at Roa and Guina, who were sitting not far away with strange faces.

The old man blushed, and carried the remaining half of the grilled fish in his hand behind him without a trace.

Coughing lightly, hiding the small embarrassment in his heart, Koshiro looked at Roya and said, "It's back!"

"Well, since the master likes it, the disciple will catch more next time he goes to sea. Luo Ya said with a strange face.

"It's good to have this heart. Koshiro nodded, straightening his slightly slanted eyes on the wings of his nose.

See Koshiro return.

Luo Ya returned the fishing rod in his hand to Koshiro, and smiled at Gu Yina on the side: "Gu Yina, can you help me have dinner with the master?"

"Ah!" Guina was stunned for a moment, then reacted. "Of course it's fine. "

Guina left, and soon Roa and Koshiro were left in the courtyard.

Koshiro looked at Roya, he knew that Roa was consciously supporting Guina.

"Follow me!"

The two found a quiet room and sat down opposite each other.

"Say, is there something going on?" asked Koshiro, looking at Roya across from him, "Is it about Guina?"

"No!" said Roa shaking his head,

In the next second, the words were amazing, causing Koshiro to spew out all the tea in his mouth.

"When I went to sea just now, I killed Draco!"

Roya's tone was flat, as if he had killed a chicken.



Listening to Luo Ya's shocking words, all the tea in Kooshiro's mouth spewed out, and he quickly turned his head to avoid spraying Luo Ya's face.

"Hahaha!" Koshiro looked at the disciple in front of him, as if he had a lot of humor after a trip to the sea, "Where did you hear about that?"

"What I said is true!" said Roya, shaking his head.

"Really?" Looking at Roya, Koshiro's face gradually became solemn.

"Are you right?"

"Well, confirmed it's Draco. "


A ripple centered on Koshiro quickly covered the entire dojo.

Koshiro took a deep breath, he didn't expect that Luo Ya had just been out for a long time and came up with such a thing.

He didn't ask Roa why, now that he knew the result, the important thing was how to deal with the follow-up.

"Do you have a living mouth?" Kenshiro's brows furrowed deeply, his tone murderous.

"No," Roya said with certainty, "all traces have been cleared." "

"Whew!" With a slight sigh of relief, Koshiro nodded and said:

"During this time, you will stay in the dojo and don't go anywhere. "

"Wait until you calm down. "

Looking at the departing Roya, Koshiro took the teacup and drank it.

Back in his room, Koshiro took out a phone bug from a hidden location.....

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