One Piece: Supreme Control

Chapter 571 - One Finger Destroyer

Ordinary Saiyans, because they have experienced war for a long time, are mostly irritable, cold, cruel, and bloody. Even Saiyans who rarely come into contact with combat have a kind personality, but the crazy factors in their blood are present. Especially the newly-born Saiyans, in fact, because of their natural blood, the ancient and violent factors continue to urge instincts, they will be even more fierce.

With the passage of time and growth, this factor will gradually volatilize due to the battle and be controlled.

But what's the matter with this kid in front of me? It was a little bit cruel, and even the evil aura could not be found. Even he, at first glance, almost didn't recognize him.

"Who are you? Why, I feel a familiar breath in you." Monkey King was also a little confused. He glanced at his fart and the tail behind his thigh, and then at Seya's tail.

The two have the same characteristics, but they clearly have an inexplicable connection.

At this time, Klin also found similarities between the two. Their tails and hairstyles are exactly the same.

"Boy, have you even forgotten your identity?" Saiya walked directly over, and the powerful aura slammed into Monkey King, making the latter unable to resist taking a few steps back, "Stupid lower-level fighter, remember your identity, You are a Saiyan!"

"We are the most powerful fighting nation in the universe, Saiyans, a proud and proud nation!"

"As for whose son you are, perhaps the elder knows."

Seia's tone was harsh, and his expression became extremely cold.

There was confusion in Sun Wukong's eyes. He had been on earth consciously from the beginning, instinctively resisting the identity of Saiyan.

"I am not a Saiyan, I am a human!" Monkey King seriously shook his head.

"Boy! You can't learn anything here, just follow me, I will take you back to our Saiyan gathering place, only there, you can grow into a real strong as soon as possible!"

Saiya didn't care what Sun Wukong said. With his powerful power, he could directly overwhelm any Saiyan.

Moreover, his status among Saiyans is also very high. He, the number one master of the younger generation of Saiyans, is almost the strongest among all Saiyans!

"I won't go with you!" Monkey King shook his head vigorously.

"Hmph!" With a cold snort, Seya ignored him, he had to wait for the elder to come out to see how to deal with this kid.

In the wooden house, Yang Qing is discussing each other's martial arts with Guixianren.(Read more @

"Pressure does make people keep moving forward and increase their speed. But in a stressful environment, the spirit is always tight and excessively tight, but it will affect the understanding of martial arts."

"You can imagine if everything in the universe is under constant pressure. Then, what kind of scene would it be?"

Immortal Turtle is explaining his understanding of martial arts. These words are ordinary, but they contain profound principles.

"The sea will be furious under pressure, it will boil, and the tsunami will submerge everything. When the earth is in a tight state, it will crack, cause an earthquake, and volcanoes will erupt. Everything will no longer be calm."

"And when human beings are always tight, they will over-consume his potential and affect his future development."

There was a hint of enlightenment in Yang Qing's eyes. He has been practicing under high pressure for a long time.

"The high-pressure training method may be effective for a while to increase strength and make rapid progress, but in fact, it damages the foundation.

"The way of cultivation has tension and relaxation, lightness and relaxation. It should be happy. It is what you want in your heart, not what you resist, and you will be disgusted when you see it."

A smile appeared on Immortal Turtle's face, he was a little proud, and in some places, he was still better than the opponent.

"I understand. So, what about martial arts? Teacher Wu Tian, ​​what's your understanding?" Yang Qing asked another question.

"Martial arts?" Immortal Turtle glanced at Yang Qing strangely, and then said, "Isn't the so-called martial arts created by simulations based on the movement and predation of beasts in ancient humans?"

"It's a method of martial arts, because the fierce beasts are inherently irrational and have no thoughts, so their every move, lying down and line, is the most in line with nature, that is, the way of heaven. The martial arts we simulated, Naturally, it also has the strongest combat effectiveness."

"As for qi, it is a kind of energy produced by the connection between the human body and the outside world. The use and manipulation of this energy is entirely determined by your heart."

"For example, the color of anger is blue for kind people, and black, green, and red for evil people."

"Qi is also the essence of a person, that is, the breath of the soul."

"The use of Qi is also diverse, and it all depends on how well you understand your own Qi."

Guixian Ren explained to him in detail.

Yang Qing understood thoroughly, and sincerely admired Guixianren. In this regard, even some strong people in the entire universe may not have a thorough understanding of Guixianren.

"Then, Qing, can I ask you how you raised your power to such a terrifying state."

"Although I can't feel how powerful you are, through comparison, I can feel that compared to you, my breath is like this small island, compared to the sea."

Guixian asked curiously.

"Qi in the universe is actually combat effectiveness. There is an instrument called a combat effectiveness tester that can measure the approximate combat effectiveness of each person."

"That is, the energy intensity of the biological explosion in an instant."

"As for being strong, it seems to me to understand that it has something to do with the origin of the organism, which is also the talent. Every organism has its own natural good points, and also has its ultimate strength. This limit restricts one. It is over to the extent that people work hard. Of course, this limit can be broken, but it is extremely difficult.

Yang Qing explained slowly.

The various races in the universe indeed have their own talents. There is no fairness at all. Every race is born with meaning and division of labor. This is produced by the natural operation of the universe, and has its own laws and forms.

"So, is the limit of the living body?" Immortal Turtle sighed, "May I know, what kind of achievements can the powerful races in the universe achieve?"

"For now, let's point out the star!"

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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