In the East China Sea, since the news came out a few days ago, everything has become tense, as if there is an invisible smoke filling the air.

All kinds of cows, ghosts, snakes, and gods can't wait to jump out.

The pirate group, which had disappeared for a long time, appeared like spring shoots during this time, all of them were recruiting in the name of killing Draco.

The result really made him form a lot of power. And one is more ruthless than the other; Draco who killed less than two digits are embarrassed to say it.

There were even a few people with bubble heads running out, claiming that they were the missing Draco and doing evil everywhere.

The result is no surprise, these people have not lived happily for a few days, all of them have been wiped out by a group of mysterious mask people, and their deaths are miserable.

Along with the annihilation, countless underground forces in the East China Sea were wiped out, and even those close to the East China Sea were affected by the pond fish.

And on this day, in the eyes of ordinary residents, another big event happened.

There was actually a group of men in black suits who made a big fuss about 17 branches, and then these mysterious people fought with an old man in beach pants.

Afterwards, the 17th branch did not issue any statement, as if these things had never happened.

Branch 17, Eric, with a bandage on his hand, sat in the office with Karp who arrived.

If it hadn't been for Ka Pu who rushed over, Eric would have been more seriously injured.

"I'm late!" Karp looked at Eric with his arm dangling, anger flashing in his eyes. "Those people are really going too far. "

"No, you just came, otherwise because of this, how could I be so idle now. Eric smiled indifferently.

"Instead, you beat the two of them into serious injuries, I'm afraid you won't be able to please this matter." "

"Not dead yet, is it?" said Karp shaking his head and didn't care, he even felt light.

"Did you investigate something?" asked Karp. "Who the hell did this?"

"No, those people are biting like mad dogs," Eric raised his arm and laughed. "Donghai still needs you to watch! I can't do it now!"

"Don't worry, with me, they don't dare to mess around." Karp nodded and hurried to the dock.

On the route of the Goya Kingdom, several large warships flying the flag of the world government are traveling in this sea area at this moment.

There are also small boats searching around, and every inch of space is not spared.

The sea has been completely blocked, and no ships are allowed to pass through.

On the battleship, a group of people with faces were sitting around at this moment.

Looking at the intelligence in front of him, a white-faced man said. "According to the last communication, the ship of Sanctis Charmarco should have disappeared in this sea. "

The man circled the sea around the map and continued;

"But we searched the whole sea and still found nothing, not even a single plank. "

"Could it be sinking to the bottom of the sea?" asked a tall, red-faced, thin.

"No, even the bottom of the sea we checked several times and found nothing. "

"Have the surrounding islands gone up to explore?"

"The vicinity is uninhabited, and it takes more than 10 hours to sail at full speed to the nearest island. Despite Karp's obstruction, it was impossible to arrest people for interrogation. But we confirmed that there were no strangers or ships around!"

"That is, all the people on that ship mysteriously disappeared?!!"

Suddenly everyone was silent for a while, although they couldn't believe it, however, this was the case.

There are two official members of them and two squads, who can silently eliminate them, and no information comes out, such a strength, I am afraid that those forces in the new world can do it.

But the redhead left before, and there was no force to enter the East China Sea during this time, even with these spy elites, they were scratching their heads at the moment.

"Is there a clue where the bounty is?"

"No, it's all some fluke thinking of scamming the bounty, and some are fake news. There is nothing of value. A man in black reported.

In the past few days, they have cleaned up countless trash fish, and these organizations are all organizations that want to fish in troubled waters.

Including the news that they claimed to have killed Draco, or claimed to be Draco, it was all false and wasted a lot of their energy.

"What about Branch 17?"

"The old man wasn't very cooperative, and Karp was there, and both of us were seriously injured. "

"Kapu..." the man in the white mask paused before continuing.

"How is the investigation over there in the Goya Kingdom!"

"There was a mysterious organization operating before, and there is no news yet. "

"Expand the search again, and at the same time, scatter all the spies. "

"The whole East China Sea will be turned over and found for me.....

As soon as the words fell, a man in a suit hurried over with information.


One person took the above information and suddenly frowned.

CP0 next to him also took the intelligence and looked at it, "This is the intelligence from the Goya Kingdom?"

I saw that the head of the dragon above was impressively listed, it seemed to have been taken on a street corner, and the dazzling fire just illuminated the tattoo under the hood of the hat, otherwise it would really not have been found.

As soon as they saw that obvious sign, everyone immediately recognized it, but they had been dealing with this person all along, and they were no longer familiar.

"If it is this one who strikes, then Charmarco Saint will be less fierce!"

"This also explains why we can't find a trace, and with this person's ability, we can do it." "

"Do you want to report it directly?"

"Report it!"

After a month of fruitless investigation in the East China Sea.

The CP0 organization was hastily transferred back by the world government.

Kaido that guy didn't know what was crazy and stimulated, and actually ran to attack Draco, if one more died, the world government would really lose face.

The five old stars could only call these people back.


As Long expected, the revolutionary army was listed as the first target of suspicion, who let him appear at the time and place too coincidentally!

The news of the Draco was originally confidential, and with the guards equipped with the ship, the dragon and the revolutionary army could do it.

In addition, the revolutionary army was originally the mortal enemy of the world government, and it also personally planned rebellions in many kingdoms.

Attacking the Draco was completely in line with their reasons and purposes.

The matter of Chalmark St. was credited by the world government to the head of the revolutionary army.

But for some reason, the world government did not spread the news, but some people with intentions noticed that the dragon's bounty suddenly doubled twice, and there was a slight guess in their hearts.

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