One Piece: Supreme Control

Chapter 528 - Shoo it's gone

The violent apes rose to the ground one after another, leaping towards the place where Yang Qing was. They were huge, and the distance of a leap was more than ten miles. In almost an instant, he was in front of Yang Qing, and then a small mountain-sized fist crashed down.

In the void, Yang Qing was surrounded by gold and light green lightning, his breath quickly changed between gold and green, but his hair was now golden-green, and his pupils looked colder than before. It's just that the breath of the whole body has exploded to a terrifying state.

"This time the Super Saiyan transformation is sixty times faster!!"

Yang Qing squeezed his fist, a confident light flashed in his eyes. With such a huge power, the blood in his whole body was boiling. He understood that this was the contribution of that drop of ancient Saiyan blood, and the effect was beyond imagination.

At this time, Yang Qing's clothes are in tatters, but her figure is tingling, her expression is cold, and her mental state is full and full of hard to imagine.

Facing the huge fist that suddenly appeared in front of him, Yang Qing's eyes were smiling, his figure just shook, and suddenly, there was only a phantom left in the same place.

"Boom Boom Boom"

A series of sounds came out, and the violent apes who had just jumped in front of him were immediately hit by his powerful force and flew away. It seemed that he didn't expect that this small figure would suddenly have such a powerful power, and the eyes of the violent apes were still a little confused. But immediately after the next moment, a figure with a golden-green light gleaming on top of their heads appeared.

Immediately afterwards, a light blue wave of qigong suddenly became larger, and finally crashed down towards their bodies.


A huge explosion sounded, and the ape was completely vaporized and disappeared under this high-heat energy qigong wave. What is even more shocking is that at the same moment, on the heads of hundreds of violent apes in the field, a Yang Qing appeared one after the other, and their faces were full of smirks. With his right hand sticking out, the light blue Qigong wave gradually formed in his palm.

"Shoo, hoo, hoo"

Densely dense sounds rang into one piece, and successive explosions spread throughout the entire space. For a time, dust was everywhere, flames blasted into the sky, and the entire blood-red world was blazing with flames.

After more than ten seconds, the smoke-filled situation slowly recovered. A powerful and inexplicable figure was exposed with a golden-green light shining all over his body, aura soaring to the sky.

The hundreds of avatars of Yang Qing disappeared one by one. These avatars were all phantoms created because of his too fast speed, not real entities.

Until this time, Yang Qing looked at the empty bloody space in front of him, before he let out a long sigh, with a smile on his face.

"Finally done!"

The next moment, he looked up at the sky, suddenly opened his mouth and let out a loud roar.

"Roar!!"(Read more @

The blood-red sky was suddenly snarled by Yang Qing, knocking open a long gap, twisting and rotating, like a door to the dimension. Without hesitation, Yang Qing rose up into the sky, walked through this door and disappeared into this world.

Subsequently, his consciousness fell into nothingness.

When he opened his eyes again, he saw an unfamiliar scene, and he was taken aback.

After scanning around, Yang Qing understood that he was in a strange building. Most of the objects on the table are in strange diamond shapes, and their use makes him look dumbfounded.

"Where is this place?"

"Am I in the spaceship?"

He stood up slowly, and then saw his upper body naked and naked, with white bandages wrapped around his waist, position, and arms, and he couldn't help but frown.

"I'm injured?"

Yang Qing touched the bandage wrapped around her body, and couldn't remember what happened before she fell into a coma.

Walking to the door of the room, Yang Qing opened the door at once. As soon as he opened the door, a figure came into his eyes.

"Are you?" Yang Qing asked suspiciously, looking at the pretty and slender woman in front of him.

"My name is Angela, your spaceship is broken, I saved you." Angela said with a smile.

Yang Qing realized that when he was attacked by the evil consciousness, the spaceship had some kind of malfunction, and this was called Angela, and the woman who looked like a human had just saved herself.

He looked at Angela carefully, and realized that Angela was not a human being, because she had a pair of small wings on her back.

"Who are you? How could the spaceship crash? If it weren't for me, you would be burned to death in the flames." Angela said worriedly, "What happened to your injuries?"

"Thank you very much." Yang Qing said gratefully, and then he felt himself, "My injury is almost done."

Then, he said embarrassedly: "But I am very hungry now, do you have any food?"

Angela froze for a moment, then laughed: "You have been so badly injured. I didn't expect to wake up and ask for food."

"Hey, if I eat too much, I will recover faster." Yang Qing touched his head and said embarrassedly.

Every Saiyan is actually a big stomach king. The digestion of food can quickly replenish their physical strength and also speed up their recovery from injuries.

Angela asked Yang Qing to enter the room with her, and then opened a diamond-shaped black device. Yang Qing looked dazed and couldn't understand what it was.

But three minutes later, three-meter-high dishes and food as high as a hill came at their door.

"I checked your body data and found that your organs are very strong, so I judged that your appetite should be amazing." Angela smiled and said, "These foods should be able to fill your stomach."

Yang Qing stared at the food outside and started to swallow madly, and then said gratefully: "Thank you so much, I am so grateful!"

"Haha, eat!" Angela said with a smile.


Yang Qing nodded, and then began to gobble up. In less than ten minutes, the things high on the hill had been swept away by him, leaving Angela on the side dumbfounded.

"You are so edible!"

Then, under Yang Qing's surprised eyes, Angela shook her head, pressing one hand on the tableware, but the other hand on her brow.

Then, "shoo" disappeared in front of him.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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