One Piece: Supreme Control

Chapter 229 - black beard

On the warship, Yang Qing followed Asuna's hind feet into the cabin of the warship.

With a sneer, Asuna lit the candle in the cabin, and a light appeared in the dark cabin. Yang Qing came gently in front of Asuna, and the wind-blown candle swayed from side to side. She just wanted to speak, but was pushed back by Asuna.

"Let me, I want to put the lampshade." Asuna's voice was as clear as an oriole, very pleasant to the ears.

Yang Qing touched and touched her nose, quietly watching Asuna do everything, before she said.

"Asuna, me."

"Alright." After Asuna put the lampshade and protected the fragile candle, she pulled the table and chair, and said with a crisp voice towards Yang Qing, "You sit opposite me. Without my permission, you are not allowed." Get close to me."

A little bit dumbfounded, Yang Qing retracted the right hand that pulled Asuna back, and then sat down.

"Now, as a matter of routine, Lucifer Big Pirates, the captain of the Death Pirate Group, what is your purpose in coming to the first half of the Great Channel?" Asuna stared at Yang Qing's face and asked in a deep voice.

"Just come and have a look."

When Asuna was holding paper and pen to write down in detail, Yang Qing said such a casually, causing the latter to frown.

"Please cooperate with my work." Asuna said coldly.

"Okay!" Yang Qing said helplessly, shrugging his shoulders, "I'm here in the first half of the Great Channel. I have some private affairs to do."

"What private matter?" Asuna asked.

"No comment." Yang Qing said.

Asuna gently put the quill on the table, and then said faintly: "Can't you tell me? Lucifer! You came to the first half of the Great Channel, didn't you want to go to the East China Sea? Go to someone in the East China Sea. Take a look on a small island?"

"Could it be that you have forgotten that there is another person waiting for you!"

At the end, Asuna's expression was still calm, but tears were already in her eyes.(Read more @

Yang Qing felt a little flustered. He clearly understood what Asuna was thinking at the moment. After hesitating for a while, he whispered: "Asuna, I'm sorry. I want to go to you, countless times, but. "

He didn't say the second half, saying anything would appear pale and weak.

"So, have you forgotten me?" At this time, Asuna couldn't help it anymore, her resentment broke out and she shouted loudly.

She threw the feather pen in her hand at Yang Qing on the opposite side, and the light feather pen hit Yang Qing's body, and then flew to the ground. Yang Qing bent down and picked up the quill, then slowly stood up, circled around, and came to Asuna's back.

"No." His voice appeared soft, and the quill was placed by Asuna's hand, "How could I forget you."

"No matter who I forget, I will never forget you. I have already determined that you are my wife. How can I forget you."

Asuna shuddered, her head lowered, and crystal tears began to drip. This beautiful woman who appeared to be very determined and powerful in appearance, at this moment, after facing her lover, after a grievance, she finally couldn't help the feeling of longing in her heart and cried in a low voice.

Hearing Asuna's cry, Yang Qing also trembled all over, and then without any hesitation, she hugged the figure in front of her into her arms.

"I'm sorry, Asuna, everything is my fault!" Yang Qing's voice came into Asuna's ears, his chin pressed against Asuna's shoulder, and the familiar fragrance unique to the woman's body was passed on. Entering his nose, there was a touch of nostalgia in his eyes, and the thoughts in his heart exploded at this moment.

He thinks about this woman, very much, thinks about it day and night, how could he not think about it? At this moment, after meeting again, facing each other, the kind of heart throbbing, even if it is not said on the surface, but each other can feel each other.

"Do you know? I miss you so much." Asuna whispered, turned around, hugged Yang Qing, and said crying, "Every time I hear from you, I am happy for you, but at the same time. Face fear, I am afraid that one day you will fall on the way forward, I will never see you again, I will never wait for you again."

"My family has urged me to get married a long time ago, but I can't. For this reason, I quarreled with my parents many times. I told them that my man is an indomitable man, he is conquering the sea and the world, but only by this , I can’t convince them. A reward order is ushered in, but they are even more disgusted. They are not allowed to marry their daughter to a pirate, or even a pirate who will never return!"

Yang Qing's hand tightened, holding the person in his arms tighter.

"So I ran out by myself. I took my brother and ran out together. We were aimless and stupidly trying to move on to the great route."

"In the beginning, we also passed the magical upside-down mountain and saw the whale Rab. From that old man, I got your news. I was very happy and I look forward to meeting you and seeing you even more in my heart."


Yang Qing condensed her eyes and asked loudly, "But what?"

"But we met the pirate." There was sadness on Asuna's face. "My brother Arante was hit hard and he hasn't woken up yet. If it weren't for Lieutenant General Kuras, you might have I can't see me anymore."

Yang Qing's face suddenly changed, and a sharp killing intent appeared in his eyes: "Who is it! Which group of pirates did it?"

"I don't know. There is no flag on their pirate ship. The leader is tall and calls himself Blackbeard! He is very powerful, and he escaped in the hands of Lieutenant General Kuras! Arrant was still in a coma at this time. Without waking up, I couldn't go back to face my parents. With the help of Lieutenant General Kuras, I entered the marines."

Asuna's eyes were full of sadness, and her brother's serious injury made her very self-blame.

"Asuna, I'm sorry!" Yang Qing was very ashamed. If it wasn't for herself, if it wasn't for herself, Asuna would not have encountered such a thing. She almost lost her life, even Arante was still there now In a coma, "and black beard!"

His eyes suddenly became fierce, and what Yang Qing never expected was that it was someone he had never thought of appearing here.

"Marshall D Titch! Blackbeard?"

"The woman who moved me, I won't let you go!"

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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